View Full Version : baby squirrel may die, help!!
Angel's Mom
07-20-2006, 09:18 PM
Angel gave birth this morning to 3 babies! She is nursing 2. She left the first born in a corner. I didn't interfere until I returned after work, around 6 pm. He was cold by then and not moving. As soon as I had him in my palm he started to move then to whine. Can't convince Angel to take back. He is a fighter so I am trying to get him to nurse. I made puppy milk, in small bottle. Typing with one hand, frantic! What do I do?
Apple Corps
07-20-2006, 09:27 PM
I am a newbie but fro what I read:
Keep the baby warm
Get it on pedialyte - from the drug store or grocery store
Feed it carefully - do not overdo and let the baby aspirate the fluid into its little lungs - small amounts from a small syringe (NO NEEDLE) or on your finger
If fluid is aspirated hold the baby nose down and let it drain out
Slowly start feeding on esbilac
MOVE QUICKLY - hydration is needed NOW!!!!!!!!!
Apple Corps
07-20-2006, 09:28 PM
For others - I hope my advice is correct - please add info as appropriate.
Sounds like time is critical now!!!
07-20-2006, 10:14 PM
Good to hear that angel gave birth to babies.Sad to hear about the baby who is in a bad condition.
Your information is right.Also remember to make him poo/pee after the feedings.with a damp cotten ball rub his ginital area softly.
There are good info on Chris's site.
Secret Squirrel
07-20-2006, 10:34 PM
Keep baby warm, and snuggly. Make seperate place for the baby...use a hot water bottle or a glass jar filled with warm water. Tee-shirts or fleece for terry cloth. Feed esbilac every 2 hours and 1cc -2 cc per feeding...if it will eat that much. Remove it from the momma and raies it for now by yourself. Use a shoe box or small plastic container with ventalation for now. Keep in warm quite place. Stimulate bowel movement with a kleenex or wet (warm) cotton ball. Try to introduce the baby to the momma when the baby is warm. A mother wont take a cold baby. Try to sneek the warm baby in to momma while she is feeding the 2 others, and see what happens!
Good luck momma!!!!
07-20-2006, 10:57 PM
OMG...awesome reply Secret Squirrel! As a newborn, it(he/she) really NEEDS Momma's milk...once that babe gets warm...she will not know the difference..I hope! Great advice..lets all pray!! In the SS said...keep the baby same enclosure...above a heat source. Think warm and cuddly....keep a watchful eyey! Don't plan on sleep...never get much, with Neos. But...if momma has deemed this kid as a "non-keeper"...keep that formula ready!! :thankyou for caring and:thankyou Secret Squirrel!!:bowdown
Angel's Mom
07-20-2006, 11:50 PM
Well, we have made it almost 2 hours. He refuses or doesn't know how to suckle. I tried to get Angle to accept him but no luck. I don't want to get in her way and risk her leaving the other babies, right? One of the other babies wandered from Angle so I moved him/her back. Angle is snuggling the other two now and they are resting. My little guy is resting too, on my palm with his head between two fingers. He is drying up-I can see his skin turning into paper. He has swallowed less than .1 cc. No pee or poop yet. Angel's Mom
07-20-2006, 11:51 PM
When you are ready to try to get the momma to accept the baby again, try taking one of the babies she is caring for and making him pee on the cast out one - that way there will be the scent of her baby on it, and she might accept him more readily.
Apple Corps
07-21-2006, 12:23 AM
I do not want to over step my experience or knowledge BUT:
You must get some liquid in your little cutie NOW or it will not make it. Have you tried the pedialyte to start hydration? Best of luck - hope she makes it but it will take liquid.
Perhaps you can place a small amount of your pedialyte or formula in the front of her mouth (CAREFUL about letting any into her lungs - the aspiration risk) - the lining of the mouth will absorb liquid and nutrient. Not ideal but better than nothing. Perhaps wetting a Q-tip with the formula and nudging it around the inside of the mouth?
Fingers crossed.
07-21-2006, 02:48 AM
Just remember - a lot of times when the mother squirrel won't accept a baby, it's because they realize that the baby has something wrong with it, and that it will not live. Although it may seem heartless, they know not to waste time and nutrition on a pup that hasn't got a chance, and they give their entire focus to the pups that CAN make it. But on the other hand, I, like you, would be in there fighting for it. If it makes it through the night, try taking it to the vet in the morning - they can inject fluids directly into the body.
