View Full Version : 3 or 4 weeks old, suddenly has loose stools
08-06-2006, 09:12 PM
This is going to be long because I want to be exact in the details. Thanks in advance for reading this!
Today is Sunday. On Friday, late afternoon, my husband and another relative cut down some dead trees for firewood. One of the trees has a squirrel nest. I went to check it out, thinking of how to put the squirrels so the mom could see. But the 3 babies were nearly dead - very cold, bones showing, breathing so slow (on the verge of agonal). Also, they were covered with fleas. One died right there, another died within a few hours, and I am wrtiting about the third.
Male, maybe 3 weeks (eyes closed, pink belly but lots of colored, flat fur on the top side. Gray squirrel. I picked off all the fleas, warmed it in my hands, rubbed it vigorously, then fed it Hartz kitten food formula, really thin. It sucked and swallowed very feebly. After 4 hours, it peed (stimulation would bring the pee one little drop at a time, very little urine though). I did this pretty much all night (went home and checked online). This whole time, the squirrel looked dead... absolutely floppy.
First thing next morning, I bought Pedialyte. I took turns between using the pet-bottle (with a hole cut in it) and a 1 cc dropper. I kept giving both liquids... probably 3 to 1 pedialyte to formula. The skin on the back was still very saggy and would stay tented, the whole body was limp. But it started pooping, brown well-formed pellets. And the pee was coming regularly. I offered nutrition to the squirrel more than once an hour..usually the sucking was weak, like 2 or 3 swallows and then lots of nudging before the next swallow. The pooping and peeing stayed good, but only a few times did the squirrel feel strong (squirming and pushing). Usually it looked dead. Quick shallow breaths, and a little popping sound in the chest.
I am keeping it upright when I feed it, watching for aspiration. TODAY: I'm pushing the Pedialyte. This morning, the squirrel was cold (I didn't keep the lamp close enough). I warmed it and just kept up. As soon as the stores opened I bought some liquid Esbilac. Another formula I have is Wysong 'mother's milk', but the squirrel gags on it. Every 45 minutes or less, I push Pedialyte and formula. Toward the end of the day, the squirrel's vigor began to improve....almost no floppiness, and it sucks on the syringe or bottle (still using both). Urine is coming copiously , and I could actually see more 'meat' on the body. Belly is getting round (not TOO round, I don't think).
Anyway..right when the health began to improve, the stool became loose. Sort of orangey and sticky and unformed. I have been caring for this baby (seems like forever!!!) and I want it to live. Please help me...why are the stools loose? Why is the skin still sort of 'tentable'? What should I do next? And.... how long can I sleep between feedings? Up to now I have gotten up every 2 hours or less.
Thank you!!!!!
island rehabber
08-06-2006, 09:45 PM
This is going to be long because I want to be exact in the details. Thanks in advance for reading this!
Today is Sunday. On Friday, late afternoon, my husband and another relative cut down some dead trees for firewood. One of the trees has a squirrel nest. I went to check it out, thinking of how to put the squirrels so the mom could see. But the 3 babies were nearly dead - very cold, bones showing, breathing so slow (on the verge of agonal). Also, they were covered with fleas. One died right there, another died within a few hours, and I am wrtiting about the third.
Male, maybe 3 weeks (eyes closed, pink belly but lots of colored, flat fur on the top side. Gray squirrel. I picked off all the fleas, warmed it in my hands, rubbed it vigorously, then fed it Hartz kitten food formula, really thin. It sucked and swallowed very feebly. After 4 hours, it peed (stimulation would bring the pee one little drop at a time, very little urine though). I did this pretty much all night (went home and checked online). This whole time, the squirrel looked dead... absolutely floppy.
First thing next morning, I bought Pedialyte. I took turns between using the pet-bottle (with a hole cut in it) and a 1 cc dropper. I kept giving both liquids... probably 3 to 1 pedialyte to formula. The skin on the back was still very saggy and would stay tented, the whole body was limp. But it started pooping, brown well-formed pellets. And the pee was coming regularly. I offered nutrition to the squirrel more than once an hour..usually the sucking was weak, like 2 or 3 swallows and then lots of nudging before the next swallow. The pooping and peeing stayed good, but only a few times did the squirrel feel strong (squirming and pushing). Usually it looked dead. Quick shallow breaths, and a little popping sound in the chest.
