07-10-2008, 12:17 AM
So I just got home and I was holding Frick and I thought he was just sleepy...sleepy eyes and all. He climbed off my lap and sat on the floor and started puking. It looks like oatmeal almost - kind of like the other day. As he was sitting there he also started pooping and it's a little mushy and runny...still some solid in it, but definitely a little liquid too. PLEASE HELP!!!! What should I do. He hasn't eaten much today but he's played like normal.

07-10-2008, 12:32 AM
I am not one that can help you with this, but I sent out a call for assistance. Hand on, and stay with your squirrel, as to observe him, but try not to handle him for now unless it is necessary. Try to keep him quiet and calm. S1

07-10-2008, 12:35 AM
THANK YOU!!! PLEASE PLEASE TRY TO GET SOMEONE TO ANSWER QUICKLY! He also looks bloated. He got back in his cage and curled up into his little ball in his bed. Within 5 minutes he went from normal poop to poop that was a little runny to mushy peanut buttery poop. Sorry for the grodiness...but I know it's important. PLEASE HELP!!!

07-10-2008, 12:36 AM
Can you tell me exactly what he ate today, and how much approximately while we are waiting? Take your time, and be specific. I will stay with you till someone comes, it is only 9:30 where I am at.

07-10-2008, 12:41 AM
He had a bite or two of watermelon...some pistachios and then I don't know what. Not much. His bowl had dry cereal, strawberries and blueberries in it...but it doesn't look like he ate much. As I'm thinking about it...he drank some formula yesterday but he drank it upside down. He kind of made a funny noise and I flipped him back the right way. He seemed ok but I was afraid of that whole aspirating thing. The formula had been on the counter for about 3 hours...but it wasn't an old can. Would that make him sick? I'm FREAKING OUT!

07-10-2008, 12:51 AM
After he threw up, I gave him some gatorade to hopefully avoid dehydration. I thought he was out of the woods!!! I don't want anything bad to happen to him!!

07-10-2008, 12:53 AM
From my own experience it could be some of the things he ate, yet not sure. Be patient help should be here soon. Do you have a rice buddy. Not sure to use it or not, just have it available while you are waiting for a rehabber to come on.

Sounds so far like a bad belly ache. I have had squirrels throw up before from eating frozen defrosted fruit. For future reference, pistachios are a not good for squirrels, Blueberries should be organic to avoid ingesting pesticides that cannot be fully washed off thin skinned fruit.

07-10-2008, 12:56 AM
oh my gosh...if he dies it's all my fault. i was trying to feed him the right things. i gave him pistachios after he let me get cocoa butter on his face today.

07-10-2008, 12:59 AM
on top of everything else....the scab that he had with the little tuft of hair in it is starting to come off but it's not all the way off. i don't know what to put on it since we haven't found a vet that will look at him. i don't want it to get infected or him rip it off by scratching. do we need to try to snip off the scab? it's a big chunk just hanging.

07-10-2008, 01:03 AM
hey darlin i can only offer my support as i am new to the squirrel thing too...hang in there...:grouphug

07-10-2008, 01:05 AM
Try to stay calm, we all make mistakes, try to focus the present. For now leave the scab alone, when it is healed the hair will grow back, not a problem! After this is addressed you can put non pain formula neosporin on it. I think Apple Corp mentioned that already. Again try not to fuss with him presently.

07-10-2008, 01:05 AM
do the rehabbers respond pretty quickly on here? i'm really not trying to be a pain or impatient but i need help for him. i don't want him to end up like frack. i know i sound like a terrible person for not just turning them over to a rehabber but i really wanted to help them get back to where they came from. i'm so sorry to all of you who truly save these little animals lives.

07-10-2008, 01:12 AM
Please try to hang on and not recriminate yourself, it won't help. If in the future you want to have a rehabber care for him that is fine, but for now we need you calm and focused. Be quiet around him, just keep an eye on him.

07-10-2008, 01:15 AM
i'm sorry..i'm trying, but he's just so precious. i don't WANT to have a rehabber take him, but if it's his life or me getting to raise him i obviously want the best for him. i'm not in the room with him right now since i'm waiting for some guidance. my mom is up there with him. he has gone back to sleep though.

07-10-2008, 01:19 AM
Read post number 5 GB.

07-10-2008, 01:23 AM
is the gatorade ok? is gamma's baby a rehabber? i thought someone said neosporin was bad for him

07-10-2008, 01:27 AM
would that also cause the peanut buttery poop and the bloat?

