View Full Version : Parker's teeth
04-18-2008, 01:33 PM
I figured I'd start a thread about Parker here so I can tell you his story and show you some pictures of him.
Parker is a wild squirrel that lived in my neighborhood until recently when I caught him because of his overgrown teeth. We used to watch him and his brother play in the tree in our yard and he grew normally alongside his brother until one day I noticed that he didn't seem right. We could always tell which one was Parker because he would "park" in the hanging pot that I used for a feeder unlike all the others who would grab food and go. He looked winter-fat and normal until I saw an abcess formed on one side of his neck. Eventually the abcess went away but he seemed to be getting thinner and thinner until one day I noticed what looked like white fuzz on one side of his face. I got out my binoculars and looked and eventually determined that it was his lower teeth growing out of his mouth and curving up around just below his eye. No idea where the upper teeth were growing. The white fuzz was hazelnut crumbs that had fallen out of his mouth while he was grinding with his molars and had stuck to his overgrown lower teeth.
By the time I caught him, he had lost so much weight he looked like a little wraith and he had patches of missing fur.
Here are the pictures leading up to his capture...
04-18-2008, 01:44 PM
These next pictures are the day of his capture with the cage I used to get him and closeups of his teeth before they were clipped...
04-18-2008, 01:46 PM
I'm glad you're taking care of him now.
04-18-2008, 01:54 PM
Here are the pictures of his post-tooth clip...I wish they had clipped them a bit closer. There is a picture of the teeth - top ones clipped by the vet, bottom ones broken when he was trying to escape the trap.
04-18-2008, 02:00 PM
OK, last installment... In these pictures you can see that his tongue isn't hanging out any more but his teeth are growing back:shakehead . He has gone from freezing when I'm in the room to tweaking my pantleg while I'm leaning against his cage. I'm debating whether to try another trim or two (maybe a closer trim would give him a chance to realign his jaw???) or just have permanent removal. Trimming by the vet is stressful and spendy ($168) but worth it if he could get alignment back but he seems really out of whack. I don't know what part the abcess played in this, if it caused the malocclusion, was caused by the malocclusion or was unrelated, but it may have damaged his jaw beyond repair.
04-18-2008, 02:26 PM
What a sweetie...and he was a chunky boy!
Something might have happened to cause the abcess which led to the malocclusion--maybe a fall? A fight? who knows. If his jaw can never be realigned, I'd consider permenant removal. although I'd hate to do it, I'd hate to have to scare him every few weeks to sedate him for the vet to clip them.
I had a girlfriend that found a baby girl with this very same problem, but she ended up having to put her down...poor thing became so fearful of her because of the trauma from teeth clipping she wouldn't let anyone touch her. She couldn't be released because of the malocclusion, so she had no choice, is how she felt. Even the rehabbers gave up on her.
Good luck with Parker and his snaggle tooth!
He's a cutie patootie!:wave123
04-18-2008, 02:33 PM
Forgot to mention that the squirrel checking out the trap is not Parker. Otherwise you all might think I caught him THEN starved him.
04-18-2008, 02:53 PM
He is brave enough to grab my pants and dart at the front of the cage when he is demanding food. You can see in the one picture where he comes over for his grape. I could possibly get hold of him for a trimming and I don't think he could bite me because his teeth don't line up and he has to open really wide for a nut BUT he is wicked fast - I mean wicked! and I'm flat out terrified that I would screw it up and shatter his teeth and kill him or something. He would surely scratch the snot out of me but I'm used to that by now.
I was going to practice on the teeth that I saved but I put them in some "special place" where I wouldn't lose them so of course they are lost because I have the attention span and memory of a fruit fly.:shakehead
I'd love to give the teeth the opportunity to realign but if you look at the angle of the bottom ones, they seem to be growing out of the jaw sideways at a 45 degree angle.
