View Full Version : Very disappointed in rehabbers
08-17-2008, 01:12 AM
We found 4 babies and have taken care of them for 6 days. 1 had trauma to the head wasn't doing well and we lost him today. Before he passed away I called 2 rehabbers in my local area and was shocked that they wouldn't help me.
The one in Portland, Or said they didn't take grey squirrels (which I think the ones I have are Greys) and told me they only took the native squirrels. Also said I could not transport live animals, or go across the state line (I live in WA). Couldn't help me.
I called another place and she was very honest with me and said that the Greys are a nuisance like the starlings (bird) and if I took them to any place they would most likely be put to sleep. Likewise they only take the native eastern squirrel per Fish and Wildlife.
I was shocked. No help from them and I refuse to call any one else with that bit of info because they will put them to sleep. I guess I will try and do the best I can with these guys, just afraid I won't be doing something right.
This is b.s. and I am so disappointed in the lack of compassion. What do you guys think?
Thanks Anna
Mrs. Jack
08-17-2008, 01:26 AM
that is terrible to hear :( the words "nuisance animal" just really #(&$#& me off. I'm not sure who you called.. but look on this site.. e4e8 and see... I have heard good things about Sarvey. and also this place on bainbridge Island. If you haven't tried them, you might consider it and if one of them were one you did contact, please let me know so I can Know that they are not friends of MY friends.
08-17-2008, 01:33 AM
At first glance it sounds like the individuals you talked to are either overworked and underpaid... or need a refresher on compassion. There is a lot of information at this site that should be useful to you, and a number of individuals who know what they're doing.
Thanks for taking the initiative. You may have lost one, but he took his rest in the hands of someone who cares. :grouphug
08-17-2008, 02:59 AM
Sorry to hear you had a run in with a hardcorist when it comes to caring for these squirrels, who apparently wasn't even accurate about the fact that there is also a gray squirrel, just a different species. In anycase, all of them should be cared for, not just the ones the State finds acceptable to be!
As far as information on the two non native species of tree Squirrels, both the Eastern Gray, and Eastern Fox Squirrel species were first introduced to the west coast early in the last Century. In Washington State both of these introduced species are not in great numbers, nor are the native Western Gray Squirrel numbers either, with only the Western Gray protected from hunting, as it is endangered in that State. In Oregon if an Eastern Gray, or Fox Squirrel, is brought into a State run wildlife center and left there, are euthanized, or so was written on a site online I read on this issue. It would take an expert to tell the species apart when they have yet to get their fur, so as the one person you quoted here stated, if you brought them into a State wildlife center, yes, there is a good chance they would be euthanized. Note it is the Western species that is accepted by State authorities, not the Eastern, or Fox Squirrel species, yett I wouldn't give them to anyone who cannot assure you that they will care for them no matter what their species turns out to be! Best to then check out the names of rehabbers given to you from our board, and ask them if they are willing to care for them, no matter what species they are. Do NOT give you name or address to them, just in case.
08-17-2008, 03:21 AM
You guys made me cry, I love your enthusiasm and compassion. Thank you.
08-17-2008, 09:45 AM
First I can't imagine how a rehabber could tell over the phone that your little ones were eastern greys:dono I live in southern Oregon and as far as I know there are no eastern greys. I am so sorry for your experience.
Most big rehab centers are very strict because they could lose their license from the state officials and have to close their doors (though at the place I worked we managed to save some who were on the "kill" list:) ) Maybe there are others here on the board who could help you with these babies. I would take them but I think I live pretty far (I am near the California border) plus I am traveling a lot lately.
