View Full Version : Milky discharge from nose

07-06-2008, 08:13 AM
Fallen this morning was looking out the window for a long time and when I went to pick him up for some massaging he had a white milky discharge from his nose...very liquidy and no goo to it, but I don't understand what it is either. He had nothing whitish etc that he had been eating this morning.

His nose has been a issue since his accident and he's been on Baytril since Monday. His wheezing has stopped and I hadn't noticed this since being on the antibiotics and now this morning this. Today is suppose to be his last day on the antibiotics and just one more thing to worry about. Now I'm wondering if the Dr. did the head x-ray like I put on his drop of chart or if she just manually looked around his nose. I hate worrying all the time and stressing, it is really getting the best of me....

I have to call the Dr.'s again as he needs meds for parasites anyway's. The little white dots in his stools have gone from being a few to infecting his stools throughout, so not happy about that.

What can the milky white substance be? I'm so clueless and if it was a infection why has the antibiotic not taken care of it?

He seems to be acting normal and no labored breathing. Obviously though a discharge is not normal.

07-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Question. Did the vet do the fecal on the stool sample you brought with you?? I'm wonder if those little white dots are just segments of tapeworm. If so it's an easy fix. Actually, if it is tape worm you should be able to see the the dots move. :yuck I know. I'm would not be too concerned about the nose discharge seen only once. But I would watch for problems breathing or if the discharge gets worse.


07-06-2008, 09:31 AM
Question. Did the vet do the fecal on the stool sample you brought with you?? I'm wonder if those little white dots are just segments of tapeworm. If so it's an easy fix. Actually, if it is tape worm you should be able to see the the dots move. :yuck I know. I'm would not be too concerned about the nose discharge seen only once. But I would watch for problems breathing or if the discharge gets worse.


Yes I did mention in his other thread that on Friday I can see the white does move. They are round dots but then elongate a little then retract. Never flat though always remain a tube shape when elongated then back to round dot when the retract. I sent them a fecal sample but I could only see two dots then and maybe they missed them with the water suspension or whatever they do.....now they are throughout the fecal matter.

07-06-2008, 09:40 AM
Tapeworm segments look like a grain of rice. You would also see them stuck to his fur on his bottom.

I'm guessing pinworms.

Apple Corps
07-06-2008, 10:07 AM
Be they pin or tape - a few brief visits with Mr. Ivermectin will seal their fate :alright.gif :alright.gif

Not sure about the nasal discharge - especially since Fallen remains on Baytril. Like Mars - I'd not be too concerned at this point, especially since another visit to the is in the cards shortly.

Hope all of you (and all TSB family) had a wonderful 4th :jump :jump

07-06-2008, 10:15 AM
FM, I asked my DH about the parasites and he agrees with Mars. He thinks it is tapeworms.

Ivermectin does not kill tapeworms. You have to use Droncit (praziquantel).

07-06-2008, 01:27 PM
Good information, the Vet has spoken!

luvs squirrels
07-06-2008, 01:34 PM
Poor little guy. If it's not one thing it's ten!!!!

I am worthless on info, but wanted to let you know I'm praying for you. I'm sure everything will be just fine.


07-06-2008, 01:55 PM
Good information, the Vet has spoken!
The vet gave an educated guess. :D We discussed tapeworms while eating breakfast. :D

I read something interesting about the tannin in acorns. http://www.mnh.si.edu/mna/image_info.cfm?species_id=299

Tannins are poisonous to many animals, including worms, and keep the squirrels free of roundworms and tapeworms.

07-06-2008, 02:00 PM
Good luck Fallen! Get well soon!

07-06-2008, 02:21 PM
Okay, when I saw the discharge I was very concerned.

Nothing is stuck to his bottom if that helps. It just shows up in his stools

So what we need to concentrate is on his stools and I will get another sample to them and just tell them I don't know how they missed it but beings they missed it it has gotten a lot worse and see what they say it is so we can have the proper diagonsis so we can get this treated.

He is doing very well as he's been out with me for a few hours with no e-collar and grooming me which has been a first since his accident. He groomed me for 1 1/2 hours :D

08-24-2021, 10:20 PM
Question for the MaMa of the one with milky discharge in nasal cavity. I have a squirrel that I think has fallen from a tree or power line and has had a milky white discharge. His breathing is a bit labored and when the milky substance is present it makes it harder. He has no evidence or parasites or worms as mentioned in your thread so I wondered if you ever figure it out or if it eventually went away?

