View Full Version : A few questions...
06-21-2008, 02:08 PM
I work at an emergency vet hospital and we had some kids bring in a baby squirrel they found. First I asked them if there was anywhere they could have left it near where they found it, and they said he was in a pretty open parking lot. The little guy was lying in the open on the concrete. I inspected him and he seemed healthy. He had ONE flea, and because of his lack of fur it was obvious it was just that one.
I told the kids I would contact the Toronto Wildlife Centre, and I did, however they told me they don't take "eyes closed babies". They gave me a number of a rehabber that will, but I was unable to drive up to her (couple hour round trip) and she was unwilling to drive to get him. She gave me feeding instructions, puppy milk replacer with some plasmalyte fluids mixed at decreasing ratios for the first few days. He's now on straight puppy milk and he seems to be doing well. I have decided I will try to raise him myself.
I've had him 6 days now and he seems to be doing great. I prepped myself for disappointment, because I know how fragile baby wildlife is. Through various websites I've come to the conclusion that he's about 4 weeks old(maybe just getting into his 5th week) He weighs 100g, is this a good weight for his age? If you guys could varify that for me that would be great. (this picture is when I first got him 6 days ago)
He's sleeping in the cat carrier with hot water bottles that get changed every 4 hours or so. He LOVES to cuddle with them, but he can move away from them if he gets too warm.
Anyways, before I write a novel, I have a couple questions:
He is peeing and pooping well, however his poops now look a lot different from the first day I had him. They were very firm and dark brown/black. Now they are softer(not diarrhea though) and orange! Is this because of the formula I'm feeding him?? He doesn't seem dehydrated, and if he does get dehydrated I'll go back to adding the plasmalyte in his formula.
Also, if he were to aspirate his formula, how long would it be before I saw symptoms of that? Is aspirating always a death sentence? :( I've been feeding him with a 1cc syringe, and this morning switched to a 3cc syringe with a 20gauge IV catheter, cut off, on the end (Just the plastic part, not the needle!!)
06-21-2008, 02:42 PM
What a little darling you have that has entered your life!! Baby surely looks healthy and it sounds like the feeding is going well. I am glad the rehabber was able and willing to get you started down the right path. You will be able to get lots of info from the people on here. Just standby, they will come to your aid!!
06-21-2008, 04:31 PM
Hi there! He looks really healthy, I'm sure you've been doing a great job. Do happen to know the species? I treat only the three species native to Minnesota - the red squirrel, eastern grey squirrel, and flying squirrel. Of those three, he would obviously be the EGS... but since I haven't dealt with other species and I don't know where you're from, I don't really know. Anyway, if you can figure out the species, that will really help you figure out whether he's at the right weight, etc.
For all species I've dealt with... 100 grams is quite sufficient at his age, so I wouldn't worry.
If he aspirates, you'll know immediately. He'll stop eating suddenly, sneeze repeatedly, and will usually have nasal discharge. If this happens, hold him upside down to assist him while he sneezes out the formula he's breathed in, while wiping his nose with a cotton ball (or something equally useful :P). No, aspirating is not a death sentence, but it certainly isn't good and should be avoided. Carefully feed him slowly through the oral syringe. Once he gets a little older and eager, he may begin sucking too hard, "steal" the plunger from you, and aspirate his formula. To avoid this, make sure that your other four fingers hold the plunger in place while your thumb controls the amount he is given.
If he does aspirate, watch him carefully the next 24 hours or so. If he sneezes regularly, it may be a sign of pneumonia.
Other than that... "closed-eyed" babies should be stimulated (usually it is suggested before and after feeding). Though if he's urinating, it may not be too pressing, we usually do it regardless.
The stool change could be the onset of diarrhea. If it's mild, I would personally mix his food with 50% formula and 50% water, and monitor whether it changes. Weigh him carefully every feeding. If he began to lose weight, I would raise it immediately to 75% formula and 25% water for your next feeding, and then 100% formula after that. Otherwise, I'm not sure what it could be. :)
Also.. to check for dehydration, pull up the skin between his shoulders and see whether it returns quickly to it's original position or if it takes a second or two. If it's the latter, he may be dehydrated.
That's all I can think of, but don't take my advice before the veterinarians. :P Good luck!
06-21-2008, 06:13 PM
The poops usually turn golden in color when on formula; they may also be a bit soft, but should hold their shape. If his poops become runny, you can do as Riddle suggested and dilute the formula for a few feedings.
