08-15-2008, 06:46 PM
I found her at the end of april i believe she was about 5 weeks old then. We revived her and i always had every intention of releasing her. but you cant expect a baby to be in a cage by herself for months.
anyhoo here she is a few months old she has the run and ownership of my house. she hoards food and makes nests all over the house, chews up everything and has started attacking strangers and myself. ive been carrying around a broom when she is in a mood.
when she is happy she runs up you and chews on your hair and plays with your hand and expessially eats your food!
i have 3 small kids and she was always fine with them but a few days ago someone was over and she went after them and my 7 month old was in the way and was collateral damage and got a ton of deep scratches on her leg.
i am not sure what to do with her i cant keep her the local squirrels are grey tree squirrels sheis a ground squrrel. i have put herin my backyard and she went under the house and up thru a hole in the floor inthe bathroom we are renovating. she will go outside but always makes her way back.
i want her to be safe and dont want her living in a cage. what do i do
anyhoo here she is a few months old she has the run and ownership of my house. she hoards food and makes nests all over the house, chews up everything and has started attacking strangers and myself. ive been carrying around a broom when she is in a mood.
when she is happy she runs up you and chews on your hair and plays with your hand and expessially eats your food!
i have 3 small kids and she was always fine with them but a few days ago someone was over and she went after them and my 7 month old was in the way and was collateral damage and got a ton of deep scratches on her leg.
i am not sure what to do with her i cant keep her the local squirrels are grey tree squirrels sheis a ground squrrel. i have put herin my backyard and she went under the house and up thru a hole in the floor inthe bathroom we are renovating. she will go outside but always makes her way back.
i want her to be safe and dont want her living in a cage. what do i do