04-18-2008, 03:41 PM
Wow his teeth are really bad! If you want to do it yourself, get a net at a pet store and when he is in his cage try to catch him with the net. Once he is in the net, work only his head out. Than wrap a towel around him and the net, and you are ready to cut. I do this to two squirrels at least every three weeks. He might not be able to bite very well, but he will scratch the heck out of you if you don't wrap him like a burrito. They are not going to realign at the growth they are at now.
04-18-2008, 03:45 PM
Susanw - thank you! a few questions - what do you use to cut? And what length do you trim to?
I did an experiment a few minutes ago to see if I could touch Parker on the nose. He put out his front paw and grabbed my finger - I am now sucking on my finger in between typing. There seems to be a difference between my "friendly's" claws and his. And he's strong.
Luckily I am familiar with the squirrel burrito.
04-19-2008, 03:16 PM
I use a pair of dog nail clippers, you know the ones that are flat and have a whole in the middle. You stick his two teeth thru the whole and snip. Parker's teeth are very long, you might want to let the vet cut them and than keep them trimmed down after that. I cut them short but long enough for him to eat normally, they grow back so fast.
squirrel princess
04-19-2008, 03:49 PM
How's snaggle tooth today:poke He is so cute....bless his just gotta love the guy:Love_Icon :shakehead :Love_Icon
04-19-2008, 05:18 PM
The ideal way is for the vet to trim them. Not only is it less stressful (they sedate them) especially for one who is not a pet. Also trimming with dog clippers can split the teeth up into the gums. But many people have done it this way without that happening.....Just my thoughts:)
04-19-2008, 08:28 PM
He made nice with the DH today - came up to the bars and took food. He's got so much spunk I can't believe it. I want to keep taking pictures of him but they all look the same - squirrel in jail - I should give him a tin cup to bang to bars with.
He has an appt on Monday for a consultation. Our favorite vet is now available again so I think we will get some good advice.
Apple Corps
04-19-2008, 08:41 PM
Add my vote for how cute he is - are you going to let him run in the house some - a bit of freedom ??
04-19-2008, 09:01 PM
I wish - my house has 2 indoor cats who are veeeeerrrrryyyy interested in squirrels.
There is a chance that he could have some out time in the bedroom - it is sort of squirrel proofed - I built a new bed frame that he couldn't get under. Trouble is, even with his teeth removed or even too long to bite, he is a little wild man and he is really fast. He comes over for food but he is not fond of people and he is very suspicious. It might be a little while.
Jackie in Tampa
04-19-2008, 11:37 PM
:thumbsup What a catch:thumbsup
Poor Parker, he is so expressive...what a face! Precious Parker!:Love_Icon
I clip my Rockys tooth. I wish Parker was as easy as Rocky! 2 minutes and we're done. Like SusanW, we clip every three weeks. The vet charged me $78. the first time :shakehead and$55, after that. :shakehead After 5months, vet suggested sending Amy M.," vet tech " to my house since she lived close. $18. :thumbsup Amy taught me to clip Rockys teeth. I use well made Jewelers grade German steel side cutters [$38- at jewelerssupplies, I can forward info], popsicle stick, and blunt/rnd tip[NOT POINTED-EYES] metal nail file! After watching other people and helping, it was not as scarey.:poke
I hold Rocky in left hand [ I'm righty] butt in palm, neck between thumb and index.With right hand I start at stomach level with popsicle stick and raise toward face and behind uppers, push upward gently until he opens mouth, then jiggle [in your case] behind lowers in the middle of the stick, like horse bit. Now your left hand thumb will hold stick, and head still over teeth area. Left index will be around neck like choke hold{ coz it is}, it will also stabilize his arms/hands. Grab side cutters flat side up when cutting uppers, clip HIS left upper tooth first,{closest to clippers} Then his upper right. I clip the tooth at a sliiiiiiiiiight angle from bottom front, slanted sliiiiht towards back roof of mouth. Teeth snap brittle glass. It does not take much with these type cutters. They cut evenly and easily.Tight grip always left hand, FIRM, so he knows you have him, he'll submit. Snip Snip Snip Snip.....half way now! :)
You have to liiiightly file teeth. Rub finger on teeth, sharp edges...2 or3 swipes will knock off. It is veeeerrrry important that they are not sharp. Somewhere on TSB I read about a sutured testicle...ouch. As Wheezer mentioned split tooth can be bad and cause odontomas {Squarlet had these,:grouphug but caused by something else I think} :thinking This is why I use side cutters. I almost used cat nail clippers, but they were in the way. :dono Good metal, good hard sharp cutting edge important.{for me!} The popsicle stick acts as anchor and keeps tongue out of the way, and no clippings in throat.:nono The tooth will snap off in one piece,,,not particles!