I am keeping it upright when I feed it, watching for aspiration. TODAY: I'm pushing the Pedialyte. This morning, the squirrel was cold (I didn't keep the lamp close enough). I warmed it and just kept up. As soon as the stores opened I bought some liquid Esbilac. Another formula I have is Wysong 'mother's milk', but the squirrel gags on it. Every 45 minutes or less, I push Pedialyte and formula. Toward the end of the day, the squirrel's vigor began to improve....almost no floppiness, and it sucks on the syringe or bottle (still using both). Urine is coming copiously , and I could actually see more 'meat' on the body. Belly is getting round (not TOO round, I don't think).
Anyway..right when the health began to improve, the stool became loose. Sort of orangey and sticky and unformed. I have been caring for this baby (seems like forever!!!) and I want it to live. Please help me...why are the stools loose? Why is the skin still sort of 'tentable'? What should I do next? And.... how long can I sleep between feedings? Up to now I have gotten up every 2 hours or less.
Thank you!!!!!
Momshea, take a deep breath and STOP feeding the baby. In my opinion -- and I am neither an expert nor even long-experienced, you have succeeded in hydrating this baby through your diligent efforts and now you are bordering on bloating him. STOP....take a deep stools are GOOD. They are soft because he's being fed too often. Stick with the Esbilac, no Pedialyte for now. You don't want to do Pedialyte for extended periods -- people on this board have lost squirrels by doing that. Weigh the baby on a gram scale....drop the last number off his weight and then divide the remaining number in half. That is how many cc's of Esbilac he should get, every 4 hours if he's three weeks old! (If he weighs 100 grams, drop the last zero to get 10, half of 10 is 5. 5 cc's of Esbilac is his perfect amount.) Relax....get some more is good and if you don't overfeed his stools will be more formed again. You've made a valiant effort and you saved him!! Now let's get him all grown up right. :peace :grouphug
08-06-2006, 10:03 PM
Island Rehabber...thank you so much for responding. I feel lost because I don't know how this squirrel should be acting. I was certain that floppy and dead-looking was wrong. But now... although the skin is still sort of loose ... the baby is squirmy, pushing with it feet and drinking better, I want to be sure that everything is okay.
What do you think about the different formulas? I am cutting formula to be like 3/1 or 4/1 water to formula. Do ou think Esbilac is best?
You told me to take a deep breath, lol. I am still putting that off! I shopped today for a heating pad (I had limited time), but the only ones I saw were ones that shut off after 60 or 120 minutes. So again, tonight, I have to rely on a 60 watt bulb. Last night I didn't get it right... at the 1 am feeding, the baby felt too warm to me, so I took the lamp further away. My husband didn't get me up at 4:30 like I told him, so I jolted awake at 6 and found a very cold squirrel.
Wow... all the care and concern I am putting in to this tiny little hing with the adorable long toes... I can see why some people insist on keeping their squirrels. I don't have that plan. I just want to see this through... from starving and flea-ridden to fat and happy.
Please explain how over-use of Pedialyte could hurt.
island rehabber
08-06-2006, 10:29 PM
I'm going to PM you, OK? See you in a few minutes....
08-06-2006, 10:33 PM
I really hate these new automatic shut-off heating pads. Don't these manufacturers understand that there are baby squirrels out there depending on their help??
You can get small one-use hand warmers at walmart or hunting stores. They are about the size of your hand or smaller, very flat. You just open them, shake them, and they'll give about 10 to 12 hours of heat. Just be sure to wrap it in something, and be sure the baby can move towards or away from it when he needs to. For tonight, you might want to make a 'rice buddy' for him to snuggle with - that'll give him a source of heat as well as comfort.
Yes, definately keep him on Esbilac. Do you have the powder or the liquid? For the powder, you are aiming for a 2 parts water to 1 part powder strength, but you might want to start out with it weaker than that at first and slowly take him up to full strength.
Sounds like you are doing a great job so far - good luck to you both,
island rehabber
08-06-2006, 10:41 PM
Right, I forgot about those hand warmers and I always carry them with me in the trunk of the car. They are wonderful for when you don't have access to a heating pad or microwave disk! Good thinking, muffinsqirrel. :thumbsup
08-06-2006, 10:56 PM
It feels like Christmas... I actually have a few of those handwarmers! Thanks for suggesting them.
