View Full Version : Opinion?
04-30-2008, 01:45 PM
I went to Petco yesterday for the Rodent Blok (Block?) and the lady there that helped me find it was asking all kinds of questions about my "small animal" that I was rehabbing. I finally had to tell her that it was a squirrel but that I don't want anyone to know because it is illegal.
Anyhow, she got this big smile on her face and said, "I am soooo jealous. My baby squirrel just died 2 weeks ago." We started talking about how it died and she said that it was about 10 weeks old and just started having seizures. She originally got the squirrel because her cat drug it home, albeit unharmed, but terrified!
Anyhow she said she was feeding it trail mix, bread soaked in cow's milk, peanuts and pistachios (both salted). I told her about this forum and how you guys told me that the diet for them is so VERY important, as well as sunlight. Her squirrel had never been outside. She had it about 4 weeks before it died.
She thinks she killed it. Sadly I have to say that I wonder the same thing but then I am no squirrel expert either. By the time I left, she and I both felt awful. I wish I had never told her about the diet stuff.
Do you think a bad diet can cause seizures?
04-30-2008, 01:48 PM
Thats awful. She sure was misinformed about what to feed the poor thing, but have no clue if it would cause a seizure.:dono
04-30-2008, 01:58 PM
I'd say bad diet could cause a seizure. Poor baby - I feel sorry for her too since she didn't mean to hurt it.
Lady Squirrelly
04-30-2008, 02:00 PM
I am not sure about the seizures, but I do know that Cow's milk and Kitten replacement milk are not for squirrels. They can kill them.
I have had pet store employe's tell me to use the kitten replacement milk. I correct them in a hurry.
A bad diet can also kill one. Not sure how long that alone would take.
Poor girl, poor baby squirrel.
squirrel princess
04-30-2008, 02:02 PM
that is why I say if you are going to take on the task
do the research:soapbox
there is way too much info out there available to not:shakehead
04-30-2008, 02:11 PM
Yes, it sounds to me like ignorance is the real killer here. Though I don't blame her. She must have been scared, if she did any research, finding out that it is illegal to keep them w/out a license. I know just how she feels. It is wonderful that she has met you though CL! Now she knows how to prevent a mistake like that from happening again.
Good job!:thumbsup
04-30-2008, 02:24 PM
Yes she knows now and its a plus working at a pet store she can direct future cases to this board.:thumbsup
04-30-2008, 05:29 PM
That is sad, but at least she knows better now.
That is sad. But I certainly can understand .... I've always taken little animals over the years, and some were successful and some were not , and I've wondered why not, but now, I'm sure it was about what I was feeding and how much I was feeding, (basically , not enough)...
I'm so glad I was able to find this board, it certainly has helped tremendously.
That is sad. But let's remember it was not her intention to harm her baby. She did not kill her squirrel - her lack of good information killed her squirrel.
04-30-2008, 07:43 PM
That is sad. But let's remember it was not her intention to harm her baby. She did not kill her squirrel - her lack of good information killed her squirrel.
Oh I absolutley agree.
I was a bit confused though because well ... I would think if you work in a pet store, you might need to know maybe just a little about animal diets??? But maybe she was new.
Squirrels are very different from the common domestic critter. Most people have only myths and fables to go on when they get their first squirrel babies. And they are not as easy to raise as people believe. That is why we encourage people to find an experienced rehabber or barring that get the training to do it right ( why we are here ) We always need more good rehabbers and safe foster homes each year.
05-01-2008, 12:57 AM
Oh I absolutley agree.
I was a bit confused though because well ... I would think if you work in a pet store, you might need to know maybe just a little about animal diets??? But maybe she was new.
Nine times out of 10, all you need to know to work in a pet store is how to walk in the door and fill out an application! Some of the employees are very informed, and make it a point to learn what they don't know. Others are out of their depth once you get past D O G and C A T. They know the ones with feathers are called b i r d s, but they have no clue about different breeds of anything. The only thing that saves us for the most part is that most people that apply to a pet shop already like animals and do know a little, and are willing to learn more. The good ones stay and learn - the bad ones fall by the wayside and sell burgers.
Lady Squirrelly
05-01-2008, 01:43 AM
In this day and age is is way too simple to get the correct information if ond bothers to look.
When I found my first pink baby over 4 years ago I was not even sure what I had. I just figured it had to be a squirrel because the nose was not right for a rat.
I just put "baby squirrel" in my search engine and up came a lot of info. I did see the scalded milk site but every place else called for Esbilac. I went with that.
I only found TSB last year and have learned so much more.
It just wish people would take the time to investigate what to do instead of just taking a stab in the dark and getting it wrong.
Foamys new mummy
05-01-2008, 07:06 AM
I think that there is no worse feeling in the world than trying to help something or someone and failing through ignorance.
I am sure that there are hundereds if not more squirrels that have been saved by the advice to be found on this board, I have one living with me now.
However lets remember that not everyone has access to the internet, or is familiar enough with it to think immediately of researching on it......5 years ago i would of been in the same situation as her with no one to ask.
I truly believe that u did the right thing by advising her on what caused the death of the squirrel, information is power!
And power to all secret squirrel carers the world over!
Jackie in Tampa
05-01-2008, 07:21 AM
I had a new Dell sitting on my desk...for over a year. I played free cell on it.
When Rocky had his first seizure...I learned how to e-mail. I found that "other Lady". That night she did save Rockys life. Same week...I found TSB. That's when Rockys life turned around. and mine.:thumbsup
And that was in August or September. I have come along way.{kinda} So yes...knowledge is at our finger tips. poof!
ThaNKS FOR sharing TSB with the Petco girl. Now she can save sqs by passing on valuable info:thumbsup:thankyou :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Yeah, when I searched google for infant squirrels, I didn't come up with this squirrel board, which has been far more helpful than any of the conflicting information on raising babies from the google searches I did. It was my sister doing a layout for the equine journal that sent me a link to a hand raised squirrel called Scooby....I read that, but there was not a contact on the article, but I did find a business, a horse business, and so I emailed them and came up with Scoobysnack who immediently got back to me and sent me on this path.
Loopy Squirrel
05-01-2008, 11:42 AM
You know its not just the pet stores either. I have had well meaning vet techs try to raise these guys and mess it up. I had one girl who called me to wild out her babies. She was so proud that she had weaned them and they were eating solid food. I get there and there are these six little six week olds covered in gease and salt because she was feeding them solids alright...salted peanuts...thats it. I had a long talk with her. Many of the vets & techs have no clue about wildlife. They rarely see it and if they do they treat it like a kitten or puppy. They don't keep up w/ the current info either. They keep using what they used years ago, which sometimes no longer applies. I have had to put my cards in pet stores and clinics inorder to get the word out. I don't want every squirrel that walks through the door but I am willing to help people do the right thing by the animal. Education is the key.
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