View Full Version : Little Dove needs a home

06-28-2008, 11:23 PM
A few weeks ago, I had a young dove crash into the side of my house. I got to it before my cat did and kept it overnight to make sure it was ok. Through a link provided by a member - thanks a bunch!, I found out it was a fledgling and not quite ready to be on its own yet. So little dove stayed while we waited for it to be old enough for release. It has had some major ups and downs, including losing complete control of its ability to balance and walk for 3 - 4 days, did NOTHING but sit on the bottom of its cage and occasionally eat and drink. It has recovered from that and seems to be doing well. We were going for a release, but the problem is even though it has not been handled - other than to change the cage and to have fly time each day, it has become unafraid of humans. It still panicks when someone puts their hand into the cage, but once you pick it up it just sits there. Takes a while for it to decide to fly and then once it's done, it waits for someone to come pick it up:sanp3 . All definite problems when dealing with living in the wild. The poor little thing just seems very slow:shakehead - sorrry to the dove and pigeon lovers out there - and I really don't want to see it become a snack for one of the many dogs or cats that live around here.
I would keep it myself, but between NutNut, Nugget, and Baby Jay, not to mention the three kids, I just don't believe that I would have sufficient time to give it the attention it deserves. I would like to put it up for adoption. No fees involved, but I must see where the little one will live. Pics posted here are fine. I would also like a reference that I may contact to confirm you are that correct choice for Little Dove's permanant home. Please understand that I do this because I want only the best for the little critter, not to be nosy or annoying. You can feel free to send me a private message though TSB or just post in this thread. Thank you very much!

06-28-2008, 11:38 PM
:thumbsup good luck darlin...

06-29-2008, 12:04 AM
Wish I was closer:thumbsup

I hope you find someone :grouphug

06-29-2008, 02:29 AM
Good luck!