07-10-2008, 01:29 AM
it took a few seconds right after he puked....he's sleeping right now so it's hard to tell. he drinks gatorade and water alot though. especially when it's hot.

07-10-2008, 01:32 AM
hey darlin i agree with gamma about the formula being left out for 3 hours...last time he got sick was the formula left out...

07-10-2008, 01:32 AM
Gammas will help you for now. I wrote to use the regular neosporin, just not the Pain formula version. She is right he will not die from Pistachios. Read what she writes carefully to make sure you got it.

07-10-2008, 01:34 AM
i don't think it was left out...it seemed like he just ate too many different things because he puked and then he was fine. we are looking for neosporin without pain medicine. if i can't find any here is there something else i can use?

07-10-2008, 01:35 AM
thank you Scirius for your help and support

07-10-2008, 01:40 AM
:thankyou gamma i was looking for that:thumbsup

07-10-2008, 01:42 AM
Your very Welcome Frickster! Be sure to copy off this list and keep it where you can have it handy to refer to. Seems GB and I agree, your squirrel has himself a belly ache from eating too many things, some of which are really good for him to have. Think of it like when you go to a carnival and eat allot of sweets, popcorn, hot dogs and stuff, and come home with a stomach ache feeling sick. So follow the diet Gammas has given you here, being careful not to overfeed him.

07-10-2008, 01:45 AM
how do i get him to eat these things...i took this list and got an assortment but he didn't eat much of it..tasted it and then hid it. he seems to take the fruit better. his cereal is a granola mix and a bran flakes with fiber in it....it does have raisins. why are they bad? is dried fruit ok? another person we talked to said he raised his squirrels on cheerios for a year and then they went off to the woods. that's where we got the cereal from. he really likes granola. is that bad?

07-10-2008, 01:52 AM
am i supposed to cut this thing now or after he's feeling better or what?

07-10-2008, 01:53 AM
Again, check all of that you just noted on Gammas Baby list for diet, too me it doesn't look any of that is on there. If you have other questions, on diet check with GB, she is one of the experts on diet on our board.

07-10-2008, 01:54 AM
I think it is best to let him sleep and do that when he wakes up in the morning.

07-10-2008, 01:55 AM
let him rest for now....when he is hungry he will let ya know...yes most deff change his diet to what gamma posted...

07-10-2008, 01:55 AM
what are dried vegetables? that doesn't mean raw does it?

Apple Corps
07-10-2008, 01:56 AM
Frickster - please CALM DOWN - that is important.

Forget about the scab thing - it is NOT RELEVANT at all - it will fall off when it falls off. Neosporin is fine or nothing at all is probably fine as well.

My guess is that you are over doing the diet thing and providing too many different things - hard to determine what may have caused him to vomit.

DO NOT use Gator Aid or Pedialyte for more than a day or so - having water for him to drink is what is needed - providing that type of treatment response may be part of the problem - regular water works.

You love Frick and we will do all we can. My advice is to relax - the wound appears to be healing fine - lets slow down on all the diet variety now.

More in the morning.

PS - all of us on TSB will do our very best for you and Frick :-)

07-10-2008, 01:58 AM
i have a southern grey squirrel who is picky now bout his diet.... i now feed his his veggies in the morning...and a nut....and when i get home from work a few fruits and veggies...and at nite i give him cheeze and more veggies and fruits...i buy all kinds of fruits and veggies each week and change it up every day or two so he doesnt get bored....listen to gamma...:thumbsup

07-10-2008, 01:59 AM
i was hoping you would log on! after all of our talks you know i don't want to hurt him and just want what's best for him. i haven't found organic fruits and veggies in this area so far. we don't have a whole foods or anything like that. he ate some sweet potato and squash last night. he'd never had either of those. when he puked some of it came out like bubbly. he was definitely heaving...it just broke my heart. poor little thing...


07-10-2008, 02:01 AM
his cereal bowl stayed in his cage throughout the day and i changed it each night to keep it fresh. i was trying to give him a variety, but nothing like the all you can eat buffet i gave him when i got all that stuff. i made him a plate today with strawberries and blueberries and then sweet potato with squash. i was trying to be so much more careful. he just takes it all and hides it though. he the only thing he usually sticks with are the blueberries and grapes.

Apple Corps
07-10-2008, 02:11 AM
Frickster - Gammas will provide more guidance on the diet - lets let Frick get some rest tonight and get him on a less exotic and varied diet.

Also - be sure to peel the grapes and cut them in small slivers - they can choke a squirrel to death if left whole or even halved.