Always sad to read about someone who is very caring and compassionate get no help when in need....Bless you for caring:bowdown :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug Hope it all works out:tilt
island rehabber
08-17-2008, 10:38 AM
Alotta I am so sorry you met with these miniscule-minded, genocidal jerks who call themselves "rehabbers". (Maybe I am just testy today because we have had so much sadness here on TSB lately, the most recent being the loss of our beloved Mr Tilty.) BUT, I would seriously question the ethics of any rehabber who would call an orphaned or injured baby in need a "nuisance species".....:madd....and refuse to help it. I also wonder how -- here I go on my soapbox again :soapbox -- that the very part of this country (Pacific Northwest) that prides itself on being the most open-minded, the most progressive, the most "green", the most forward-thinking, the most (dare I say it) Liberal -- can turn around and enact these hideous laws that call for the culling (killing) of so-called "non-native wildlife species"!!! If they applied such laws to humans, you all would be left with about 12 people out there in the whole region.....:shakehead The hypocrisy of these government types just floors me.
Shut up, IR.
08-17-2008, 12:21 PM
So sorry you got the cold shoulder. Hopefully we'll find someone who can help you.
Mrs. Jack
08-17-2008, 12:28 PM
wheezer, depending on where she is.. all I have are Eastern Grays. but I ju
st think of them as my friends. LOL, IR, how do you think I feel? I'd love to find someplace t o +++++++++volunteen r and learn but I have to agree with their ethics :/ sorry, cooper was helping me type.
08-17-2008, 12:32 PM
:Welcome Welcome to the Squirrel Board!! So glad you found these wonderful people. I don't blame you for being discouraged and angry with rehabbers. Right now I hate to say that I am also a rehabber. I would not want to be put in the same category with the individuals that you have spoken to. You've found the best place you could be "AT THE SQUIRREL BOARD"!!!! I don't know a rehabber from a squirrel lover on here and it doesn't matter everyone here loves squirrels and are in this for the best interest of the animal. There are many people on here that have all kinds of wildlife and domestic pets. And I can promise you it won't matter what species it is, it will FIND HELP HERE!!!
Bless you for not giving up, all creatures deserve a chance and if we don't care for them what does that say about our species?:soapbox :soapbox I'll get down now. Sorry!
08-17-2008, 02:29 PM
ready and willing. Poor babies
Mountain Mama
08-17-2008, 06:26 PM
Alotta, I am so sorry you had a bad experience with your local rehabbers...they are not all like that. I would have to say TSB in the place where the most extraordinary rehabbers in the country come together. I hope we can find you help for your babies. Everyone is trying...hang in there.
08-17-2008, 06:43 PM
I'm checking in periodically for a response...:)
If anyone heas anything please let me know!
08-17-2008, 07:37 PM
Hi, These guys are expensive,I went and bought a $150.00 dollar cage and am going to give it a go. Getting a little attached, but have every intention of letting them go when the time comes. Thank you for all your support. I was curious how everyone felt about the response the rehabbers gave me because I thought they were there to help me. Thanks again, will keep you posted on how I'm doing.
08-17-2008, 09:45 PM
wheezer, depending on where she is.. all I have are Eastern Grays. but I ju
st think of them as my friends. LOL, IR, how do you think I feel? I'd love to find someplace t o +++++++++volunteen r and learn but I have to agree with their ethics :/ sorry, cooper was helping me type.
Tell me about it!
Alotta, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I've never had to contact rehabbers with an emergency... just exchanging emails to see how I can become a volunteer and become a rehabber. Sounds to me like you'll be taking that road too.:dono We sure could use more rehabbers.
Thanks for coming on here to share your frustrations. We are happy to help.:thumbsup Good luck with your babies. Sorry they're eating your funds.:shakehead :rotfl
Welcome to TSB!!!:Welcome :thumbsup
08-19-2008, 08:40 AM
Hang in there! You'll find lots of great advice, love and moral support on this site! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them. We are all here to help each other and learn along the the way.