One suggestion about the supplemental heat. To avoid having to change the water bottles so often, you can use a heating pad (the kind without an automatic shut-off feature) turned to the "low" setting and placed under half of his container. Also some people use a "rice buddy" which is simply an old sock filled with rice or dried beans and microwaved until toasty warm. The advantage of these is that when they lose their warmth, they don't become cold like water bottles do.
He looks very healthy in the pic. You're doing a great job.:thumbsup
OH BOY!! I'd guess a 3 week Foxer if he's running 100g now.
Keep us posted please.:Welcome
06-22-2008, 12:16 AM
Thanks for all your advice. I also assume he's an eastern grey, I'm in southern Ontario and all we really have(that i know of) are black, grey, and reds.
4skwerls, I'd love to get a heating pad but as some of you may know working with animals, we do it for love, not money :/ . My boyfriend and I are on different schedules so someone is always awake with the little guy. For the first while he didn't have anything to warm him, I just had him in a very warm room (~30C, 2 computers running 24/7, door & windows
-Gammas, he does have two little bottom teeth, they were just breaking through when I got him, and they're quite large now. I'm just waiting for the top ones to come through! :) I REALLY can't wait for his eyes to open and for him to start looking like a 'real' squirrel!! I'm guessing it'll be about a week+ now!
Another question, I'm at work right now and I bring the little guy with me. I weigh him whenever I'm here, and I noticed in the past 3 days he hasn't gained anything? Is it ok for him to "plateau"? Should I really only be watching for weight loss?
island rehabber
06-22-2008, 06:02 AM
Thanks for all your advice. I also assume he's an eastern grey, I'm in southern Ontario and all we really have(that i know of) are black, grey, and reds.
4skwerls, I'd love to get a heating pad but as some of you may know working with animals, we do it for love, not money :/ . My boyfriend and I are on different schedules so someone is always awake with the little guy. For the first while he didn't have anything to warm him, I just had him in a very warm room (~30C, 2 computers running 24/7, door & windows
-Gammas, he does have two little bottom teeth, they were just breaking through when I got him, and they're quite large now. I'm just waiting for the top ones to come through! :) I REALLY can't wait for his eyes to open and for him to start looking like a 'real' squirrel!! I'm guessing it'll be about a week+ now!
Another question, I'm at work right now and I bring the little guy with me. I weigh him whenever I'm here, and I noticed in the past 3 days he hasn't gained anything? Is it ok for him to "plateau"? Should I really only be watching for weight loss?
Hi joojie -- first, thank you for taking on the responsibility of caring for this beautiful baby squirrel. I agree that he is an Eastern Grey and probably 3-4 weeks old; his eyes should open in a week or so.
Now, about the weight: he should gain 5-8g PER DAY. Therefore, he is not getting the nutrition he needs with the routine he's currently on. Can you increase the number of feedings per day, or the amount you give him? The minimum amount is 5% of his body weight at each feeding, so if he weighs 100g the minimum would be 5cc's of formula each time, every 4- 4.5 hours and one during the night for at least the next week. (Then you can stop the overnight one.)
He looks the picture of health in that pic! Make sure he's getting enough nutrition to stay healthy and you're in for the time of your life watching him grow :).
06-22-2008, 01:00 PM
:Welcome Best of luck with him!
06-22-2008, 01:24 PM
Also, if he were to aspirate his formula, how long would it be before I saw symptoms of that? Is aspirating always a death sentence? :( I've been feeding him with a 1cc syringe, and this morning switched to a 3cc syringe with a 20gauge IV catheter, cut off, on the end (Just the plastic part, not the needle!!)
Hi Joojie~
I'm certainly not an expert on any of this, but I have two little girl squirrels, they found me in April. When they were on formula, I found it helpful to put a nipple (Put a hole in it with a hot needle) on the end of the syringe. (I used the whole thing, nipple and plastic attachment, just like you would put on a baby bottle. It seemed to stay on better.) But, you can use the nipple alone. They sell these at petsmart...with a bottle, but I didn't use the bottle...(afraid it would come out too fast).
One of the babies aspirated before I changed to the nipples, and I put her on an antibiotic. It's now two months later, and she's fine. I would stay with the 1cc needle until he gets bigger.
