View Full Version : Need advice

08-24-2008, 07:29 PM
Hi guys,
Meg here from NJ. I will properly introduce myself in a bit on another post.
As of right now I have recently taken in 2 juveniles. I think they might be older then they look. ( Look about 5-6 weeks but I think they are closer to 10) They were brought to me very dehydrated, starving but not yet emaciated, scrawny and a bit bloody. Their pupils were so big. They had both eaten about 4 cc's the first time around. Next time was 6 cc's. They should be taking more but I know their tummies can only handle so much.
Yesterday I went to go feed them. When I got to the tank the one just lay there. I thought she was dead. I grabbed her out and she was still breathing. I gave her about 6 cc's sub Q and dextrose on her gums. About a half hour later she perked up but had no movement in her back legs. I got about 3 cc's of food into her and she was doing a lot better. Walking but wobbly.
This hasn't happened again but since that 3 cc feeding she cannot handle formula. Every time a drop goes into her mouth she is gagging and spitting it up. I made a new batch same thing. I tried baby food same thing. Don't get me wrong she is hungry and grabs for it. She wants both but as soon as it touches in her mouth then she gags and theres no getting it into her then she gives up and no longer wants it.
I have almost forcefully gotten about 1 cc into her each feeding but I can't do more because she will choke.
She is not doing so good. I believe now that maybe these 2 were poisoned.
(pupils and now gagging same symptoms in a few poisoned ones I had before)
However the brother is doing ok. Not in tip top shape but coming around. Eating anywhere from 6-11 cc's depending on the time and his mood. They should be nibbling on other things but aren't touching anything else.

At this point I cannot get any more food into her system and feel if I do not attempt to tube feed she will die. I have only tube fed one other squirrel about half this size. Although I was successful I am still very nervous to do this. Especially since this girl is very jumpy.
I guess I am looking for some advice on a succesful tubing, and if anyone has dissolved nutrical in with formula for some added calories? I am out of the boost powder. They are on Fox Valley 20/50
Any suggestions for added weight and or calories? I am going to add some rice cereal and yogurt as well.

08-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Aw, poor little tyke. Could she possibly have something caught in the back of her throat? I had this happen to me with a fox squirrel that sucked down a grape half and had it lodged in his throat. He tried to suck his formula down and it all just came back out his mouth. I finally realized what was wrong and got it out with tweeers.

If it were me and there was nothing in her throat, I would tube feed her. I have tube fed many squirrels and all of my bunnies and never had any trouble. If you have only ever tubed one squirrel though, I don't know.

08-24-2008, 07:57 PM
Oh, and to add more calories to the milk, you could add a little heavy cream or Zoologic 30/55.

Lady Squirrelly
08-24-2008, 07:57 PM
I had one doing much the same thing. Limp like a dishrag. Tummy was empty but would spit out nipple and milk.

I moved to a 1cc syringe and a smaller thinner nipple.

At first could not even get 1cc of formula in her.

I fed her more often. Every 2 hours like a new born. Added pedialite feedings when she would take them.

It took much longer to feed her but worth it. After two days I was finally able to get 3 cc at a time in her.

This morning I reintroduced the nipple the others are using.

She is sucking like a champ.

Just keep working with her. Try a little pedialite between feedings.

08-24-2008, 08:04 PM
Thanks. Yes I have done this before only once ( on a squirrel) tube feed opossums all the time and a few others . Know how to measure and all that good stuff, I am just nervous I suppose. No one at the center ever tube feeds squirrels. I was the exception with a dying squirrel and had no choice so I did it. I work with other species but the squirrels are my favorites.

Have you ever used Nutrical on them before?

08-24-2008, 08:05 PM
I am using a 1 cc and actually switched to a .50 ml syringe but it doesn't matter with her. Any tiny drop and gag. I am going to scope her throat now for anything just in case.

08-25-2008, 11:44 AM
Just a quick update I didn't tube her last night. I just kept her hydrated and figured this morning I would. However this morning she ate 7 cc' on her own!!!
YAY!!! And she is not as wobbly on her feet. This girl might have a chance at a release with her brother after all! :jump

Lady Squirrelly
08-25-2008, 11:51 AM
Good news.

Poor little thing just needed a chance to catch up.

Mountain Mama
08-25-2008, 12:05 PM
I have given Nutrical to them. When they are severly malnourished or are not taking in enough calories per feeding I add a little to their formula with whipping cream to help stabilize them.

Good luck with her.

08-25-2008, 12:34 PM
I have given Nutrical to them. When they are severly malnourished or are not taking in enough calories per feeding I add a little to their formula with whipping cream to help stabilize them.

Good luck with her.
Thanks! I think I am also going to blend in some avocado =)
Oh forgot to mention I use whipping cream more then not, its already added ( didn't see the original post up there suggesting it =)