I started rehabbing when I couldn't find a rehabber I trusted (and before I found this wonderful forum!) and have been doing it for awhile're gonna get hooked!! :D
08-21-2008, 07:12 AM
Sorry you had a bad experience with the rehabbers. I had the same experience recently. I rescued 4 orphaned babies. Tried unsucessfully to get a rehabber to take them.....did my best by the book for almost 2 weeks. 3 died before I found this board and was helped to find a rehabber that would finally take the last one. It was very frustrating! The rehabber who I finally linked up with is FANTASTIC! I wish I could have found him sooner....maybe all of the babies would have survived. The rehabbers on this board are super...I wish there were more like them! Good luck!
There are far too many "rehabbers" listed up here in the Northwest area that actually don't do anything of the sort. They get "grant money" or know someone who put them in the system to get paid to have a title, but never actually do any work. :nono
So, if any (Northwest) crook Wildlife Rehabilitation Experts are reading this and you get money for something you aren't doing, I've already called to help get the political ball rolling. The Attorney General pointed connected me to the proper officials looking for you and ways to save money. Without any luck at all, it should end up rolling over you and hopefully squash your clean record. :alright.gif
As for the Squirrel Boards, I appreciate what you do. It's a good, valuable resource that should be getting a reimbursement from Gov't since it does more than crooked rehabbers. Reinforce the ideas that work and steam roll those that don't. :thankyou
09-04-2008, 08:41 PM
It sure would be nice to get things changed in the NW. I'm afraid, though, that it would mean some MAJOR changes since Oregon is pretty tough on non-native species and it would take some big changes to make it legal for rehabbers to take Foxes and Eastern Greys. It sucks.
There are far too many "rehabbers" listed up here in the Northwest area that actually don't do anything of the sort. They get "grant money" or know someone who put them in the system to get paid to have a title, but never actually do any work. :nono
So, if any (Northwest) crook Wildlife Rehabilitation Experts are reading this and you get money for something you aren't doing, I've already called to help get the political ball rolling. The Attorney General pointed connected me to the proper officials looking for you and ways to save money. Without any luck at all, it should end up rolling over you and hopefully squash your clean record. :alright.gif
As for the Squirrel Boards, I appreciate what you do. It's a good, valuable resource that should be getting a reimbursement from Gov't since it does more than crooked rehabbers. Reinforce the ideas that work and steam roll those that don't. :thankyou
09-04-2008, 08:45 PM
:thinking I have never met any rehabber that was a crook? Rather they are hard working, tired, poor and stressed out.
Our payment comes when the dear animal is given his life back as it was intended to be free running in the trees.
We sacrafise our family's needs to buy caging, formula, and pay vet bills.
And these little angels are worth every cent.:thumbsup
09-04-2008, 08:52 PM
:thinking I have never met any rehabber that was a crook? Rather they are hard working, tired, poor and stressed out.
Our payment comes when the dear animal is given his life back as it was intended to be free running in the trees.
We sacrafise our family's needs to buy caging, formula, and pay vet bills.
And these little angels are worth every cent.:thumbsup
I've never met a rehabber from the NW but I'd like to believe that they refuse babies to protect their licenses. That's why I'd like to see the rules about the two species changed.
09-04-2008, 11:23 PM
Hmm... Kahn, do you actually know any of these crooked rehabbers? What is it that they are NOT doing? I didn't think the USFWS would let anyone get away with this.:thinking
If this is true, boy will that only make it harder for those who really DO want to be rehabbers.:shakehead
09-05-2008, 12:00 AM
Hey all,
Hope you don't mind my .02 cent's worth here :)
When we hear reports of "horrid" rehabbers, we only in truth, have one side of a story.
I'd love to change the flow of this thread to take a moment to thank all the rehabbers who come to this board. Countless lives have been saved through their generous love!
On this board we have two sides.......and they are totally amazing!
Kudo's to all you amazing rehabbers! We know the sacrifices you make daily to save lives, and you all blow my mind!!
Thanks for all you do!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe we can start a thread how grateful we are for rehabbers :)
blessings to ya'll........
Tamar n family who have been greatly blessed by your love and generosity.
