View Full Version : Milk not taking enough feeds help

04-18-2008, 01:52 PM
Hi All sorry to keep posting new threads I dont think squggles is drinking enough milk, I am waiting a delivery of Esbilac but in the mean time feeding goats milk (whole) organic probotic yougurt and abidec vitamins

Yesterday her poo was ligt in colour and very soft not runny

this morning she fed really well, then i placed her a bowl of mixed carrot, grape, strawberry, almonds, pumpkin seeds and quarter walnut and chopped cherry tomato seed removed

she does eat this stuff and bury it i also gave her meal worm today

she didnt want her lunch time milk at all in fact refused to drink it just made a chattering noise at me and wanted to run around

at 16.00 i water her milk down with pre boiled water she really didnt want this feed i got i suppose about 6ml in her and then she wanted to play

I placed her back in her home where she went straight to the food bowl and picked out an almond which she lays on her side to eat, she then ate strawberry and carrot

She is now asleep so wont take another feed til around 9 am in the morning

I am worried she is not having enough, she has drunk some water from the hamster bottle

Do i wake her and make her take her milk or leave her

she is gaining weight and getting bigger Andrea xxxx

island rehabber
04-18-2008, 01:59 PM
I can see we have worry-wart squirrel moms on both sides of the Atlantic :poke :D

It sounds as if your girl is eating as much as she wants and needs. The fact that she is burying food means she's got enough, so she's saving some for later. I was taught that the best way to tell if you're overfeeding is if your squirrel is burying stuff in his cage. :D If she's growing and thriving, I wouldn't worry too much!

04-18-2008, 01:59 PM
How old is she?? If she is eating solids and gaining weight than maybe she is starting to wean herself and I would not worry. Just keep an eye on her wieght. :)

04-18-2008, 02:03 PM
I agree also...and the fact she is drinking water is another sign that she is weaning herself and may not want formula.
How much does she weigh now?
Keep up the great work!!!:thumbsup

04-18-2008, 02:23 PM
How much does she weigh now is a good question as she is such a speedy little girl weighing her is impossible, I know by picking her up her weight is going up (should say i breed maine coons and Devon rexs so used to feeling small weight gains)

she very active always busy, she does like to bury anything and everything though not just food, but wood blocks and bits of card

also wanted to know is shredded paper ok for squirrels

she has a wooden play ball she burys that as well, i think its a new found skill lol watch what i can bury

she also makes like a clicking noise now when i talk to her, its not a breathing noise she actually makes a certain tone click sound just to me

I still dont know wheather we should free her in a few weeks or keep her

I should just reassure you and let you all know the cats cant get to the squirrel, tomorrow i will kick all the cats in the run for a ferw hours and let the squirrel run round the lounge for some excercise

Andrea xxx

04-18-2008, 02:50 PM
How much does she weigh now is a good question as she is such a speedy little girl weighing her is impossible, I know by picking her up her weight is going up (should say i breed maine coons and Devon rexs so used to feeling small weight gains)

she very active always busy, she does like to bury anything and everything though not just food, but wood blocks and bits of card

also wanted to know is shredded paper ok for squirrels

she has a wooden play ball she burys that as well, i think its a new found skill lol watch what i can bury

she also makes like a clicking noise now when i talk to her, its not a breathing noise she actually makes a certain tone click sound just to me

I still dont know wheather we should free her in a few weeks or keep her

I should just reassure you and let you all know the cats cant get to the squirrel, tomorrow i will kick all the cats in the run for a ferw hours and let the squirrel run round the lounge for some excercise

Andrea xxx

I weigh my squirrels in a felt bag.

I pop them in the bag, tie the top shut, place on scale, get weight, put squirrel back, and weigh empty bag!! So easy to do!!
Development and release of squirrels is based on development and weight.

Pop her into a big sock and weigh her that way!

04-18-2008, 02:57 PM