Now - important for you - get some sleep and give Frick a hug from all of us :D :D

07-10-2008, 02:16 AM
he just takes it all and hides it though. he the only thing he usually sticks with are the blueberries and grapes.

He ain't no dummy, he wants the sweets, but you got to be the grown up for him, and give him what he needs, not just want he wants; and less of it, Seems that is allot of food for one little guy. Follow Gammas advice, and he should be a happy and healthy guy.

07-10-2008, 02:19 AM
:thumbsup way to gamma :thumbsup give him healthy foods..let him rest as well as you...change his diet tomorrow...

07-10-2008, 02:37 AM
how do i get him to eat these things...i took this list and got an assortment but he didn't eat much of it..tasted it and then hid it. he seems to take the fruit better. his cereal is a granola mix and a bran flakes with fiber in it....it does have raisins. why are they bad? is dried fruit ok? another person we talked to said he raised his squirrels on cheerios for a year and then they went off to the woods. that's where we got the cereal from. he really likes granola. is that bad?

Cereal is not a good diet for a squirrel - too much sugar, for one thing. Mine get a couple of cheerios occasionally as a treat. (The guy that raised his squirrels on cheerios until they were released was just darned lucky, although the squirrels weren't. There is no way of knowing now what harm the lack of a good diet did to them.) Raisins are bad because it is easy for them to choke on one - dried fruit is bad because the sticky sweetness stays on their teeth. He likes his fruit better than his veggies because it is sweet. Cut out the cereal, cut back on the fresh fruit, and give a wide choice of fresh veggies. (Offer the veggies first, then some fruit after he eats his veggies.) If he still won't eat his veggies, try putting a little bit of peanut butter on them - just a little. Be sure to give him an in-shell nut - pecan, hazel nut, walnut, etc. - every day to help keep his teeth in good shape. If he will eat yogurt, it is very good for him - lots of calcium and things to keep his tummy in good working order. I usually use Dannon LaCreme, but any name brand is fine as long as it has the live cultures in it. DO NOT get the kind with artificial sweeteners in it. You can also use any flavor - mine like the vanilla and strawberry best.

What formula is he on? If the formula was going bad and he ate it on Tuesday then it probably wasn't that that upset his stomach - I would think the reaction would have happened sooner. I would take him off Gatorade and just use plain water - again, too much sugar. I would also go ahead and fix a rice buddy for him - the heat might make his tummy feel better, and if he doesn't want it, he can move away from it. If he is sleeping, and doesn't seem to be in any distress, then let him sleep

He should be on Esbilac formula. Most of us use the powder because the cans of liquid go bad so quickly - 72 hours, I believe. At any rate, try mixing his formula 1 part Esbilac powder, 2 parts water, and 1/2 part yogurt - that will help guard against future diarrhea.

Don't beat yourself up about what you may or may not have done right or wrong. That's in the past and can't be changed anyhow. Focus on the present - getting him better - and the future - keeping him that way!

Oh, yes, I am a rehabber and I also raise flying squirrels, and have been for about 8 years or so.

Keep asking lots of questions on how to care for your squirrel. There are lots of people on here to help you. In my opinion, your baby would probably do better with a rehabber. Maybe you could find one that would let you release him back in your yard. With a rehabber, he would have other squirrels to socialize with and learn from and bond with - very important things for a squirrel to have. But whichever course you take with him, we will be here to help in any way we can. Good luck with him.


07-10-2008, 02:53 AM
I am SO thankful for all of you helping me through my crisis. I just went back to check on him and that little stinker had gotten out and was rummaging through his toy box trying to get into trouble. I took the cereal out and we gave him a bit more gatorade (since you guys said it's ok for now). He will drink water, but not right now. There are times when he turns everything but water down. The only thing I gave him right now was a little watermelon because I thought it would be easy on his system. We did clip the little scabby thing a bit and put some polysporin on it. Didn't say it had the pain stuff in it. I am adding pics from earlier today and post clip. I didn't clip a bunch because there is still a piece attached. He was such a good patient. He took himself back to bed and I tucked him in. Had he not just puked his guts out in front of me I would swear it wasn't the same squirrel. He seemed like himself just now. His body doesn't look as bloated now. Are these good signs? We threw out all the formula and will get him more tomorrow. Gamma...if you could give me a sample of what you give your's for one day....I'll follow it. Like how many veggies you give him, how many fruits, how big, etc. And do I just put rodent blocks in his cage? I got them but didn't refrigerate them...are they bad now? Again...THANK YOU ALL! My heart is just full of gratitude.

p.s. the shiny is not ooze...it's the polysporin shining...he was such a good boy...i wanted to reward him with a peanut...BUT i didn't!!!



