View Full Version : Baby 1's Nest Has Been Destroyed...Now What???

07-19-2008, 12:21 PM
I have a very young baby squirrel (like 10 weeks old) that I believe was possibly orphaned. She first appeared at my house about 3 weeks ago and looked no older than 7-8 weeks old. I tried to catch her but was unsucessful at doing so.

She has been living in a few nests in my tree for the past 3 weeks. Well today I noticed the nest that she has been living in has been destroyed...and the other 2 in the same tree are pretty much apart.

Baby 1 has thrown just some small branches with leaves on them in the big crotch of her tree. They are not even attached to anything, just resting in the crotch of the tree...like a platform.

My concerns are that;

1-she has no nest now for safety.

2- the new platform leaves will blow out of the tree if it gets even a tad bit windy.

I was going to buy a nest box and put it up for her, but I have always had bad expierences w/them ex; dead squirrels end up in them, hawk and coons tore open lids etc. Plus my mother thinks if we do all that banging on the tree when putting up the box that Baby 1 will leave for good, and at least with Baby 1 living right here in the tree by my patio that we can keep an eye on her like we have been for the past 3 weeks.

The one nest that she first started living in is still a nest, but a very "iffy" nest. It has come apart alot but I think she could still hide under it and maybe possibly in it.

I just hope Baby 1 does not try and sleep in the platform one overnight. Predetors etc.? She is sleeping in it now and I don't know if she thinks she is covered or what but half her body is covered and half is not. She is in sight..a predetor could see her, I believe.

Any advice?

Here are the pictures of the tiny branches with leaves she threw in the crotch of the tree. In the third picture if you look closely you can see her sleeping. I also have posted a picture of her so you can get a look at her.




07-19-2008, 01:26 PM
She is very young, but it sounds she's coping. My young wilds usually build a platform-type nest at first, and they just sleep on top, especially in the summer. Then when fall comes, they build a better, warmer nest. When I see branches on the ground and nests torn apart, it usually means they are still experimenting with nest-building. I've seen them build and tear down three nests before they are satisfied. Try not to worry too much--this little fuzzer will figure it out. :grouphug

07-19-2008, 02:19 PM
:Squirrel THANK YOU very much 4S for your reply.

I am glad that you have seen this type of nest before, especially in young wilds. Thank God it is the summer, she won't get cold not having a "real" nest to live in.

I don't want to see anything happen to her. I am so afraid a predator may get her. She is very young. I have been spending so much time outside these past three weeks making sure she stays safe and now her poor nest has been destroyed.

I'll try not to worry too much and pray she figures it out soon.

luvs squirrels
07-19-2008, 02:34 PM
Baby 1 is so lucky to have you worry about her. Maybe she just wanted to redecorate.


07-19-2008, 07:39 PM
Great pics:thumbsup
Well I seen some bad looking half built nest around here till they work on them more in the Fall.
I was wondering if you really could put up nest box maybe wait till she is on the ground or off some where for awhile then get the box up when she comes back she'll check it out and may use it:D

07-19-2008, 08:02 PM
I agree with Skye. Why not put a nestbox up on the tree where the platform nest is, and I bet baby moves in. You can always take it down next spring when baby moves out. Be sure the lid is secured. I'd be afraid he is going to fall out of that nest he's in now and acquire a serious injury, or get ambushed by a raccoon.

07-19-2008, 11:43 PM
Well I seen some bad looking half built nests around here till they work on them more in the Fall.
:rotfl True, I've seen the youngun's build some funny-looking nests in wrong places, like right at the very tip of a branch! These platform nests are very common here in the south in the hot months. I don't believe a raccoon would attack a squirrel that age; though younger babies could be at risk. There's no reason not to try a nestbox, although where trees are plentiful, wilds seem to prefer a natural nest. If your squirrel doesn't like the nestbox, perhaps some woodpeckers or flying squirrels would appreciate it. :D

There's only so much you can do in a case like this; hopefully her instincts are kicking in and will protect her.:grouphug

07-20-2008, 04:56 AM
:Squirrel atlantasquirrelgirl, 4skwerlz, luvs squirrels, and skye Thank you all for your help. I am going to go to Pet Smart this morning to buy a nest box. I have over 80+ spruce trees, a few oaks, maples, Cleveland pears, Walnuts in my yard and I know there are alot of vacant squirrels nests in the Spruce's...along with nests that are occupied. I was wishing she would find one of them but she does not leave her tree.