Don't just give up trying, but keep in mind that the chances of raising him are very small, and even if you do, there may still be something wrong with him. Keep on doing all you can, but don't let it break your heart if he doesn't make it. A lot of times, the internal problems are such that the life he would have would be filled with pain, and not worth living.
Good luck with him - I hope he makes it.
07-21-2006, 06:28 AM
Muffin hit it on the head.
Angel probably has a good reason for her actions. You can only try your best, and may still lose the baby. Just remember that nature will run its course and it has nothing to do with anything you have done. I've seen this type of thing within litters that are orphaned. One baby won't stay with the rest of the squirrels. It takes itself of of heat and moves away because it knows it isn't well. You try to put it back on the heat and it just moves again. They usually won't eat then either. It is very sad, but you pretty much know what is coming at this point.
I'm not trying to be a downer. I just don't want you to feel like it is something you did if he doesn't make it. I've been through this enough and know what it is like.
I would get sub-q fluids into him as soon as possible and start with pedialyte.
Best of luck to you. My thoughts are with both you and the baby.
island rehabber
07-21-2006, 07:17 AM
Angel's Mom you have gotten the best advice possible so far -- I have nothing to add except to reassure you that nature knows best , here. If you can save this little one through your diligence and patience, great....and I'm betting that you can. But if not, it's's nature's way to save the strongest and that's why Angel is acting the way she is. Also...Angel may be exhausted herself....she has been 'pre-labor' a long time and as you said hasn't eaten or drunk much in the past week or more. She may need some outside nanny help. We're all with you! Hydrate and warm that little one and God bless!
07-21-2006, 07:43 AM
well, be grateful she didn't eat her baby. sometimes rodents will do that when they think something's wrong with their baby. it's just to keep the nest clean.
i'm apprehensive about you trying to put the baby back. if mom rejected it, i don't think it's likely she'll want it again. you can try it, but you MUST be careful. if momma seems stressed out, i.e. making noise, twitching tale, standing up and facing you, i wouldn't put the baby back. the stress of putting in and taking out babies could make her abandon the ones she's accepted.
but that milk from her is extra important. i'd suggest you try it, but again, with caution. if there's a time when momma is sleeping with her belly somewhat exposed, and the other babies are nursing, you could try putting the rejected one against her belly to see if it'll take to a nipple. if you can get it to drink some, then it has a better chance, even if you have to take it out again later.
if you give your baby pedialyte, make sure it's warm, but don't use a microwave. some people say it's ok to nuke pedialyte, some say it decreases the nutritional value. i don't take a chance, i just heat it by other means. you want it warm to the point where you can keep your finger in it, but it's almost hot. tent the skin of the baby on it's haunch; does the skin return to the body quickly? if not, it needs pedialyte. that's a good way to find out if it's dehydrated.
best of luck to you and all your squirrels. keep us posted, we're all here to help. ;)
Angel's Mom
07-21-2006, 08:41 AM
Feedings at least every 2 hours last night. Up at 4. He is dehydrated in spite of it. But he is also a fighter. I tried to put him back with
Angel but she quickly tried to dispatch him. So here we are. 6:30 am pst approx. He just ate a tiny bit of formula. He has pooped and peed. He is so small and life is so hard. I have to work today so I've made a small bed for him inside a small box. The box openings are on the shorter side of the box. I flipped it onto its side and cut the new "top" so it sort of flips up. Put some fleece fabric inside with a handwarmer and t-shirt rag on top of the rest. He is sleeping now. I'll pack formula powder and other stuff and hope nobody notices us. I'll have him at my feet under my desk or maybe in a drawer to my side if I can be sneaky about it. Besides lunch I have a morning and afternoon break so I think he and I will manage OK. Please pray for us. He is so fragile. Thank you everyone for your advice!! Your warm greetings means a lot to me today! I know I wouldn't feel this confident without y'all. I'll let you know how it goes by posting this evening pst. Angel's Mom
Momma Squirrel
07-21-2006, 08:42 AM
Angel's Mom, congratulations on being a grandma :crazy Sounds like you have your hands full, you have great help, knowledge, and support here. Stay in touch often as you can and I wish you and Angel all the luck in the world in the new arrivals. If love and support can heal you know it will happen :grouphug
Secret Squirrel
07-21-2006, 08:57 AM
Good luck at work with your granbaby!!!
The restroom is a good place to feed or a unoccupied hard office. I took my 5 kidz to work everyday and thank God I had a great place to work and care for the babys too. Just be sure it's quiet....and don't share what your doing with anyone. I know it's hard but some folks freak out, while others will be at your desk every 15 mins to see a baby squirrel. News travels fast and it can get outta hand rapidly....been there.