07-10-2008, 06:51 AM
Sorry I was in bedding sleeping when all this was going on. I see TSB was to the rescue again.

Definitely needs to change diet. Fallen won't even eat processed foods, not even yogurt...I hide his yogurt in his formula or his peanut butter balls. I still give him the StoneyField Organic Plain Yogurt for his digestive tract since I have had him at 2 weeks of age.

Do you have any oak trees or magnolia trees around? If so can you cut him a branch off so he has some bark to chomp on or even a magolia branch with a cone or flower on it to have in his cage?

When Fallen puked he crawled in bed for a couple of hours too until the diarrhea hit and then he had the diarrhea for 24 hours. Sounds like Frick is on the mend but I definitely would not give him gatorade....not only to much sugar WAY TO MUCH SALT! Fallen likes his water fresh and cool. I give him frish water 2x a day.

He might be puking due to all the sugars in his diet.

Hang n there and let us know how he is doing today.

island rehabber
07-10-2008, 07:40 AM
I know I'm getting to this late in the game but I'd go with Gammas on this one -- the formula sat out too long. Nothing spoils faster than Esbilac and it should never ever be left out unless your house is typically 45 degrees. When all that gets out of his system he should be ok, if he stays hydrated by drinking water or Pedialyte.

How is Frick now?

07-10-2008, 09:05 AM
Sorry your little guy has been sick. TSB to the rescue again.

The wound looks good in the latest pics though.

Apple Corps
07-10-2008, 10:25 AM
Great pics - someone is doing good work with the camera - really helps show the wound and it is looking good.

07-10-2008, 11:16 AM
I got here late too but the best came to the rescue:thumbsup
AC is correct, the injury is healing fine. Just let nature take it's course. I wouldn't be trying to pull it off too soon. It is not infected and is slowly healing very well:)

07-10-2008, 11:35 AM
Great Diet GB. Remember to get Organic if at all possible!

Apple Corps
07-10-2008, 12:15 PM
Frickster - after looking at the wound pics today I would stop the cocoa butter (it increases the chance of infection) and either put nothing on the wound or go with Polysporin or Neosporin. Both of those are over the counter from the drug or grocery store.

I would follow GB's diet guidance - but you do not need too much variety too often - otherwise you could be spending all day at the grocery store :shakehead :shakehead

Also - what are your plans for keeping or releasing Frick? That will help us guide you.

07-10-2008, 12:54 PM
This will not be very long because I have to go to work...I will type more tonight along with the daily picture. As for the scab...we were leaving it alone until it started hanging - then were afraid he'd rip it off accidentally and be left with this bleeding sore. Plus the edges were raised and just asking for little bits of food to get in there. He was very patient while we trimmed and ointmented him. I think it burns a little so if I blow on it he relaxes.

I got up this morning to go check on him. He got out of his cage on his own and instantly jumped into Frick mode. My squirrel is competely psychotic!!! He was hopping and pouncing and rolling over kicking his little feet up in the air. I'd totally think he was going to have seizures if he wan't playing. :) He climbed and dug through all his toys and seems to be frisky and in a good mood. These are good signs right? I took the cereal out last night and left the watermelon like I said. I didn't think he'd eat it but when I came back this morning it was gone and NOT buried in his bed. So at least he ate something after puking. He pooped at first this long stringy like stick. It was solid and normal color...just a strange shape. A little while later he went again and it looked normal shape, size, etc. He also peed a good size puddle - which was clear. I gave him a little water but he chose to try to get in the cup I was using and knocked it all over himself. :) He did drink some though. We get the little cans of Esbilac and are getting more today since I'm not sure if that was the problem. We get the little soda cans - neither he nor Frack liked the kind you mix. I know it's the same thing but they wouldn't touch it. I gave him a plate this morning with celery and green peppers on it. He did find a peanut from somewhere but I went through and tried to depeanut everywhere he has hidden them. He also let me put more polysporin on his face so hopefully that will help. I feel a little better today seeing him act normal. He also doesn't appear to be bloated anymore...looks like Frick. What would have caused that?

Applecorps...our plan is to let him finish getting better and then when he's ready move him to the release cage. We went and looked at supplies and are pretty sure of a good spot for him. We were going to build it around a couple of trees that the nest box could then be placed on. One of the rehabbers thought he needed to be taken to a rehabber but if you guys think he'll be ok here and doing the soft release - that is the goal.