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :crazy :multi :bowdown
09-05-2008, 12:11 AM
Wow :sunshine what an amazing thread.
First, I want to say hello to Alotta :squirrel1
And good luck with your new babies, its all well worth the joys you will find with them! :Love_Icon
And secondly: :wave to all the great rehabbers and squirrel lovers out there. All the help you give is well appreciated. Thank you. :thankyou :multi
09-05-2008, 01:03 AM
I have to chime in here too! First, I don't know any rehabbers here in my part of the PNW who get grant money and don't work. I worked at a large rehab center that was run mostly on donations.They had the state officials looking over their shoulders all the time so we had to be very careful to follow the law about taking in non-natives. Most of the time we just gave them to local experienced people to raise;)
I know many rehabbers who, like the ones on this board, sacrifice a good part of if not all of their lives during baby season to save little lives. It is very hard heart breaking work. I feel very sad to see the title on this thread when I no this is a very small part of rehabbers out there:shakehead Just like what happens in the world on the news. You always hear about bad people but rarely about the good ones.
:bowdown :bowdown :grouphug to the majority of compassionate selfless rehabbers. I also have to say...a license does not a rehabber make. There are many on this board who deserve the same praise:tilt
09-05-2008, 01:21 AM
Wheezer, you are so ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! A license does not make a rehabber. Blood, sweat and tears makes a rehabber! And there are MANY on this board who sure deserve a license!!!
09-20-2008, 09:11 AM
I am a rehabber in Virginia and all i do are the them.
Anyways my mom lives in Salem Oregon and is not a rehabber but has all the supplies since she recently hand raised two pinkie grays and did a great job.
When we talk about my babies she always wishes she could raise some more...............I know she would be thrilled to take in a couple............ if someone wants to farm some out to her.
09-20-2008, 09:15 AM
by the way I am a home based rehabber even though I am a member of other orgs. I work full time for the air force as a graphic artist and rehab cottontails from march through August and then squirrels until they are finished. i don't get any funding or assistance and am exhausted and broke most of the time but I do it for the love of the animals and the love of my lord that created them. So there are some rehabbers that put in thier all.....................................
:wave123 :Welcome :wave123
09-20-2008, 10:30 AM
I have a list of 12 rehabbers in Washington if that can help!
Jerry's mommy
09-20-2008, 10:46 AM
Gammas Baby~ God knows I would love to take them in if I lived closer.I think it would help heal the pain of Jerry*,you all are so amazing to me!Everyone of you with your big hearts.Thank God there are ppl in the world like you~
09-20-2008, 12:34 PM
by the way I am a home based rehabber even though I am a member of other orgs. I work full time for the air force as a graphic artist and rehab cottontails from march through August and then squirrels until they are finished. i don't get any funding or assistance and am exhausted and broke most of the time but I do it for the love of the animals and the love of my lord that created them. So there are some rehabbers that put in thier all.....................................
Thats wonderful, I am glad you found TSB!
island rehabber
09-20-2008, 12:45 PM
As in every profession, there are good and bad. And in every VOLUNTEER profession there are also good and bad. Last year I was dissed and insulted by a member of the holy-rolling Salvation Army, for Chrissakes -- there are idiots in EVERY job, paid or unpaid.
That said, I don't know many rehabbers who receive ANYTHING for what they do, be it grant money, contributions, or salary. Most of us are home-based and are lucky if we get a $10 contribution once in awhile toward a $28 tub of Esbilac. Most rehabbers I know of do not have a 501c3 organization status, and hello Kahn, you MUST have that in order to receive a grant or a tax writeoff.
Gammas Baby, it is truly awful what you went thru trying to get help. That should never ever happen....unfortunately it does because there aren't enough rehbbers and burnout is an all-too-frequent ailment among us. And believe me, there aren't enough rehabbers because it DOESN'T PAY...not because it does, as Kahn suggested. :shakehead
09-20-2008, 01:17 PM
I had to walk away and wanted to add something to my post so here it is.