Mrs. Jack
07-21-2006, 09:44 AM
Just want to wish you my warmest support. This is so complicated and time consuming and stressful and you have my eternal admiration for taking it on with such diligence and love. Best of luck to you all.
07-21-2006, 10:26 AM
Good Luck, what ever will be will be and I hope you & he win the battle on this one! Your a super person for doing all this!
Angel's Mom
07-22-2006, 12:00 AM
We were still struggling to reach a meeting of minds by the 3rd feeding at work, around 4 pm. He just didn't want it. I was imagining he was shrinking by the hour, just drying up. I called an old friend who is retiring vet. From work I drove to the grocery and bought goat's milk and Del Monte Rice baby cereal. Gave him a thin mixture around 7 tonight. He definitely likes better than the other but still fights me. He was also restless. Turns out he wanted to connect. When I tried to comfort him I brought him up to my face and he explored it with his hands and body, just moved all over me and then he rested afterward. He is peeing and pooping often now, sometimes on his own. I so much want him to plump up! Angel is doing fine. She is still very tired and is taking care of her 2 babies. Thank you for your prayers today. I really felt them as I was wandering through the day. I can't express how much this experience means to me. Just feeling his tiny fingers on my nose makes it all worthwhile!
Mrs. Jack
07-22-2006, 07:51 AM
Glad to hear that he's still doing well... those tiny fingers sure must be amazing, such a beautiful reward for all you've been doing. Continued love and luck to you two.
07-22-2006, 09:47 AM
We were still struggling to reach a meeting of minds by the 3rd feeding at work, around 4 pm. He just didn't want it. I was imagining he was shrinking by the hour, just drying up. I called an old friend who is retiring vet. From work I drove to the grocery and bought goat's milk and Del Monte Rice baby cereal. Gave him a thin mixture around 7 tonight. He definitely likes better than the other but still fights me. He was also restless. Turns out he wanted to connect. When I tried to comfort him I brought him up to my face and he explored it with his hands and body, just moved all over me and then he rested afterward. He is peeing and pooping often now, sometimes on his own. I so much want him to plump up! Angel is doing fine. She is still very tired and is taking care of her 2 babies. Thank you for your prayers today. I really felt them as I was wandering through the day. I can't express how much this experience means to me. Just feeling his tiny fingers on my nose makes it all worthwhile!
Hi, just to let you know, there IS a baby squirrel formula, even so Pediolyte is better than nothing. I was told this by my friend who is a licenced rehabber in Texas. If you want her email address let me know. I will try to let her know your need and see if she cannot connect you with the resource for this squirrel baby milk. I raised mine on kitten formula. Never use the dog formula, or cow. Anyway, as I said there IS for those reading this acttually a SQUIRREL baby formula available. For further information contact me Sciurus1 at
07-22-2006, 10:38 AM
Angel's Mom, dont you have esbillac.I advice you not to use any cow or goats milk.My Sparks was fed with cows milk before I recieved the esbillac, and it caused diarrhea.As for the dehydration, Sparks also needed to be given Pedialyte in between feedings in order to stay fully hydrated.Do that for about a day.No longer.Just give him a little bit.
Remember, Diarrhea in a baby like this is deadly.So dont change the milk or give any un-familiar milk.
And I dont think a baby this old will be able to digest rice cereal.Ask an experianced rehabber before giving him it.
If the baby appears thin and he doesnt take in the formula much, try to feed him more often with small amounts.
Keep it up.And good luck.
island rehabber
07-22-2006, 11:38 AM
Angel's Mom -- ghosTS is correct! Esbilac PUPPY formula is the way to raise a healthy squirrel baby. And I do not think the rice cereal is a good idea at this age, even though you are diluting the formula. Esbilac is available at large pet supply stores and online from several websites including Sometimes when a pinky refuses formula, that formula is too cold. Some of mine have actually liked it hot, so when I have multiples i make sure that baby gets fed first.
07-22-2006, 01:41 PM
Just another voice butting in - but I would see about getting that baby some sub-Q fluids. If you aren't sure how then ask your retired Vet friend. If you can get him hydrated his appetite will increase, and it will be so much faster than trying to get what he needs to him by mouth. Praying for you and your little one!!!! Keep us posted!!
