08-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Hello, I am looking for a little help and advice. I was bitten by a squirrel yesterday while golfing. The little fella got under the golf cart and did not want to leave. I was not going to risk hurting him and wanted to make sure he was gone before I took off to the next hole. He was sitting directly infront of the tire under the cart so I picked him up to move him, he did not try to run. My golf buddy took the 2 pictures attached. After I picked him up I could see how sick or old he looked.
I didn't relize that he had even bitten me until a few holes later when I found 2 small puncture marks on my thumb. Today I went to the doctor for him to look at the bite. The doctor recommended that I get a rabies shot when I told them that the squirrel looked old/sick with his eyelids almost shut and pussing. For a rabies shot they made me go to the ER. At the ER they told me that squirrels cannot get rabies and just gave me a tetanus shot and antibiotic, then sent me home.
I have been doing a lot of looking for myself because I know the rabies virus is deadly if not treated. So here are my questions:
1- can you really get rabies from a squirrel?
2- can anyone tell if the little guy has pox (I know the pictures are not the best)
3- is there any other disease that would cause swollen eyes with puss discharging?
4- could this little fella just be really old
Please, if you have any input let me know. I plan on going by the golf course in the morning to see if I can find him again to take him by a vet and take more pictures of him.
I really do not want him tested for rabies because they will kill him, but I too do not want to have rabies. If I can get more picture of him I will post them too. Please help if you can.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you if you want to email me directly please use I can also email the pictures for a better look, I had to shrink them to put them on here.
Thank you again,
I didn't relize that he had even bitten me until a few holes later when I found 2 small puncture marks on my thumb. Today I went to the doctor for him to look at the bite. The doctor recommended that I get a rabies shot when I told them that the squirrel looked old/sick with his eyelids almost shut and pussing. For a rabies shot they made me go to the ER. At the ER they told me that squirrels cannot get rabies and just gave me a tetanus shot and antibiotic, then sent me home.
I have been doing a lot of looking for myself because I know the rabies virus is deadly if not treated. So here are my questions:
1- can you really get rabies from a squirrel?
2- can anyone tell if the little guy has pox (I know the pictures are not the best)
3- is there any other disease that would cause swollen eyes with puss discharging?
4- could this little fella just be really old
Please, if you have any input let me know. I plan on going by the golf course in the morning to see if I can find him again to take him by a vet and take more pictures of him.
I really do not want him tested for rabies because they will kill him, but I too do not want to have rabies. If I can get more picture of him I will post them too. Please help if you can.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you if you want to email me directly please use I can also email the pictures for a better look, I had to shrink them to put them on here.
Thank you again,