View Full Version : Blood!!~Help Please!!
07-19-2006, 03:48 PM
O.K., Mon chee peed/ love nuggeted today and there was blood~
I 'm not real sure if she pooped out blood or peed blood~
But it was blood......I'm soooo freaked out right now.
Does anyone have any idea of what this could be???
07-19-2006, 04:38 PM
Hi Mon chi chi's mom. My female squirrel Sticky had blood in her urine way back when she was about a year old. I have a great vet and he just had me bring in a urine sample and he found she had a bladder infection. She was treated with antibiotics though it has been four years since then and I just dont remember which antibiotic we used but it cleared up within a few days and she was on the medication for a week twice a day. She has never had another episode but was having problems with continually being in season so she went in today and was spayed. Until you can get her or at least a urine sample in to the vet you can give her cranberry juice but I would strongly urge you to seek medical attention for her. If you have ever had a bladder infection then you know how miserable you are and I know you wouldnt want to her to suffer any longer with it than necessary. Good luck and keep us posted as we all know and love your sweet little Mon Chi Chi! Stacey
O.K., Mon chee peed/ love nuggeted today and there was blood~
I 'm not real sure if she pooped out blood or peed blood~
But it was blood......I'm soooo freaked out right now.
Does anyone have any idea of what this could be???
07-19-2006, 04:44 PM
Ohh.....rygel1hardt thank you for the quick reply... it looks as though me and mon chee will have to go to a vet. any squirrel friendly vet recommendation in brevard county?? The last person I took her too was really a witch`and if you ask me didn't have a clue about squirrels.:ohthedrama
07-19-2006, 04:51 PM
Take what you can of the blood with you in a clean container, seal it and take that to the vet with you. They usually can determine whether or not it was from the stool or in her urine. I am not sure of this applies to squirrels, but sometimes blood in the stool is caused by parasites, or really bad gastritis. Basically the intestine gets so inlflamed that it can bleed. I wish I could help you with a vet but maybe someone on here can! Please keep us informed!
Momma Squirrel
07-19-2006, 05:56 PM
SquirrelyGirly, I am so sorry to hear about Mon, Lets just think that it is just simply a urine infection that all females get no matter if human or animal. Do you have a rehabber in your area that could help with suggestions on what to do until you can get into see a vet? Our thoughts are with you, I know it will seem like forever before you can get help, I'm sure she knows you will take care of her and keep her safe. Please keep us updated to her progress and if you find a vet GOOD one that is. Give her a little kiss for me too.
island rehabber
07-19-2006, 06:29 PM
Ohh.....rygel1hardt thank you for the quick reply... it looks as though me and mon chee will have to go to a vet. any squirrel friendly vet recommendation in brevard county?? The last person I took her too was really a witch`and if you ask me didn't have a clue about squirrels.:ohthedrama
SG, I have the names of wildlife vets in the following Florida locations:
St Petersburg, Davie, Sanibel Is, Hollywood, Ft Lauderdale, Homestead
Are any of these areas near you? If so, I'll send complete info.
07-19-2006, 06:51 PM
So Miss M, how are you going to deal with the whole boyfriends/dating thing?
I think it's safe to say that our little girl is growing up. :)
07-19-2006, 08:10 PM
Listen SG, Timber has dealt with bladder infections several times. Mostly brought on by stress, like when we have to take a trip away from home for several nights, anyway, I had to put him on antibiotics but like already mentioned you probably will have to take in a sample. the best way to get a clean urine sample in an uncontaminated container is to use an unused syringe to collect the urine in and just take that to the vets. And until you can get her to one get cranberry capsules and break them open and sprinkle on her food or mix with something liquid and dropper or syringe it to her. The cranberry juice is to diluted, the powder in the capsules is a stronger dose and works much better.
Timber was given Clavamox for a week and metacam for pain. Hope all works out for the best and SOON!!!! I know want you are going through and how you feel. But if you haven't had her spade yet I would advise that you do so.