Baby 1 never leaves her tree, she comes down the tree right to my step which is only like 3 feet away and eats + drinks for a bit and right back up her tree. She does not really venture out away from it yet. When she is on the ground by the tree or in my driveway she doesn't stay there long, right back up her tree she goes. She seems to be afraid to be on the ground.

I am trying my best with her and have been for the past three weeks. On Friday she along with some other squirrels were doing the alarm calls. I am wishing her instincts are kicking in as I do not want to loose her.

07-20-2008, 10:54 AM
It sounds like her instinct for not lingering on the ground is strong. I hope she likes the nestbox. :grouphug

07-20-2008, 11:22 AM
I released one two years ago that was very much a homebody. She only came down to eat, and then right back into the nestbox she'd go. She was like that in the release cage as well. She was very little and didn't build a lot of muscle that way, but what she wanted.

07-20-2008, 01:32 PM
:Squirrel atlantasquirrelgirl, bravo Baby 1 seems to be a homebody. Maybe she will change as she gets older. She is very small also. She doesn't seem to want to eat anything but the black oiled sunflower seeds. I put apples, oranges, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, pumpkin seeds, rodent blocks, monkey chows out for her and she is sticking to the seeds. She ocassioanlly will eat a slice of apple and an almond.

I waited outside this morning early at 5am for Baby 1 to awake and to see where she slept over night. I believe she slept in the one nest that is still pretty much together...the "iffy" nest. She came out around 530 am, groomed herfself a bit, ate + drank a little and played around some.

The branches/leaves were all gone out of the crotch of the tree. She put a mess more there this morning and was sleeping in/on them again. I just went outside to check on her and she is laying on one of the branches of her tree. The new branches/leaves she built in crotch of the tree have been blown down again from the wind.

I could not find any good nest boxes today only a few really small ones for little birds. I went to several stores. I did see a few on eBay for squirrels that looked very nice. I am going to buy one of them, but in the meantime I am going to have a friend of mine build one. Is there any special wood that should be used?

07-20-2008, 01:36 PM
Here are some simple plans for building a squirrel nestbox. The only thing I would add is a small wooden ledge INSIDE the box, just below the entrance. This will keep predators from being able to reach inside, especially if she has babies in there.


07-20-2008, 01:42 PM
:Squirrel Thank you very much 4S. I have printed the plan out and will give it to my friend so he can get started on it.

07-20-2008, 09:15 PM
It's very kind of you to care so much for the wellbeing of this baby!

07-21-2008, 01:20 PM
Nest boxes I bought were just nailed together and easy to tear apart. I put good long screws in all sides (including top and bottom) before I hung them up. You can also make them with a 'coon proof latch on the side and hinges, so it would be easier for you to open that side and clean them out if need be. Like in case of a mange problem.mjs

07-21-2008, 02:14 PM
It's very kind of you to care so much for the wellbeing of this baby!
:Squirrel Thank you I enjoy it and I am trying my best. I love this little girl and would hate to see anything happen to her.

The great news is that I finally found her sibblings (they had been MIA for several weeks)...they are alive, well and living home with their mommy across the street.

I am wondering is there any way that I could reunite my baby with her family who live across the street?

Originally Posted by JLM27
Nest boxes I bought were just nailed together and easy to tear apart. I put good long screws in all sides (including top and bottom) before I hung them up. You can also make them with a 'coon proof latch on the side and hinges, so it would be easier for you to open that side and clean them out if need be. Like in case of a mange problem.

:Squirrel I have had the coons in the past tearing the lids off. The latch sounds like a good idea in preventing that. Where can I buy a latch like the type you are speaking of?