07-10-2008, 01:06 PM
One other thing to add, not sure if you are still using a syrenge to administer formula, but if so, you need to make sure you boil them and the nipples as part of your cleaning routine. Nasty bacteria will grow in them, which can upset the tummy.

Sounds like he is feeling better though. Glad to hear it.

07-10-2008, 01:11 PM
it's a medicine dropper that we clean each time...but i'll start boiling it as well. yesterday he took that and hid it when we weren't looking. he's a sneaky little thing.

island rehabber
07-10-2008, 01:27 PM
One of the rehabbers thought he needed to be taken to a rehabber but if you guys think he'll be ok here and doing the soft release - that is the goal.

Frickster I am really glad that Frick is better this morning. Regarding the powdered form of Esbilac, was it warm enough? Most squirrels won't touch lukewarm formula, and some even like it HOT.

As far as release goes, here is my concern from a rehabber's point of view: Frick has not been eating his greens or much of anything except fruit for quite a while. If he has not built up the calcium needed in his bones he will not be strong enough to withstand the inevitable falls or tussles that will happen in the wild. IF, and this is a BIG IF, you can get his diet back on track, with leafy greens and other calcium-rich foods -- and then you can actually put him in a pre-release cage and do everything in your power to stay away from him so that he forgets that PEOPLE = FOOD, then maybe you can succesfully release him. If you don't think you have the time or schedule to do that, you should turn him over to a rehabber. The alternative would be to release him and have him not do well out there. Just my two cents :peace .

07-10-2008, 02:26 PM
i guess since he's not ready yet anyway with his face like it is....i'll see how he does with the veggies. which specific things have a lot of calcium? does this sound ok?

pamela lee
07-10-2008, 06:09 PM
If you have to get the premixed Esbilac the best way to keep it is to freeze it in an ice cube tray. After you open the can pour the rest into the trays and freeze. After it's frozen pop them out and place in baggies or other airtight container and keep in the freezer. Then when you need one just thaw what you need (not in the microwave) and the rest keeps alot longer.

07-10-2008, 11:58 PM
can i thaw them in a bag with hot water? he's been very spunky today so he seems to be doing well.

07-11-2008, 01:06 AM
Bell Peppers and Celery, FRESH formula, and rodent block - the first one on the list. Plus the peanuts he STOLE before I knew all of his hiding spots. Sound ok?

07-11-2008, 02:15 AM
here is his wound today....there's some dangling again and he might have scratched it. this was BEFORE the polysporin though. should i leave it or try to trim it again? does it still appear to be healing?

island rehabber
07-11-2008, 07:35 AM
It looks angry, but ok. I would leave the scab as is for now, because it is still raw in there. I don't see any sign of infection but you can take a closer look to make sure. Have you tried raw sweet potato with Frick? My squirrel babies always love it and it's very good for them....hope you can track down and eliminate all those secret peanuts! :nono :D

Jackie in Tampa
07-11-2008, 07:41 AM
:thumbsup the wound looks great, I would advise no more anything with it...no clipping, no meds, let nature finish the good job you started.:)
...also, no more gatoraide! your sq is hydrated, we do not want his sugars to be too high! Water now!
You are doing sooo good, a sq is a precious creature, and you are getting top notch help.:crazy from very experienced sq people, there is no better place to find the knowledge that is being shared!
I am rooting for Fricks health and happiness.:wahoo :wahoo
thanks for caring so much and making the needed changes. He will be on the road to recovery soon!
ps...celery is NOT worth the time it takes to wash, not on the list, no nutritional value! Pls stick with GOOD LIST, it will get Frick where he needs to be FAST!
Thanks again for loving your fur ball:)

07-11-2008, 09:10 AM
The wound looks very good IMO. A noticeable improvement from a few days ago. No swelling or redness, and the red gook on the bottom is drainage, which is great.

You've done a great job caring for Frick.:thumbsup

Apple Corps
07-11-2008, 10:55 AM
The wound continues to improve for sure. DO NOT trim, pull, or pick at it in any way.

I would continue with a light dab of Polysporin several times a day.

Now - for that diet compliance :jump :jump :jump

07-12-2008, 02:01 AM
There are ready made Organic salad fixings in a bag, with various greens, found at most grocery stores. There may be 4 or 5 different kinds of lettuce in just the one mix, so it is a good deal not having to buy whole heads of them. It is important to get greens that were grown Organically, because pesticides are commonly used on lettuce that aren't, being then amongs the highest levels of pesticides found on vegetables, and fruits, and not fully removable through washing. They build up in the body over time, and can cause cancer, and other severe health problems.