07-19-2006, 08:15 PM
Oh yes another thing, if I.R. hasn't been able to help you do what Hurricanes Mom and I did, get out the phone book and look for any and all Exotic Vets and call around and ask them questions and feel them out on how much they know and care about helping ALL animals. That is how we found Hurricane a wounderful Vet. And he just lost his nuts today!! From what I hear from his Mom he did great. She on the other hand was a nervous wreck! HA hA
07-19-2006, 11:08 PM
Tell Hurricanes momma I know just what she had to go through today as my five year old female Sticky got spayed today and also had an abscess on her cheek operated on so I get how sacred you can get when your baby has to go under the knife. Tell her I hope her baby and mine make a speedy recovery! Stacey
Oh yes another thing, if I.R. hasn't been able to help you do what Hurricanes Mom and I did, get out the phone book and look for any and all Exotic Vets and call around and ask them questions and feel them out on how much they know and care about helping ALL animals. That is how we found Hurricane a wounderful Vet. And he just lost his nuts today!! From what I hear from his Mom he did great. She on the other hand was a nervous wreck! HA hA
07-19-2006, 11:20 PM
rygel1hardt (aka Stacey), Well, sorry to hear that your baby had to go through that today also and especially sorry to hear that YOU had to go through that also to day but I hope and pray both babies will come through fine and that BOTH MOTHERS will relax and make it also. Honestly I do know what it is like because I had Timber neutered when he was 5 months and I wouldn't leave until he had recovered enough to go home. I almost wore the concret out in front of the Vet hospital from pacing back and forth but I refused to leave him there alone.
Momma Squirrel
07-20-2006, 08:42 AM
Please keep us posted on both Hurricane and Stacey as to their progress. Can't imagine what it would be like to sit and wait while your little one had surgery. I use to freak out when Chipper would get sick, couldn't imagine surgery I would have had to been tranquilized (sp)
Need an update on Mon Che Chi please :ohthedrama
Momma Squirrel
07-20-2006, 08:44 AM
OK slow waking up this morning, I meant to say Sticky not Stacey, sorry haven't had my grits yet :dono
07-20-2006, 09:08 AM
Hey Momma, Using Stacey was proabably just as correct because from what I understand the Moms of Hurry and Sticky were almost in as bad a shape as the squirrellies were.
07-20-2006, 10:51 AM
My My, ~Mon Is loved........:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou for all your advice and concern and help.Well after talking to one of the most informative and FUNNY people I have ever met... My hair finally laid down flat for a bit.
I called around last evening and the one place that I got the best feeling from was an exotic bird and small animal clinic about 15mins down the road Dr, capara she asked me like 20 questions and recommended I bring a sample and meet with her if possible this afternoon. So Hopefully when I go there today she is as nice and as educated in person as she sounded on the phone
But C&D dad and the vet seem to think once I explained in more detail that my little mon is becoming a little woman:ohthedrama I'm locking her in a closet til shes 18:crazy
I was not aware of the need to have her fixed but I now have a better understanding of why its so important. I will talk to the vet this afternoon about fixing mon chee(NEED PROZAC) j/k and try to pick her brain....
my squirrel is gonna give me grey hair:ohthedrama
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou again you all.
Will keep yall posted
Momma Squirrel
07-20-2006, 05:41 PM
So glad to hear things are OK, boy this board will give us all grey hair, gotta go visit my hair dresser soon and get it covered LOL Bet that is a load off your shoulders, be able to sleep much better tonight. Glad you found a good and understanding vet. Not easy to come by.
07-20-2006, 08:42 PM
So Miss M, how are you going to deal with the whole boyfriends/dating thing? :)
I'm locking her in a closet til shes 18
I see you have all the bases covered. :D
07-20-2006, 08:44 PM
I see you have all the bases covered. :D
Not all, C&D's dad but case all else fails:ohthedrama her walnut plated chasity belt outta do the trick:thumbsup
07-20-2006, 08:56 PM
Sooooo, what did the vet say???
07-20-2006, 09:19 PM
Ahhhhh, what did the vet say???
No blood in stool.She said mon was in heat, and that fixing her now would be the best thing to do, however she did mention without mon there with me she said she wanted to be short in perdictions. she wants me to bring mon in for a visit monday morning 9:30am. I'm really worried. she wants to run a couple small tests.
also I meant to ask. one of the vet offices I called last night told me yeah they treat squirrels but the recep said my boss is a wild life something or other and if you bring your squirrel to us she will be confiscated and if she can't be let go in the wild for any reason she will be sent to a wildlife center to live with other squirrels like her. could she have really confiscated mon chee???
07-20-2006, 09:28 PM
There's all kinds of total nuts out there. So yes, they could "try" but in the state of Florida that would be like taking your dog away from you. Squirrels are legal pets in Florida.
That doesn't stop people from being self righteous A-holes though. Just goes to show you.
07-20-2006, 09:44 PM
Hey squirrelygirly my female has been in season many times over the past five years and never once did she have a show of blood like a dog does when it is in season. As a matter of fact she was spayed yesterday because of her coming in season continually so I think your vet is wrong. I realize this is just my opinion but I still think she has a bladder infection and now isnt getting treated. While I agree that spaying can be a good thing I would maybe seek a second opinion on the bladder infection as squirrels are prone to them in captivity. What you described is exactly what happened with Sticky when she had her one and only bladder infection. Please keep us informed on her. Stacey
Ahhhhh, what did the vet say???