Whew! I am long winded for a slow typer! Did any of that make sense? You know the saying "if I can, you can too". We have been doing this ourselves almost 5 years now! Neither one of us like it. But.....:poke
EASY AS PIE!:poke :sanp3
I hope this works...warm up to him some more! Cheat and give him a potatoe chip every now and won't kill him...but bad dental might!:D
Good Luck:grouphug And you're doing great.:Love_Icon ...j
Please remember it's mosquito time....empty all standing water:)
Save a Squirrel!
04-19-2008, 11:48 PM
You make it sound almost easy. Parker is such a little wild guy though. I don't know if I can get hold of him. I wish the vet would let me watch but I think they only do it with isofluorisone (sp?) and all secret in the back.
I want to experiment with picking him up but I worry that he will freak out. When I say he is fast, I'm serious. I've never seen anything move as fast as him and he's tiny.
Thank you fot the tutorial! If his vet says we should try a couple more trimmings then I will just have to learn. I know a place where I can get some really good cutters.
I may also have someone stand by to mop up any blood (mine that is):shakehead
Jackie in Tampa
04-19-2008, 11:57 PM
:thumbsup If you are passionate enough to take care of that poor sweet burned baby, and clever enough to catch'll be fine!
I can video if it helps! Long term gets expensive!:sanp3 Wish I was close, I'ld help ya hold'em:D Good Luck!
04-21-2008, 08:50 AM
What'd you decide on the teeth clipping? :thinking :poke :grouphug
04-21-2008, 10:46 AM
Don't know the verdict yet - his appt is later today. I'll keep you all posted:)
I did try to see if I could catch him this morning - he was still in his blankets and I reached in and put my hand around him...he shot out so fast I didn't even see him move!!!:sanp3
The only one who has a chance of catching him is DH (he used to catch houseflies with his bare hands for a little regal jumping spider I had for a little while - another "rescue" even though it turned out he didn't need rescuing:tilt ) but I don't think he wants to try.
Wish me luck - I have to hit DH up for money for Parker's visit today. He SAID I could catch him...:D
04-21-2008, 10:55 AM
:grouphug PARKER:grouphug
Wishing all goes with with the vet trip:grouphug :squirrel1 :nurse :grouphug
04-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Hey - he handed me a blank check! Ahahahahahhah (evil laugh)
It'll probably be later today for an update. I'm going to beg to be allowed into the secret vet room to watch the trimming. I want to look in his mouth and I'm considering asking for an radiograph but that might push the limits of the blank check.
04-21-2008, 03:51 PM
Let us know how it goes.:)
squirrel princess
04-21-2008, 03:53 PM
Can you video the visit:poke
04-21-2008, 07:05 PM
Here I come, creeping back because I am soooooo embarassed.
Parker is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sanp3
I've been watching HER from a distance for so long and through all the winter and all the abcess, tooth drama I somehow convinced myself she was a he!!
To make matters worse, I've been watching her hanging on the bars like a little monkey for a month now and didn't catch it.
I know perfectly well what is what but I assumed there were no "grapes" because of malnutrition or SOMETHING!!
Next post, details of visit.
don_lex: I didn't get a video but I got PICTURES!!! Our vet is the coolest ever. I'm going to load them, shring them and pick some to post.
Parker is in HER quiet room now recovering with a new, more interesting cage which I have to transfer her to.