Man... this squirrel is cute. He isn't cute like a little baby squirrel with bright eyes - it's more like the cuteness of a little skinny alien who stretches his toes way up past his head. I feel so silly because I am not normally an 'oh, so darling!' kind of person. But I actually feel like 'good boy! good boy!' when he gets energetic with the nursing.
OK, so I will stop with the Pedialyte, and just give thinned-out Esbilac. I don't think I will go on a schedule. None of my 4 kids did a schedule as babies either!
I keep sighing, inwardly, wondering how much this may hurt if the little guy dies. Thanks for keeping me company during this attempt!
08-07-2006, 01:08 AM
you've done very well! kudos. :thumbsup it sounds like he's past the most dangerous phase. let's just hope.
when a baby undergoes a diet change, i usually see some loose stools. once you get him on a steady diet, as IR recommended, i expect those stools will firm up.
i've been where you are before....always worrying, feeling little bursts of hope when a baby squirms and eats well, and bits of dismay when they poop out yuck or go limp. it's extremely tiring. make sure you get some good rest. you've done a lot more than most people just by taking the squirrel in and trying to save it. it sounds like he's a fighter, considering his siblings died after going through the same mess.
are you a rehabber? have you ever raised a squirrel before? it sounds like you're doing an awesome job. however, if you would like to release your squirrel back into the wild, you may want to research local rehabbers.
you wouldn't have to call them just yet, but when the squirrel gets to be around six to eight weeks old, it'll be time to start the outdoor exposing process. this is best done by a rehabber. in the final stages of rehabilitation, rehabbers have the cages, scales, gloves, experience, etc.. needed for a successful return to the wild. they also usually know the best spots to release a squirrel. ;)
my point is, it would be good to have some contacts ready for later on, and also in case something goes wrong with your squirrel and you need a rehabber to come and help you out. rehabbers can't perform surgery, but they're far more knowledgeable and willing to help a squirrel than a veterinarian. it's a good thing to have on hand in case of an emergency. ;)
keep us updated. we're here to help. :D
08-07-2006, 06:53 AM
You mean all the new heating pads have automatic shut offs?
I threw ours out after the squirrels used it.
OMG I should have never done that!?
I never even thought someday I could have more babies?:dono
08-07-2006, 09:55 AM
thanks for all the advice... it is morning now, and the baby hasn't been pooping since last night. Belly is round, a bit tight. It is peeing alot, eating okay, but now I am afraid to feed it. How do I help the squirrel if it is bloated?
08-07-2006, 03:44 PM
try to stimulate the baby more often. don't just settle for some pee; give 'em a few minutes of gentle stroking, and try it more often. just beware of giving the baby a sore bottom. it's less likely to get sore if you stimulate using cloth that is wet with warm water. besides, then it'll feel more like momma's tongue. ;)
i'm not familiar with the little things you can give him to reduce the bloating. i'll leave that up to my fellow rehabbers. usually when one of my babies has bloat, i'll try a thinner formula, less formula, and more stimulation. that tends to work for me. :thumbsup
08-07-2006, 08:43 PM
:dono Well, I tried all the suggestions... a tiny bit of Karo syrup in the formula, thinner formula, frequent stimulation to go poo. He pees fine, and twice today he put out kust a tiny bit of orangey poop. But he is eating so well that I KNOW he must have to do more. He is abotu 57 grams, and I am giving him 2 cc's (sometimes he will take a bit more) every couple of hours... the longest interval was 4 hours. His belly isn't super-tight, but since his skin is still hairless on the belly, I can see a dark mass on his left side. He was pooping so much before, so I really am worried. Anyone know of any links to sites with specific info on bloating? Thanks!
08-07-2006, 09:59 PM
the dark mass could be an organ unless it's protruding in any way. and even if it's something bad, there's not much you could do for a dark mass in a little pinky. pinkies have a hard time surviving as it is.
the bloating is hard to figure out. i recently had two fox squirrels who had enormous bellies, and we thought they were bloated but eventually we realized it's just the way they were. they were older, though. and they pooped. i'd keep up the diet of 2 thin ccs for another day. give him a little time to work those droppings out.
i hope things turn out better. ;)
08-08-2006, 11:30 AM
The dark mass in the left side is an organ..The bladder appears as a dark mass too.And when its full it will look like a bubble.And bloat..Is it bloat.Or just Constipation.Is his stomache like a balloon..Very enlarged.Constipation is very common when changing formulas.
