View Full Version : Formula?

08-31-2008, 04:42 PM
i posted a thread a little bit ago and was told to use puppy formula and water for feeding how much of each should i mis together? half and half?

08-31-2008, 04:46 PM
How many days have you had these little guys?

08-31-2008, 04:46 PM
1 part powdered esbilac to 2 parts water.

08-31-2008, 04:48 PM
ive had them since Thursday.. ive been feeding them half goats milkd and half puppy formula.. also whats the propper way to heat them formula?>

08-31-2008, 04:49 PM
and i got the liquid formula also

08-31-2008, 04:54 PM
Mix the Esbilac POWDER 1 part with 2 parts water. Squirrels like their formula pretty warm (NOT HOT) they will stop eating when the formula cools too much. NEVER microwave the formula! If you want to keep it warm set your container with the formula in another container that has hot water in it. Still be careful not to feed hot formula. It will heat up quickly sitting in a bath of hot water. Be sure to hold your squirrel upright or lying down on its tummy. Don't let them lean back.

08-31-2008, 04:57 PM
Then dilution is NOT necessary. Be very careful using the liquid as it spoils easily. Powder is much more cost effective also. You may need to freeze the Esbilac liquid in an ice tray so you can use it a cube at a time. Look on the can and see how many hours it lasts in the refrigerator.

08-31-2008, 10:54 PM
Thank you all for the advise. :thankyou I've taken into consideration all the circumstances.. and i decided to take them to a vet earlier today with my mom. the vet said they both looked healthy and that the yellow poo was just from the formula :sanp3 so i switched it up taking out the goats milk. I'm not worried about the cost i know it will be worth it. and my back yard is going to be a great place to release them it has a lot of big oak trees i know they will love. i plan on building a cage in the back for when they get big enough for release i'll keep you updated!

09-01-2008, 10:43 AM
Here's some pictures of my little boys i took them this morning after feeding! =]





09-01-2008, 10:49 AM
OMG, so tiny!!! xxxxoooo :D :Love_Icon

09-01-2008, 11:43 AM
What precious little tiny ones!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon You are doing a great job!!!!:thumbsup Keep the pictures coming!

09-01-2008, 01:36 PM
thanks ill be sure that i do as they keep getting bigger! Could Someone please tell me when i can post in the Nursery? :D

09-01-2008, 02:29 PM
i just cant post a new thread? it says...

dustinn91, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
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09-01-2008, 02:42 PM
I cant start a thread or post any reply's yet.