View Full Version : neighbors shooting squirrels

08-02-2008, 02:58 PM
I released a few squirrels a couple weeks ago. They come around for food everyday. My dad overheard some neighbors, not sure where they were, shooting a squirrel with their pellet gun. Is there anything I can do? I was thinking of placing food inside a carrier and hope that my squirrel(s) go in so I can relocate them. Also, how far do they usually travel from a release sight?

08-02-2008, 03:06 PM
:soapbox what is wrong w/ people?

This is a two edge sword as if you call authorities they can then switch to poisoning, so it's kind of a no win situation in my opinion.

When I had mine released it stayed in the immediate area only adventuring no more than 100 ft, although they do roam/adventure and they all have their own personalities as to how far they want to adventure. As they grow older they adventure much further.

I don't have any real answers for you. If you re-release them to another area will you be able to transition them by continuing daily visits for food until they are established? I would hate to see this happen but if getting shot or poisoned is their outcome I think a relocation program may be in order.

Hopefully some others with more experience will help you, sorry you have to be going through this :(

08-02-2008, 03:12 PM
I have a friend who owns 100 acres and feeds the squirrels and wildlife everyday. He said I can release them there, I think it would be much safer. I'm afraid to know which squirrel was killed, hope they all come back this evening for their feeding.

08-02-2008, 03:17 PM
The problem with calling the authorities is that I don't know which neighbor it was. They are a few roads over and I went searching but everything was quiet and I could find nothing.

08-02-2008, 03:19 PM
I would think that in your area it is illegal to shot any type of gun around houses, children, etc., let alone illegal to shot wildlife! I would call the authorities. The neighbors have no way of knowing it was you that called. They can put out other poisons, but if they have any pets, they probably won't. It might have to be a risk that you have to take.

I hope your PRECIOUS little ones are safe! :grouphug I think a squirrel will travel anywhere within a 5-7 mile radius. If you do have to relocate them, they will need time to get acclimated, and other squirrels don't run them off of their territory. Maybe if you called some rehabbers in your area, they could give you names of a good release places.

If you find out who it is and you call the authorities block your number and tell them you want to remain anonymous and don't give your personal information, or your call will be made public...meaning if the people wanted to know who called they can ask for a police record of the phone call.

08-02-2008, 03:35 PM
I did call the police and they are sending out a car to check out the area it was in. I told them I didn't know exactly who it was but I gave them the location. They said it was illegal and that it is also not squirrel season right now.

08-02-2008, 03:57 PM
Please call the police immediately if it helps or not. The likely resolution of the problem would be to put fear and shame on that scumbag squirrel-killer. You do it be letting as much people in his neighborhood as possible know that he is killing squirrels. Please create a huge sign “Scumbag stop shooting at squirrels!” and install it by a road in his neighborhood.

Please ask two adult men to help with installing.

Apple Corps
08-02-2008, 04:02 PM
Let me add my own experience - over the last many years there have been 3 incidents wherein I called the police over trapping cats, loud party noise at 1:30 am, and a barking dog problem from midnight to 4:00am. In each case the "offended" neighbor fished around asking everyone. When I was asked I said - YOU BET it was me that called and proceeded to explain about the damage and smell from cat urine, and loss of sleep. There was a day or two of"tension" but guess what - 99% of the problems were RESOLVED!!!!!

Please do not tip toe around - what you are doing is right - maybe you can educate the killers about the amazing critters that these squirrels are and CONVERT them.

The chew up my sprinkler heads :soapbox Yeah - they do that - let me know the size you have and I'll go buy you some new ones - BTW - here are a few antler tips they like to chew on :osnap