View Full Version : wobbly flying squirrel

07-31-2008, 09:29 PM
I regularly feed several Southern flying squirrels on my wide windowsill. They have become quite accustomed to being watched (even by my cat).

Last night, I was alarmed to see that one of the squirrels was very unsteady: s/he sort of wobbled on her/his little haunches while eating seeds etc., and seemed to tend to list to one side. From what I could see, s/he otherwise mostly moved alright while on all fours and picking up things to nibble on--and s/he must have been functioning sufficiently well to reach my 3rd-floor windowsill. But s/he seemed to be off-balance while in a crouch, tipping from side to side. I have never see this wobbliness in any of the squirrels in a year+ of feeding and watching them. What might be up with this one?

07-31-2008, 10:00 PM
I have seen this condition in quite a few Eastern greys. I have never been able to even get a glimpse of a flyer here. I have never been able to pin point it to any one cause but from what I have learned it can be from either Toxins, head injuries or a parasite. I am leaning towards the first two as possibilities. In any case it is neurological. If this one is in really bad shape (I have seen this condition in many degrees) it might be good to capture it and keep it as a pet. If they are really wobbly they may not be able to get away from predators. I have seen some that have just a bild case of it and do fine. If it is actually falling over it might be a more severe one.

Keep us updated on the little guy.

07-31-2008, 10:07 PM
As Squirrelfriend noted, there are some possible causes for the unsteady posture. It could also be an inner ear problem, or that it took a fall. You can try to find a local rehabber to help with examining and treatment.

08-01-2008, 08:18 PM
Thanks so much for both reponses. I'll keep my eyes peeled and try to check on status/progress. Didn't see the wobbly one last night, or any of them for that matter (although the seeds were all gone in the a.m.--)