Angel's Mom
07-22-2006, 07:28 PM
Thanks everyone! OK nix to the rice cereal. Nix to goats milk and back to puppy's milk. His name is Sam. Sam is more plump now and also has become a heat seeker!! Yes! He is also a little bit easier to convince to eat. I'm feeding him about every 2 hours today. He is eliminating every time. The poop looks solid so far except for 1 time where it was sort of yellow looking. Since then his poop is back to solid fortunately. By the way, I found 2 more babies under the bedding in Angel's nest, so she gave birth to 5 total!! Yikes, no wonder she is crabby! She is making up for lost time at the food bowls! And I'm glad to see that she is feisty when protecting her babies. Sam is sleeping with a hot water bottle right now. Where I live the temp has been over 103 for the last 2 days. Yesterday when I carried Sam out of the office into the parking lot I watched him uncurl and roll over onto to his back, arms spread to the sides, legs up in the air, as if to say, "Aaaaah, at last!" He was so cute! I'll make the changes and let you know how it goes. Thank you again, everyone, for your sharing concern. I so appreciate your showing me how to do this!! Angel's Mom
07-22-2006, 07:58 PM
Hi Angels mom
Is momma squirrel raising four babies then? Also if you arent allready doing it you can give pedialite between feeds to keep this little guys hydration up. You should only have to do it two or three times and he should be back to normal if he is eating well. I am happy to hear his stools have tightened up. I felt the same way about the baby cereal and tried to post it earlier but the post got eaten somehow. Anyway his system isnt nearly old enough to tackle cereal or any other kind of solids yet. Continued good luck and please keep us posted. Stacey
Thanks everyone! OK nix to the rice cereal. Nix to goats milk and back to puppy's milk. His name is Sam. Sam is more plump now and also has become a heat seeker!! Yes! He is also a little bit easier to convince to eat. I'm feeding him about every 2 hours today. He is eliminating every time. The poop looks solid so far except for 1 time where it was sort of yellow looking. Since then his poop is back to solid fortunately. By the way, I found 2 more babies under the bedding in Angel's nest, so she gave birth to 5 total!! Yikes, no wonder she is crabby! She is making up for lost time at the food bowls! And I'm glad to see that she is feisty when protecting her babies. Sam is sleeping with a hot water bottle right now. Where I live the temp has been over 103 for the last 2 days. Yesterday when I carried Sam out of the office into the parking lot I watched him uncurl and roll over onto to his back, arms spread to the sides, legs up in the air, as if to say, "Aaaaah, at last!" He was so cute! I'll make the changes and let you know how it goes. Thank you again, everyone, for your sharing concern. I so appreciate your showing me how to do this!! Angel's Mom
07-22-2006, 08:09 PM
Hey sciurus1 are you talking about Fox Valley formula? I have been using it for five years and have had no problems. It also has a better exceptance rate among all the babies I have raised. I keep Fox Valley newborn to three weeks, Fox Valley three weeks to weaning, Esbilac, and goat milk esbilac all on hand just in case I were ever to have a baby with a problem with the protein source or a milk allergy so that I do have other options. So far all the others have been unnecessary and the babies that didnt like Esbilac have taken to the Fox Valley right off. I now use Fox Valley exclusively and will unless there is a problem. Besides it smells just delicious!! Stacey
Hi, just to let you know, there IS a baby squirrel formula, even so Pediolyte is better than nothing. I was told this by my friend who is a licenced rehabber in Texas. If you want her email address let me know. I will try to let her know your need and see if she cannot connect you with the resource for this squirrel baby milk. I raised mine on kitten formula. Never use the dog formula, or cow. Anyway, as I said there IS for those reading this acttually a SQUIRREL baby formula available. For further information contact me Sciurus1 at
07-22-2006, 09:38 PM
I dont think its a good idea to give Sub-Q fluids to babies this young.The stress factor is too high.And I think if you give a bit pedialyte in between feedings he will do just fine coz he doesnt have a problem in drinking.
07-23-2006, 05:42 AM
Sorry to hear about the baby Angels mom.And the other baby, if bubbles come out of his nose he is aspirating the liquid.That will cause pneumonia.He must be weak because he stayed without help for days.Does he have any wounds.He must be severely dehydrated.So he wont be able to swallow or digest anything.I think he should be given a sub-q of rehydration fluids.Your vet friend will be able to do it.But giving sub-q to a weak baby stress them alot.But in this case I dont see any other choice.I just hope nothing will happen to him/her.
07-23-2006, 08:10 PM
One more suggestion, Angel's mom. I'm not sure what type of hand warmer you are using, but I find that a heating pad on low heat under the one corner of baby's box is a safe and consistent way to keep them warm. It doesn't dry them out like lights do. If you use those chemically-heated hand warmers, they have toxic compounds in them.
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