View Full Version : Red Spot

08-03-2006, 11:28 AM
Hi All, I noticed on Mon chee today a red spot on her thigh.. I tried to get a pic, but she would not sit still she was trying to eat the camera:shakehead

I will try again for the pic after work. It's spot is round the size of a pencil eraser the hair in that area is gone in a perfect little dot and the red spot is only a little raised:dono

She had a skin graph 2 weeks ago and tested negative for lice, mites, eco parasites. Does anyone have any suggestions on what this may be???:dono

08-03-2006, 02:28 PM
Not a clue but good luck on finding out & does it bother her?
Have you seen her scratching it?
You would think if it were a reaction to the scraping it would have happened days ago?:dono

08-03-2006, 02:35 PM
Not a clue but good luck on finding out & does it bother her?
Have you seen her scratching it?
You would think if it were a reaction to the scraping it would have happened days ago?:dono

I don't think it could be from the scraping, they took some skin from her tail for that. I thought maybe she was bit but... I really have no clue:dono :dono .. I'll try to get that pic when I get home.

08-03-2006, 03:51 PM
O.k. got a pic heres the mysterious spot:dono

Momma Squirrel
08-03-2006, 04:27 PM
SG it looks similar to what our outside squirrels get when those damn flies lay eggs under their skin?? Just a thought

08-03-2006, 04:43 PM
Paddy once had abald patch, no spot, it was when he was stressed when my bf went away and the chipmunks came to stay with me at my mums, anyway the patch went away soon after he was home again. Kay

Mrs. Jack
08-03-2006, 06:22 PM
Poor Mon Chee. Could he have gotten bitten by something that then went on about its business, such as a spider? It looks a little raised.. is it blistered at all?

08-03-2006, 07:09 PM
Question what do you do when the flys do that to them I read about that before? Dont remember what happens?