View Full Version : Help me please !

09-03-2008, 02:34 PM

My name is Virginie and Coco my grey squirrel have squirrel pox virus and staphylocoque aureus bacteria. He have 3 month and haf. today, he is very sick, this morning her heart stopped and stars after. He is deshydrate. How many liquid gave you at your squirrel. How many time the virus will stop ? I'm sorry my english is not so good ! I give her Baytril and before Amoxicciline. How many food give you at your squirrel in one day.

Thank you so much


Jackie in Tampa
09-03-2008, 02:42 PM
Photograph, picture, camera:camera
Some one will be on soon to help you!:grouphug

09-03-2008, 03:27 PM
Hi Virgie,
How bad are the pox? How do you know the heart stopped? How old is the squirrel. I know you had him/her? for 3 1/2 months but not sure how old when you got it.. How much does he/she weigh?
There are people far more experienced in Pox then me, so they should be around shortly to help. In the mean time if you could answer those questions it might be helpful for them.

Apple Corps
09-03-2008, 04:02 PM
Would someone please consolidate all of these in a new thread - Coco Care