View Full Version : choking

06-23-2008, 07:01 PM
My baby grey squirrel swallowed some grape and I choking on it. She's breathing but is trying to cough it up. Can't see it in her mouth, what do I do!

squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 07:06 PM
Somebody will be here quickly to help....was the grape peeled if not she is probably joking on the skin if she is young...Can you see in her mouth I have heard of someone actually having to reach in and pull grape skin out

06-23-2008, 07:12 PM
I took the skin off and left the grape whole. When I came back a few hours later she was sitting there not moving much and trying to cough it up. I can't see far enough in her mouth and I'm afraid to fish around with tweezers. It's not good to give her anything to wash it down is it?

squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 07:15 PM
If she is joking I doubt she will drink anything...How is she doing is she breathing ok:poke Hopefully she can get it up how old is she

06-23-2008, 07:15 PM
You will need to open the squirrels mouth and pull the grape out of the throat.

06-23-2008, 07:17 PM
I don't know if this will help but try holding the baby upside down and gently pat it on it's back and see if you can help dislodge the grape. How old is your squirrel?

06-23-2008, 07:19 PM
She opened her eyes about 3 days ago, 4 weeks is when they open them right? Right now she's resting with her eyes closed, breathing okay but will cough frequently. If I can't see the grape how am I supposed to get it out?

06-23-2008, 07:21 PM
If you can't see it, that's another story. I've had to pull those evil grapes out of a squirrel's throat before, but could get my fingernails on it.

You can try to tilt her forward and deliver several firm taps on the the back, like you would a choking child to see if it clears.

squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 07:23 PM
She opened her eyes about 3 days ago, 4 weeks is when they open them right? Right now she's resting with her eyes closed, breathing okay but will cough frequently. If I can't see the grape how am I supposed to get it out?

Usually five.....she is still really young so she needs very tiny pieces of food given to her...if you are sure she is breathing ok maybe it will go on down and if you can't see it :thinking just make sure from here on out small pieces to you have the first foods list...I started with cheerios rodent chow and grapes you can do apples also...Someone can give you more detailed info when they come on:peace

Apple Corps
06-23-2008, 07:28 PM
Hold her upside down and gently and rapidly squeeze her rib cage - careful to NOT break her ribs

You are trying to force the air out of her lungs and pop the grape out.

Put your hands around her - with her head down - probably hold her like down by your knees.

You know the motion when you try to get the last bit of ketchup or shampoo out of a bottle - that motion coordinated with the squeeze

GENTLE though - no broken ribs or neck trauma.

06-23-2008, 07:29 PM
Thank you so much everyone for your help. This is so stressful and I hope she pulls through. Are rodent blocks okay for them to nibble on or should I just give the babies formula only until they are older? They were teething on the rodent blocks but now I'm afraid they could choke on a piece.

squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 07:31 PM
I did not have a problem with the rodent block he just mainly chewed it and made a mess:thumbsup

06-23-2008, 08:00 PM
It's very strange, she stops coughing and is okay with that but her belly is very bloated I noticed. Seemed within minutes, I massaged it in warm water and read that I should give her pedialyte for the next 3 feedings? I think I must have fed her too much, 4 ccs. She has been peeing but not pooping that much. Is she constipated?

06-23-2008, 08:22 PM
The bloating is from the choking. This is an emergency. If the other suggestions don't work, you need to get someone to help you hold her while you look down her throat. You can use a popsicle stick to hold her tongue down, just like the doctor does. And use a flashlight so you can see. Have some tweezers ready.

06-23-2008, 08:24 PM
How much does she weigh and how often are you feeding her?

I would suggest only giving her rodant block for a week of two yet to teeth on. If she just openned her eyes she is much to young to be given anything else solid.

