View Full Version : Throwing up ??

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 10:18 AM
I'm watching one of our fuzzers throwing up in the back yard - he is eating an almond but yellowish liquid is coming out of his mouth ????

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 10:21 AM
He is alert / eating (and throwing up??), bright eyed and moving normally - very odd. No sign of any injuries either.

Mountain Mama
04-29-2008, 10:26 AM
Hello AC,

Jasper has vomited on occasion before, and though it cost me a few more wrinkles and grey hairs, he did fine. He must have wanted to go visit an amusement park with us, as that is precisely what ended up happening. I will look for the thread and post a link.

Interestingly, the first time he did it was after I gave him an acorn. Hmmmm. Wonder if they eat them sometimes to purge their system, kind of like cats will eat certain kind of grass.

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 10:27 AM
He is nibbling on the grass. I thought that I read somewhere that squirrels could not vomit ??

Mountain Mama
04-29-2008, 10:39 AM
I thought that I read somewhere that squirrels could not vomit ??

I guess your fuzzer and Jasper didn't read that :)

I have seen Jasper vomit once or twice since then, and then quickly went about his business. But he was never as sick as this first time:


Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 11:13 AM
Well - he/she looked fine otherwise - eating and throwing up at the same time was most strange.

04-29-2008, 11:19 AM
There have been numerous reports of this -- there is another current thread here right now --- many have been skeptical (to say the least) because there had been an understanding that "squirrels do not vomit." But there have been enough credible eye-witness reports of it happening that, clearly, they do vomit on occasion.

Hope your squirrel feels better now. :Love_Icon

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Loopy Squirrel
04-29-2008, 11:26 AM
Yea, squirrels do vomint but it doesn't happen often. My vet said the same thing and it happened right infront of her. I guess they have the ability they just don't do it as often as other animals. The fact that it is yellow sounds like bile. Maybe it does have an upset stomach.

04-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Perhaps a lawncare product from a neighbor's yard :dono

island rehabber
04-29-2008, 11:58 AM
Perhaps a lawncare product from a neighbor's yard :dono

Ugh...scary thought. AC, squirrels definitely do vomit, although not often and not for spite, like cats do :shakehead. Don't know why that 'rumour' got started, kind of like the one about "moms will abandon their babies if they smell a human on them...." Baloney. :D Here's hoping your little guy is fine. :D

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 01:36 PM
I did put out some new KAYTEE WILD BIRD FOOD - it is not being eaten like it usually is - I'm wondering if something is wrong with it.

04-29-2008, 01:39 PM
Is any of the food wet?
(AC - you are having some interesting issues these days:thinking - hope this is nothing serious)

04-29-2008, 01:40 PM
Ugh...scary thought. AC, squirrels definitely do vomit, although not often and not for spite, like cats do :shakehead. Don't know why that 'rumour' got started, kind of like the one about "moms will abandon their babies if they smell a human on them...." Baloney. :D Here's hoping your little guy is fine. :D
I think since squirrels are rodents like rats are rodents, and rats can't throw up, some people assume squirrels can't either.

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 02:58 PM
Food is all dry - I've swept it up until I can see if it is a problem or not.

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 03:01 PM
No indication of a big problem (yet) - very windy - most fuzzers are kinda laying low. Silver tail (lives in Taliban country) made it over to his favorite snack area. I put a bowl of fresh water in front of him and he decides to do the juvenile jump and twirl about 12" from my hand - plus eating plenty of almonds and filberts.

Busy day already :D :D

04-29-2008, 03:13 PM
I would think if he was throwing up there would be those convulsion movements like when cats or dogs throw up. That is why I was wondering about dry food. My guinea pigs sometimes dribble liquid if they are eating something juicy. Is he holding his paws still while he is eating or flicking them off to the side every once in a while? Hanging onto the food but letting go with his hands shaking stuff off.

04-29-2008, 04:48 PM
When my dog has an upset stomach, he eats grass and than vomits. He seems to be fine afterwards. Do you think squirrels do the same thing?

04-29-2008, 05:05 PM
BEAN throws up..I think its when he oer eats..little glutton..:jump
Of if he's over excited after eating..and then playing to rough..
Then he will clean his vomit on my shirt..arms..what ever is the closest..:shakehead :jump
It doesnt seem to phase him....he will eat..right after he has vomited...like..oh..I need to top it off again..:dono :rotfl :rotfl
And it will sometimes happen right after Ive given him his vitamins..
I try to make sure he has had avacado's..BEFORE..I give him his vitamin's.

He is so, much like a kid...
((EXCEPT..its CUTE...when he sasses..me))
:jump Bena's Squirrel Goddess :jump

Apple Corps
04-29-2008, 05:25 PM
smoknbunny - dry food like saw dust from a table saw crossed my mind - he was going after an almond like a buzz saw - but no chest contractions. I do wonder if he had packed his cheeks with everything in sight and stuff was just dropping out. OTOH - it did "project" out from his mouth with some force.

FTN - GLUTTON describes the last several days very well :shakehead :shakehead

I actually went out to the yard to look for the "stuff" but could not find any.

Ok - time for a valium - :ohthedrama :ohthedrama :ohthedrama