View Full Version : New Baby Squirrel - general question

05-18-2008, 12:56 PM
While on a walk yesterday we found a baby squirrel, seems to be more than 8 weeks old and in seemingly good health. He's alert, no injuries, cuddly, etc. Eyes are open and bright, he's covered in soft fur and furry tail. We're feeding puppy formula - 1/4 -1/2 tsp or so every 3-4 hours. He's in a cardboard box lined with paper towels in which he's nesting - so cute. We have a heating pad under the box so he's staying warm. He ate a part of a cheerio while I was holding it this morning. I had originally planned to turn him over to a rehabilitator, but am now thinking it might be a great experience for our family to raise and release him. I've done this with a baby raccoon in the past. I have seen a couple of what look like small (pin prick size) mites/fleas on him. Can I bathe him at this age and is there anything that is safe to rub on him? Any other general advice/suggestions for this adorable animal?
Melisa (mom of 5 kids, 2 dogs, several lizards and now one baby squirrel)

Jackie in Tampa
05-18-2008, 06:06 PM
:Welcome hello, sounds all good so far... please make sure box is only half on heating pad in case too warm. What kind of puppy milk are you using?
Someone with knowledge will be on soon! Good luck!:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
05-18-2008, 06:23 PM
:Welcome Does he seem to be hydrated? Do you know how to do a pinch test? Usually as a rule we never feed a cold or dehydrated baby milk. First get sq warm, then hydrate with pedialyte. Some one will be on soon.:grouphug

05-20-2008, 09:34 AM
Thanks to everyone for responding. "Nut" is doing well - drinking Esbilac from a syringe, peeing and pooping, cuddling and sleeping, climbing, etc. Not dehydrated, pinch test was fine from the start- we fed pedialyte for a whole day before starting formula. Built a cage from modular metal wire shelving - he has a box inside with heating pad under so he's able to nest and warm inside. At what point will he need additional food - he only seems to want formula now and the occasional cheerio. I think he's probably 8-10 weeks old.mjs mjs mjs
Thanks all!

05-20-2008, 10:24 AM
:Welcome here is a chart to help determine his age, if he truly is that age he should be eating solids now.

05-21-2008, 02:29 PM
Melisa, you mentioned fleas or mites.
I have seen a couple of what look like small (pin prick size) mites/fleas on him.
Are the "dots" moving? Does Nut have an odor? Any hair loss areas? Is he/she itching at all? It's important to figure out if they are fleas, or mites the treatment is different.

Thanks for helping out little Nut. :) Pics would be great...:D :poke

05-23-2008, 01:14 PM

If this is really the right age ( 8 - 10 weeks) and when it is healthy , do not use a heating pad. They can at this age and with nesting material very well regulate the heat themselves.
Maybe it is to warm. Only little squirrels (0 - 7 weeks) need a heating pad.
And it is time to give nuts and other feeds.

06-01-2008, 03:17 PM
hi melisa, how is the lil one doing??? :Welcome