Loopy Squirrel
06-23-2008, 08:27 PM
She may have swollowed air into her belly when she was having trouble breathing. I would continue to massage her belly, gently and watch her carefully. If it doesn't go down I would try the infant baby gas drops. You can buy them over the counter in any drug/grocery store. I wouldn't feed anything until you can get the bloat under control because the more formula/pedialyte in the belly the worse the bloat will get. Besides we still don't know if the grape went down or if it is still stuck in the throat. It could just be turned allowing enough air in for the baby to breath. Just try to get the bloat down for a little bit. You can also put the baby on a warm heating pad on low, tummy down and see if it helps.

06-23-2008, 08:36 PM
How long do I give her for the bloat to go down before I give her baby gas drops?

06-23-2008, 09:15 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that her bloat went down and she is lively again:) Thank you everyone for your help, this forum is great.

06-23-2008, 09:17 PM
Thanks:thankyou for that update. I was so worried but just couldn't think of a way to help:)

06-23-2008, 09:20 PM
Thank goodness! Sounds like the grape went down. Phew! That was a close one. :wott

island rehabber
06-23-2008, 09:27 PM
Thank God, erogers! :thumbsup And thanks to all who responded -- what an excellent coaching job you all did. :bowdown :grouphug

Apple Corps
06-23-2008, 10:01 PM
It had to go down or come up - no in between with a good outcome.

I would hold off on any further solid food until a bit older.

Thoughts from you more experienced rehabbers & caretakers.

06-24-2008, 07:58 AM
Your baby is a bit young for solid food. I have a differing opinion from others who have posted here. I don't put any solid food in the cage that is small enough to fit completely in the mouth and can get lodged in the throat. When an apple gets whittled down enough that it will fit completely in the mouth, I pull it out of the cage.

Grapes are notoriously dangerous, even though squirrels love them. I usually wait until the squirrel is a little more mature to give grapes.

Loopy Squirrel
06-24-2008, 08:10 AM
Watch out for corn too. A lot of people begin to add some of the seed mixes which have corn in them in addition to their staple diet. Corn is definitely a chocking hazard to small ones and even older juveniles. It isn't a good food anyway for a growing baby. Just follow the diets here on this site. The rodent blocks are usually o.k. I have never had a problem w/ them because they usually just crumble. Just be careful w/ the little ones.

squirrel princess
06-24-2008, 08:15 AM
I never had a problem but since your little one seems prone to choking I would hold off.....they do seem to just crumble the rodent block like LP said and I did in an earlier post:thumbsup

Momma Squirrel
06-24-2008, 08:16 AM
:wott I am so happy, I have been watching from the side lines, what a great job everyone :bowdown Especially you erogers for keeping it together and getting your baby the help that was needed.

Now that things are calmed down we would love to see a picture of the little one that had everyone so worried :tilt

island rehabber
06-24-2008, 09:44 AM
ASG I'm with you....I wait until about 2 wks after eyes open to put in solids, and I take the scary little bits out of the container as you do.

06-24-2008, 11:18 AM
I've had problems with young ones choking on grapes, too, and have had to pull the obstruction out with tweezers.......very scary! Even when you peel the grapes for them, there is one more important thing I have learned to do. Cut the grape in half lengthwise. Even in seedless grapes, you will see a small 'thread' looking thing - I suppose it is a very soft extension of the stem, and where the seeds would be attached if they did have seeds. Cut out that little stem thing. It is more fiberous than the grape, and with every squirrel I have had that choked, it has always been on that part. Since I started removing them, I haven't had another choke (knock on wood!!). Added bonus - it is usually easier to peel half a grape than it is a whole one.


island rehabber
06-24-2008, 12:02 PM
I've had problems with young ones choking on grapes, too, and have had to pull the obstruction out with tweezers.......very scary! Even when you peel the grapes for them, there is one more important thing I have learned to do. Cut the grape in half lengthwise. Even in seedless grapes, you will see a small 'thread' looking thing - I suppose it is a very soft extension of the stem, and where the seeds would be attached if they did have seeds. Cut out that little stem thing. It is more fiberous than the grape, and with every squirrel I have had that choked, it has always been on that part. Since I started removing them, I haven't had another choke (knock on wood!!). Added bonus - it is usually easier to peel half a grape than it is a whole one.


:goodpost :attention