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07-13-2006, 02:54 PM
We recently began feeding the squirrels brazil nuts. Are these okay to feed squirrels? We crack them open for them, because if we don't, they ignore them.

I haven't been able to find information on if they are safe for them to eat.

07-13-2006, 04:00 PM
HI goodnature and welcome to the Board!!! I have never heard anything negative regarding Brazil nuts. I feed them to my kids as they get older...they turn the shell into dust! Boy, you have some spoiled squirrels!! Every Christmas, we have the traditional bowl of nuts in the:crazy shell with the nut cracker and nut pick...I must ask..how do you successfully crack them???

07-13-2006, 04:44 PM
Thank you for the welcome!

We hit the brazil nuts on the seam with a hammer, just enough force to open them, but not 'smash' them.

We also put out walnuts, almonds, filberts, pecans, shelled corn, sunflower seeds. During the holidays, we buy most of the nuts when they go on sale. The squirrels have gobbled up our cache of everything but brazil nuts. They will eat them if the other types are not put out.

Mrs. Jack
07-13-2006, 07:14 PM
mine adore brazil nuts. at $12.99 a pound they well should, little boy is going through a phase where he literally turns his nose up at anything else, or I hand him an almond and he drops it straight in my lap and waits for a brazil, I tried to give him a hazelnut next once and I swear he sighed heavily at my obtuseness. right now I can only find shelled.. but in the fall I'll grab a ton of in the shell. I take a nutcracker and just create a little crack or 'hole' in the shell. I like the idea of them grinding their teeth good and well on those nice hard shells.

island rehabber
07-13-2006, 07:18 PM
mine adore brazil nuts. at $12.99 a pound they well should, little boy is going through a phase where he literally turns his nose up at anything else, or I hand him an almond and he drops it straight in my lap and waits for a brazil, I tried to give him a hazelnut next once and I swear he sighed heavily at my obtuseness. right now I can only find shelled.. but in the fall I'll grab a ton of in the shell. I take a nutcracker and just create a little crack or 'hole' in the shell. I like the idea of them grinding their teeth good and well on those nice hard shells.

You can order nuts in the shell from Chris (Squirrelsandmore.com) for way less than that. They're beautiful, "human quality" nuts and the only difference from the grocery store variety is they are not covered with slippery wax.

Mrs. Jack
07-13-2006, 07:22 PM
You can order nuts in the shell from Chris (Squirrelsandmore.com) for way less than that. They're beautiful, "human quality" nuts and the only difference from the grocery store variety is they are not covered with slippery wax.

Oh awesome. Thank you, I will do that. Far be it from me to deny my squirrels, but to do it for less :thankyou

Angel's Mom
07-13-2006, 08:05 PM
Are these the same as our Hazel Nuts we grow out west? Squirrel love them in areas west of where I live. At my house, my squirrel neighbors would rather have peanuts. I can't understand it. I mean, peanuts are a legume after all. But I can't convince the squirrels! :)

07-13-2006, 08:54 PM
I would love to find bulk nuts in the shell for good prices. We usually buy 50 lb. bags of each of the nuts.

I was concerned about the brazil nuts, but I feel better feeding them to the squirrels now that I see other folks are feeding them brazils too.

I thought the shells were too hard for them to break, but it makes sense that the nut shell helps to keep their teeth from growing too long.

Well, today I did put out brazil nuts and got a lukewarm response. We still have some almonds and hazelnuts, so those were gobbled up.

The racoons will be happy, they seem to love the brazil nuts!

Secret Squirrel
07-14-2006, 10:57 AM
The kidz I released this spring got brazil nut as early as 8 weeks old. Of course they didn't get the hang of them right away, I was just offering them something hard to chew on along with antlers and cuttle bones. They can crack a brazil nut just as easy as a raw peanut!!!!