I am glad you are taking on those babies yourself, and I wish you the best of joy!
Pardon me for sounding like a dummy, but I do not know what a non native is..., Except for (exotics) and nutria rats, which were brought here a hundred years ago...and people rehab these. WL rehabbing has become a sort of "trendy" thing here and people are being permitted under the wrong situations. I get so mad, because some don't know their limits( or what they are doing) and this jeopardizes the animals welfare...New Regulations and requirements are presently being added to really really screen all rehabbers and perspectives.
I myself never turn an animal away. I am fortunate to have several handpicked subpermitees and we all work well together. There is as much consideration and campassion for each other as there is for the numbers of animals we each have! We rely on donations and yes they are far and few.
I call what I do a Labor Of Love!
I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments on this subject! Thanks! Great points made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-20-2008, 03:37 PM
Sorry Gam, not that you are not aware of this already, but for clarity, it is the EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL that is a non-Native species, not the 'Gray squirrel', which though is an accurate enough term to for this species back East. Out West, that term is rather confusing, since there are two gray squirrel species, the native *Western Gray Squirrel, and the introduced Eastern Gray Squirrel.
*Please see my thread in the Gray squirrel forum, The western Gray Squirrel, for pictures and more specifics on this species of tree squirrel.
island rehabber
09-20-2008, 06:48 PM
Good point! Where I am, we only have EASTERN greys, so that is what I was talking about when I said Grey. :tilt :tilt :tilt
what I wanna know is.....if a grey squirrel lives in Indiana, is he a Midwestern Grey? Or a midwestern Eastern grey? :D
09-21-2008, 12:48 AM
C*ndy, I live in Spokane, Washington and if you have names and phone numbers to people here and the surrounding area can you private message me. I would like to put those numbers with my notes I've been taking. I want to be very prepared incase I find myself taking care of another baby squirrel.
To all, It took me 3 days to find someone to take the baby squirrel that was brought to my house by a neighbor. I had emailed PAWS, which they emailed me back and gave me a phone number to call, and then from there I was given 3 phone numbers, which only one called me back and was very rude to me. I ended the phone call by telling the lady I would not want a bully to take care of the baby squirrel and then I hung up on her.
There was one lady who couldn't take the baby squirrel due to already having 3 she was taking care of. But she told me to call her any time of the day or night if I needed help and she let me know that if by the end of the week I'm not able to find someone to take the baby she would take him. As luck would have it, a phone number she gave me was to a lady who was able to take him.
The one lady, the one who helped me and the lady who I brought the baby too let me know that there are kind and loving people out there, and I pray that the rude lady will rise above being a bully to people who call her for help.
To me, the way a person treats an animal is the way they treat God. Why that is is because animals are God's Love in expression. When you feel the Love in you for an animal, then you can feel the Love that God has for you.
09-21-2008, 01:22 AM
Island Rehabber
NY State Licensed
Wildlife Rehabilitator
what I wanna know is.....if a grey squirrel lives in Indiana, is he a Midwestern Grey? Or a midwestern Eastern grey? :D
When it comes to the Eastern Gray squirrel subspecies, they do not have east to west designations, but are grouped from north to south. As to what the subspecies would be then in Indiana, that actually depends upon whether they are an inhabitant of the southern region of the State, or the central to northern regions. If found to inhabit the southern region, then that would be S. c. carolinensis, and if an inhabitant of the central and northern regions, then S. c. pennsylvanicus. If you happen to have any more questions along these lines, perhaps you can find the answers in my future post on this matter.
09-21-2008, 01:26 AM
Alotta: Go for it. Raise those babies yourself. I had my first experience last year and it was the most rewarding thing I've ever done. To get a baby to the point where he can be released's a great feeling. I'm doing it again this year. I'll do it every year if I can. And this board is incredible. I did it on my on the first year and got thru it, but the board this year has helped so much---such incredible people.
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