I’d love to hear about it,

Thanks so much,


08-25-2021, 12:00 AM
Question for the MaMa of the one with milky discharge in nasal cavity. I have a squirrel that I think has fallen from a tree or power line and has had a milky white discharge. His breathing is a bit labored and when the milky substance is present it makes it harder. He has no evidence or parasites or worms as mentioned in your thread so I wondered if you ever figure it out or if it eventually went away?

I’d love to hear about it,

Thanks so much,


I hope you don't mind a comment or two from me while awaiting MaMa's response. I'm concerned about the white milky nasal discharge. This may very well be pus that is draining from this little one's nose! Squirrels are prone to a particular dental condition called an Odontoma. These are a particular type of dental tissue tumors that begins in the root area of the frontal incisors. These seem more common in the upper incisors and as they progress they can interfere with nasal breathing. Although Odontomas are tumors, they are NOT cancer. Odontomas often increase in size and while they are enlarging they can impinge upon and partially obstruct the nasal passages. A relatively common complication of an odontoma is an abscesses (a pus pockets) and if the abscess begins to drain, the pus can spread into the nares (the nostrils) and drain from them. Odontomas usually require surgery but sometimes; if an abscess has developed and especially if it is freely draining already, antibiotics alone may rarely be effective in treating the abscess component of the odontoma but surgery is still necessary in the near future. Swelling will often be seen at the base of one or both upper incisors and/or swelling in the upper jaw region may be noticeable if an odontoma is present but not always. X-ray studies commonly are diagnostic. There are other causes for pus draining from the nose (if this is indeed pus). Do you live in a "Squirrel Friendly" State where it's legal to have captive wildlife? That makes it easier to find a Vet who can be trusted not to confiscate or euthanize your Squirrel as unfortunately this can and does happen! There are many posts on TSB that pertain to dental issues in Squirrels and one of the most cited expert sources is Dr. Emerson at Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic in Port Orange, Florida. She is very experienced with Squirrel dental issues Odontomas and has performed surgery on a number of Squirrel Board Member's Squirrels. She may likely be willing to consult about your Squirrel over the phone and make recommendations. Please let us know what you decided to do and how your Squirrel is doing!

08-25-2021, 01:21 PM
***Thanks a bunch! I’ll call or contact her somehow. The discharge is SO white it doesn’t make me think of pus but you clearly have more insight than I🤓🤓. I appreciate your time Sam the Squirrel!

I hope you don't mind a comment or two from me while awaiting MaMa's response. I'm concerned about the white milky nasal discharge. This may very well be pus that is draining from this little one's nose! Squirrels are prone to a particular dental condition called an Odontoma. These are a particular type of dental tissue tumors that begins in the root area of the frontal incisors. These seem more common in the upper incisors and as they progress they can interfere with nasal breathing. Although Odontomas are tumors, they are NOT cancer. Odontomas often increase in size and while they are enlarging they can impinge upon and partially obstruct the nasal passages. A relatively common complication of an odontoma is an abscesses (a pus pockets) and if the abscess begins to drain, the pus can spread into the nares (the nostrils) and drain from them. Odontomas usually require surgery but sometimes; if an abscess has developed and especially if it is freely draining already, antibiotics alone may rarely be effective in treating the abscess component of the odontoma but surgery is still necessary in the near future. Swelling will often be seen at the base of one or both upper incisors and/or swelling in the upper jaw region may be noticeable if an odontoma is present but not always. X-ray studies commonly are diagnostic. There are other causes for pus draining from the nose (if this is indeed pus). Do you live in a "Squirrel Friendly" State where it's legal to have captive wildlife? That makes it easier to find a Vet who can be trusted not to confiscate or euthanize your Squirrel as unfortunately this can and does happen! There are many posts on TSB that pertain to dental issues in Squirrels and one of the most cited expert sources is Dr. Emerson at Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic in Port Orange, Florida. She is very experienced with Squirrel dental issues Odontomas and has performed surgery on a number of Squirrel Board Member's Squirrels. She may likely be willing to consult about your Squirrel over the phone and make recommendations. Please let us know what you decided to do and how your Squirrel is doing!

08-25-2021, 01:32 PM
Funkygrl (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/member.php?39923-Funkygrl) ,
This forum was started and ended in 2008.
It is doubtful orignal poster will see it and come back to it.

I'd recommend starting your own forum in non life threatening listing your concerns.

08-27-2021, 12:50 PM
Funkygrl (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/member.php?39923-Funkygrl) ,
This forum was started and ended in 2008.
It is doubtful orignal poster will see it and come back to it.

I'd recommend starting your own forum in non life threatening listing your concerns.

Thanks! I’ll see I can figure out how to do that. Can you tell me what I click on to start a new post? I’d appreciate it☺️ Also, did I reply to this correctly or should I be typing my replies above the message that was sent to me?