As Gamma would say...just make sure you push that plunger SLOW...little bit at a time. This helps keep your little one safe.
Good luck with the baby....he's precious.
06-22-2008, 01:26 PM
Also, if he were to aspirate his formula, how long would it be before I saw symptoms of that? Is aspirating always a death sentence? :( I've been feeding him with a 1cc syringe, and this morning switched to a 3cc syringe with a 20gauge IV catheter, cut off, on the end (Just the plastic part, not the needle!!)
Also, I would stay with the 1cc until he's bigger.
06-22-2008, 03:25 PM
I've actually found the 3cc syringe to be much easier. I grabbed a smaller catheter from work so it comes out in tiny drops. He (who I've named Irwin..hehe) likes it much better because there's only one interuption during meal time.
Thanks for the tips, island rehabber. I was giving him about 4ccs, and probably .5 to 1cc of that was ending up ON him not IN him. I've started feeding him 6ccs at each meal, he takes it really well. :D I feed him ~every 4 hours and twice at night, my boyfriend is usually up all night, so he chips in. Hopefully I'll have him fattened up in no time! :squirrel1
06-22-2008, 11:23 PM
:grouphug :jump good luck with irwin...keep us posted...and give us pics when ya can...:jump
island rehabber
06-23-2008, 06:03 AM
:thumbsupSounds like you're off to a great start -- have fun with Irwin!! :)
Sammy in Canada
06-23-2008, 07:59 AM
lucky irwin found someone to care for him, good luck, my Squirrel sammy came to me as a baby 5 weeks old and he is a year old now and doing great, keep up the good job, and post pictures if you get a chance :thumbsup
06-23-2008, 06:17 PM
my poor guy has diarreah now. I switched him to straight formula a few days ago, and he was fine with it. This morning his poop started to be the color and consistency of peanut butter :( what could cause this? should i worry about it? (sorry if I ruined peanut butter for
06-23-2008, 06:23 PM
Sometimes over feeding will give a baby diarrhea. Try giving not quite as much at the next feeding and see if it helps.
squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 06:28 PM
my poor guy has diarreah now. I switched him to straight formula a few days ago, and he was fine with it. This morning his poop started to be the color and consistency of peanut butter :( what could cause this? should i worry about it? (sorry if I ruined peanut butter for
Are you mixing it correctly 1 to 2 part water:poke It is not uncommon he will get regular just make sure he doesn't get dehydrated if it gets too bad....Chipper did those golden mustard poops when I was switching him to the correct formula:shakehead If you can weigh him you feed 5% of the body weight in cc's that should help in not overfeeding:thumbsup
Lady Squirrelly
06-23-2008, 06:35 PM
Irwin is beautiful and such a pudge. I just love beefy little babies.:grouphug
I formula you pictured is ready to use. It does not need to be diluted.
Esbilac powder is mixed 1 part powder to 2 parts water.
I am so glad you found us.
Welcome. :Welcome
squirrel princess
06-23-2008, 06:41 PM
I just saw the formula and yes it is ready to go but make sure you throw it out after expiration :shakehead Chipper got a really bad explosion of diareah and i think it was because the formula had gone bad:poke
06-24-2008, 05:25 AM
The formula I have is good for 28days after opening if it's in the fridge, but it may have been left out for a few hours at work. Someone at work also fed him cold formula :shakehead don't touch my squirrel people!! :pissed lol...
I didn't feed him overnight because I had a feeling it was overfeeding as well. I only was able to give him half of one of his feedings at work because it was busy. So the next one he got as much as he would eat...oops. We'll see if it. I"ll feed him a little now and see if it resolves
06-25-2008, 12:40 AM
Ok, so the diarrhea is slowly getting better, still mushy, but not water. I cuz back his food today to allow his stomach to settle a bit. I have noticed his poor little bum is all red and a little swollen. Does anyone know if it would be ok to put a little bit of Surolan on it? It's an ear med (topical anti-inflammitory) but we use it a lot at work for dogs/cats with anal gland issues and sore swollen bums.
07-13-2008, 01:09 AM
I also live in the Toronto area. If you need any help for him feel free to contact me. If you need a home for him I would love to have him. I have lots of experience with squirrels, babies, adults, injured and the sick. Good luck with the little guy. They really do grab at your heart don't they?
07-17-2008, 12:43 AM
how is your little grey baby doing? I hope all is well.
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