07-14-2006, 12:07 PM
I am thinking our squirrels here are rather spoiled. My husband reminds me to let the squirrels open their nuts themselves. I found that if we put them out whole, they would take them off and bury them. If they are opened, they will sit there and eat.

We're trying a combination of some nuts opened and the rest left intact in the shell.

Which reminds me, I once read on the internet that pecan shells are poisonous to squirrels. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I am talking about raw pecans in the light brownish smooth shell.

07-14-2006, 12:11 PM
I don't think that the shells cause them harm. They don't eat them anyways. I buy pecans in the shell from Wild Birds Unlimited and my squirrels eat them up in a snap. Black walnuts are also great to feed to the squirrels.

07-14-2006, 01:55 PM
O.K., I have been backing off on this subject because I thought that some of the rehabers here knew more about it than I but I am going to relate to you what my Vet told me. She said that PEANUTS, BRAZIL NUTS, ALMONDS, AND MACADAMIA NUTS are all no nos except for a treat maybe once or twice a month. She said that the oils in these are as addictive to squirrels as alcohol is to humans and that too many of them can cause cerosis of the liver in rodents especially squirrels as alcohol to humans. I saw on funniest Home vidios once a squirrel staggering around just like a drunk. They thought it was funny but I bet the squirrel was drunk on to many nuts of these kinds. Pecans, hazle nuts, walnuts,and pine nuts are all o.k. to feed. Their oil content is different and not as intoxicating. Anyway that is my 2 cents worth as my Vet told me.

07-15-2006, 11:41 AM
Thank you all for responding. We have been feeding the outdoor squirrels almonds alot and hazelnuts. Then we started the brazil nuts also.

We also put out walnuts, but they always go for the almonds, pecans and hazelnuts the most.

I am concerned that we are not helping them, but possibly causing them harm, by feeding the wrong nuts.

Is there a definitive answer? Is there a manual we can check?

08-03-2006, 07:12 PM
Just to note on QVC they sell those nut crackers that have no waste, I have also seem them at Save-a-lot for a few bucks. I have a reason now to get one.:wahoo

Mrs. Jack
08-04-2006, 08:02 AM
O.K., I have been backing off on this subject because I thought that some of the rehabers here knew more about it than I but I am going to relate to you what my Vet told me. She said that PEANUTS, BRAZIL NUTS, ALMONDS, AND MACADAMIA NUTS are all no nos except for a treat maybe once or twice a month. She said that the oils in these are as addictive to squirrels as alcohol is to humans and that too many of them can cause cerosis of the liver in rodents especially squirrels as alcohol to humans. I saw on funniest Home vidios once a squirrel staggering around just like a drunk. They thought it was funny but I bet the squirrel was drunk on to many nuts of these kinds. Pecans, hazle nuts, walnuts,and pine nuts are all o.k. to feed. Their oil content is different and not as intoxicating. Anyway that is my 2 cents worth as my Vet told me.

Yeesh! This is good to know, Timber. I sure don't want to harm them with good intentions.

I feel like a dealer "hey little squirrelly.. try a brazil nut.. just one.. I'll give it to you free... " :( Luckily they're too expensive for me to have been able to addict anyone.

09-30-2019, 05:48 AM
Brazil nuts are ok in small amounts. There is something in them that intoxicates squirrels , so, yes, they will like them as many humans like “highs.” They become quite susceptible to predators if they aren’t thinking clearly. Our vet at the wildlife center always told us, no Brazil nuts.

09-30-2019, 08:02 AM
Brazil nuts are ok in small amounts. There is something in them that intoxicates squirrels , so, yes, they will like them as many humans like “highs.” They become quite susceptible to predators if they aren’t thinking clearly. Our vet at the wildlife center always told us, no Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts have very high levels of selenium, and even humans should limit their consumption. Very few brazil nuts are too many brazil nuts...

09-30-2019, 07:49 PM
What about macadamias?

09-30-2019, 11:39 PM
What about macadamias?

I dont think they're good for them. Very high in fat and not great nutrition.