View Full Version : 8-1/2 week old brothers fighting!!...

05-11-2008, 05:24 AM
Hi my 2 little 8+wk old boy brothers have started getting a little cranky with each other, I have had them since they were 5 day old pinkies and they normally get on so well but lately they were both poorly and understandably became a little cranky then, however i thought they would stop when they started to feel better but they haven't really i mean they seam a lot more settled and less cranky than they were but they still squabble a scream at each other especially when one want to sleep and the other wants to play (then don't we all! LOL) the smaller one is the worst (Norris), he will be gentle and caringly licking & cleaning his brother-(Normans) face and ears for him and then start being a little rough /wanting to play rough and tumble but Norman ain't having any of it and starts to tell him off by screaming and his little bottom lip quivers and I then have to intervene and then after a few moments they are fine and dandy again. I just wanted to know really has anyone else experienced this type of behaviour too..????:poke U see i am a realitivly new Squirrel Re-habber and have only been doing it for about 1-1/2 years, so anything new or different i come across i like to learn more about. All my other Squirrels have always been single and not kept together but with these being brothers and sooo small i thought it best to keep them together. i do find however that if i let them have a bit of a play around in a bigger mesh container which, while its been Gorgeous weather, hang out side they are fine so i have been doing that till they get all tired and cuddly and put them back into there normal living space.mjs :Love_Icon mjs :flash3 :thinking

05-12-2008, 09:59 AM
Hi Lisa!

I wouldn't worry too much, it's normal for them to squabble a bit. They are just trying to assert themselves and to sort out the pecking order.
It is better to give them a little more room for them to excercise and tire themselves out....just keep an eye on them, so they don't get injured. You can minimise the chance of this happening by making the area squirrel friendly, i.e; put something soft on the bottom of the cage, incase they fall, etc.
Boys will be Boys! :D
Glad to here they are better, hope you are too!

Jules. :Love_Icon

05-12-2008, 01:42 PM
Awwhhh thank you for that...yes i have done what you suggest they have a special bigger play area now, also it must have been the fact that the both of them were out of sorts/feeling off colour and grouchy because now they are not only much much better in their health but they are playing together Beautifully now with hardly a cross word/squeak in-fact i can sense their calmness, fingers crossed it stays that way.:thumbsup :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug

05-13-2008, 11:29 AM
I had 4 boys, and there was constant action.
There was never any blood, but a lot of yips and growls.
Watch th last minute of this vid, it was typical.
I really wouldn't be concerned, everybody always ended up in a big snuggly pile when nap time came around.
It's something they've got to do to get ready for the real world.