No blood in stool.She said mon was in heat, and that fixing her now would be the best thing to do, however she did mention without mon there with me she said she wanted to be short in perdictions. she wants me to bring mon in for a visit monday morning 9:30am. I'm really worried. she wants to run a couple small tests.
also I meant to ask. one of the vet offices I called last night told me yeah they treat squirrels but the recep said my boss is a wild life something or other and if you bring your squirrel to us she will be confiscated and if she can't be let go in the wild for any reason she will be sent to a wildlife center to live with other squirrels like her. could she have really confiscated mon chee???
07-20-2006, 10:31 PM
I still think she has a bladder infection and now isnt getting treated
she said she wanted to be short in perdictions. she wants me to bring mon in for a visit monday morning 9:30am. I'm really worried. she wants to run a couple small tests.;)
Mrs. Jack
07-21-2006, 09:55 AM
Ahhhhh, what did the vet say???
also I meant to ask. one of the vet offices I called last night told me yeah they treat squirrels but the recep said my boss is a wild life something or other and if you bring your squirrel to us she will be confiscated and if she can't be let go in the wild for any reason she will be sent to a wildlife center to live with other squirrels like her. could she have really confiscated mon chee???
At least she said something before you went in I guess. There IS no other squirrel like Mon chi. or Timber, or any of the gorgeous furry family members I've gotten to know on this site. It gets to me that there are people who love their critters and are only trying to keep them safe and healthy and they get frightened like that. When there are TONS of people with ordinary cats and dogs who treat them attrociously and nothing is done. There are two dogs across the street from me who have spent most of their lives living in an eight by eight walled in, roofed, cement floored pen. They never get walked, or played with or even see sunlight. At this point their "owners" are afraid of them. We've been trying for years to have something done, we used to offer to take the doggies for walks, but now they are too mean. There've been animal control here because someone called because they bark all the time and once escaped and bit the kid next door to them, and all he told them to do was hose out the area better and make sure they cannot get out. What is that? These dogs live a life worse than anything I can think of and someone who has a very spoiled squirrel is acting innappropriately? Where is the justice in that?
I'm sorry, I got worked up, I apologize for the rant. :frustratedx My best to you and Mon chi and all the other critters and parents going through worry right now :Love_Icon
07-24-2006, 06:25 PM
Mon Chee went to the vet today~and fun it wasn't, I think she may be tramatized for life.No, really it wasn't that bad.. The vet listened to her heart , took a second urine sample and a she scaped some of the skin off her tail where she was losing it. She checked it to see if it was fleas, mites Etc.. nothing. Pee was clean, she was looking for crystals or something, I was sweaty, and clamy the whole time. especially trying to get mon to do some of the things she wanted her to do. to make those thing work it was gas her or hold her down, so we had to wrap her in a towel and hold her me and the vet assitant, I almost fanted. mon sqealed a little. But after all was said and done she said MON CHEE is A HAPPY AND HEALTHY SQUIRREL, and she complimented me, which made me feel great.
What a day.. My babys in great shape:wahoo
Angel's Mom
07-24-2006, 10:56 PM
That is really good news! Angel's Mom
Momma Squirrel
07-24-2006, 11:02 PM
SQ that is so great :jump I am so happy for you both. I am always amazed when everyone talks of taking their squirrels to the vet and it works out so well as far as trauma goes, I know for little flyers they don't really suggest it. Squerly went on a hunt for Chipper and found one that would come to the house, of course we had to mortgage our house (j/k) to get him to come but he did. Chipper still didn't like it was always very possesive of his room and us but it was much better than taking him to a strange place. Sure wish we had had TSB back then, we were just lucky that we had him for 13 great years with no more knowledge and experience than what we had. Sorry to be rambling, been traveling all day and very tired. Going to bed now.
07-25-2006, 01:09 AM
I've never had too much trouble with taking my flyers to the vet. (Well, the vet might say differently, since she's the one that ended up bleeding!) But for the most part, they handle it very well.....and the vet has only been bitten once. Since they still let me come and bring my critters, flyers included, I guess it wasn't a bad bite! LOL
Mrs. Jack
07-25-2006, 08:41 AM
But after all was said and done she said MON CHEE is A HAPPY AND HEALTHY SQUIRREL, and she complimented me, which made me feel great.
What a day.. My babys in great shape:wahoo
DANCE OF JOY!!! :wahoo
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