View Full Version : Does #1 quint have a potential eye prob?

08-05-2008, 03:25 PM
Hello, I hope maybe someone can "diagnose"" quint #1Gillies eye issue.... All 5 fell from a pinetree. Gills ear had a slight tear in it and her eye always seemed a little too buldgey. Ive had them 1 1/2 weeks now. Eyes are not yet open, I think they around 3 1/2 wks old now. BTW: they are doing wonderful. 5 little troopers thriving!!!!:crazy

1st pic is of Gillies "good" left eye... 2nd pic is of her right eye I have concern with. Last pic is of "double tail trouble", :) thought it was toooo cute.

And if a squirrel has a problem with an eye, are they still releasable?
Thank you!!:thankyou

08-05-2008, 04:09 PM
I don't know the answer to your question, but they sure our adorable...

I love that "double trouble tail" picture :Love_Icon

Good Luck with them :D

island rehabber
08-05-2008, 04:18 PM
The one eye does look bulgier than the other, but it may not be serious. Hard to say until it opens....keep an eye on it for any discharge or increase in the bulginess. Love that 2-tail shot! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
08-05-2008, 05:10 PM
:crazy I love these little sqs.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
The twin tails are so sweet! Thanks for sharing!
...not sure about eye either.

09-07-2008, 11:11 PM
Hi, I'm new here, just been reading the posts... been working with a licensed rehabber to learn to do it myself, and have become addicted to reading these posts to learn all I can. I am certainly not qualified to give any answers, but my rehab mentor did have a little squirrel a few months ago that had a similar problem. It was due to an infection that was building under the sealed shut eyelid, probably due to something like a bacteria that entered through the nasal passage and ended up in the closed eye. Anyway, due to increasing pressure it had to be relieved so the eye would not implode and be useless. With the steadiest, most careful of hands, the rehabber used the tiniest of needles to just barely ever so gently make a tiny opening right where the eye slits were soon to part, on the inner corner closest to the nose. He held it down very close to the tip, so you could barely even see the tip sticking out between his fingers so if anything cause his hand to move the needle would not be able to do damage. He didn't 'poke' or 'stick' the needle in so much as gently using it to kindof wedge into or separate the fused eyelid just a little bit at the corner/tip. It allowed the eye to drain, and he also did antibiotics and some kind of eye drops.
Don't knowif it's what's wrong with your little one's eye, but it's a possibility to check into or rule out anyway :-) Good luck with your baby!

09-07-2008, 11:23 PM
Thank you for your reply. That post was a month ago and since then their eyes have opened. The one in question did ooze some clear fluid from it before opening and the swelling went down. All 5 are doing great. Thank you! :crazy