Secret Squirrel
08-08-2006, 11:41 AM
I hope he has pooed by now......:grouphug
You have been given all the right information on feeding and stimulation...I would just stick to the ecbilac 2/1 karo, whipping cream or anything else. The formula is all he needs for healthy development.
Any additives are just up to the rehabber who sugggested it...kinda like a home made reciepe...everyone has there "extra pinch" of this or that. It's not really necessary to anything extra. Ecbilac is a proven diet. And it will take any guess work out of the equasion for you. :crazy Any changes in the diet will cause improper bowl stick to one thing.
If he hasent pooed by now you may want to soak his bottom half in warm water and stroke his sides...from the chest downward to his lower body. Still stimulate him I like a warm wet cotton ball.
Let us know how he is today.:peace
08-08-2006, 02:39 PM
Thanks for the concern... he finally started having bm's again this morning! I guess it was just constipation. And I think I know why.. I hadn't switched to the powdered esbilac. I was using the liquid form that I already had. Watered down, but I see on a few sites that the liquid can be tough for them.
I found a place to buy that snuggle-safe disk..going out later to pick it up. He sure is cute with his 'rice buddy', though. I usually pick him up, see if he needs to go, feed him, see if he needs to go more, clean him up then put him back in his bowl (big bowl I have) with his rice-sock freshly warmed, and a dish towel. He squirms all around, like he's looking for something, and presses his face into the rice-thing, then usually climbs halfway up it and slumps there, asleep. I love watching him twitch when he first falls asleep... reminds me of my own babies!
island rehabber
08-08-2006, 02:52 PM
Don' forget that towels are not good bedding for squirrel babies...their claws get caught in the loops and threads wrap around their little limbs. Awful things have happened in this regard with horrible pictures in my rehab manuals to prove it. The best thing in my opinion is Polartec or some sort of fleece....or an old, soft Tshirt, flannel or pull-on winter hat. Also, make sure you have a container with a top on it for him. Even newborns -- who can't see, can't hear, barely crawl, have been known to find their way up and out of their containers! They're looking for mamma, that's put a lid on that kid LOL!! Sounds like you're doing great. :)
island rehabber
08-08-2006, 05:42 PM
I found a place to buy that snuggle-safe disk..going out later to pick it up. ...!
You'll love it...just be aware it gets VERY hot for the first hour or so and you need to wrap it in a cloth or t-shirt or something, then place it underneath his bedding. Don't worry it will give plenty of heat for hours. As it cools you can remove the layers between the disk and the squirrel cutie. :)
Secret Squirrel
08-08-2006, 09:27 PM
I just wanted to add that heating pads are not all manufactured with automatic shut off.
I bought 2 at Eckerds drug store for the last baby season. They cost under 10 dollars...but all stores very. I also noticed the pet stores and Wally world does not carry the manual shut off heating pads. So that's when I went searching the local drug stores. :)
The snuggle safe is a very good product...I only use it for transportation proposes. The "hand warmers" found in the hunting section of Wally world ( sorry Wal-mart...I ain't bashing you) are good to carry in the car for when you find or pick up a baby who needs heat ASAP . They are chemical based and need to be treated as such. No direct skin contact and for emergency use only. Just my 2 cents!!:peace
08-09-2006, 01:38 PM
yay! freedom of the poop! :D
powdered is the best. good switch. ;)
squirrels are ALWAYS adorable with those rice buddies. i feel kinda sad for them at the same time, cause they usually think it's mom. it's good they find comfort, though. poor little babies....
sounds like he'll make it, if he keeps pooping. good stuff. have you found any local rehabbers? like i said, it's nice to have a contact in case of an emergency. if i had a dime for every time i called my superior rehabber when my mother and i first got babies, i'd be rich. it's very reassuring. :)
08-13-2006, 08:53 PM
I have not contacted any local rehabbers. I am in Massachusetts, and this is a state of rules/regs/laws. I think I would be told 'just bring him in'. I don't want to give him to a rehabber after what I have invested (talking about time and love, not money).
My eyes are all saggy from 9 nights of interrupted sleep. I have learned SO MUCH in doing this, and the reward (a warm, no-longer-bony, hungry baby) is so nice. I'm awaiting the opening of his eyes like a kid waits for Christmas.
I live next to the city park, which is big and woodsy and loaded with squirrels. My goal is to get him ready to live there. I think it will be hard to release him... but that is a long time away. Anyway... this board has given me all the help I need. Thanks for that!:grouphug
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