Her, her, her I have to get used to saying it.
Is there a completely red in the face icon???
04-21-2008, 10:00 PM
WARNING! if you haven't seen a knocked out squirrel (or any knocked out animal) these pictures may look a little freaky. But I promise she is home and doing fine in her new cage - telling me what she thinks of me!:shakehead
So Parker had HER visit to the vet today. (I'm still embarassed)
SHE was in her big silly cage and it took about 20 minutes to catch her. I finally managed to get her while she was buried in a small blanket without her squirting out like a bar of soap. Into the Iso box she went and a few minutes later she was out cold. The vet let me come watch!!! It was kind of freaky seeing her all floppy especially since she's always so tense.
So her teeth were trimmed and she is back home in a new cage which isn't large but it splits into two for (hopefully) easy transport when the teeth grow again. Too early to tell but her jaw looked a little more in line. But that may be wishful thinking. I think we're giving it a few more tries. Probably not at home - she's a firecracker!!!
04-21-2008, 10:11 PM
Poor Miss Parker:shakehead , she really had some looooong teethmjs
She will wake up amazed at how easy it is now to eat:multi
Bless you for saving her:bowdown
I would try to tame her so she will enjoy her life with you and chances are the teeth may not get better:( Even if they eventually align I think it might take several months so living in captivity will be easier if she isn't afraid:tilt
You can always "wild" her up later if she can be released:thumbsup
That is just my opinion:)
squirrel princess
04-21-2008, 10:21 PM
I would have just had to pet the wild WOMAN like crazy while she was under and do a nail trimming. Could she bite you to where her teeth would even go in your skin before or did you even try that:rotfl
You should be embarrased and ashamed please wear this from here on out:baghead no nuts because of malnutrition cracks me up:jump :jump
04-21-2008, 10:28 PM
She was getting really good about taking food from me and even from my husband. You can see the grape pictures. That was until I chased her around her cage for 15 minutes, grabbed her and stuck her in a plexiglass box:shakehead
It may take a little while but I'll be working on it. Any sure fire methhods - wait, even if there is don't post it or everyone will run out and catch adult squirrels:crazy
The vet trimmed her teeth closer this time I think. She has an antler to chew on which she used a couple of times after the last trim - maybe she'll give it a shot again.
04-21-2008, 10:32 PM
HEY!!! My :) :) shrank when I lost a ton of weight!
Parker couldn't really bite because she had to open really wide to get a grip on anything. She tried though! I felt a little pinch through the blanket.
:sanp3 Why did I not cut her nails!!!!! WHY!!! They punctured my finger the other day when I was "experimenting" with whether she could bite. I let her grab my finger and pull it to her mouth but she was wicked strong and now I have a hole in my finger.
04-21-2008, 10:35 PM
I did pet her by the way.:Love_Icon First thing I did. But I had to get out of the way so they could trim. They trimmed them AFTER the vet and I were done taking a bunch of pictures!
squirrel princess
04-21-2008, 10:41 PM
HEY!!! My :) :) shrank when I lost a ton of weight!
Parker couldn't really bite because she had to open really wide to get a grip on anything. She tried though! I felt a little pinch through the blanket.
:sanp3 Why did I not cut her nails!!!!! WHY!!! They punctured my finger the other day when I was "experimenting" with whether she could bite. I let her grab my finger and pull it to her mouth but she was wicked strong and now I have a hole in my finger.
all the more reason to trim them while she was out:poke
04-21-2008, 11:03 PM
Awe, I'm so happy for you. You did this girl a great service (even if you did think she was a dude).
04-21-2008, 11:05 PM
Hey she came and took a nut from me!!
I'm going to fatten her up and see if she'll turn back into a boy...
04-21-2008, 11:13 PM
p.s. here is Parker's new home. It is small but the top comes off and I can take only half of it to the vet (when the time comes)
Plus, it is more interesting with two levels, ramps and a balcony. You can see her in there radiating angry vibes at me.
I wish I had a picture of her next to another squirrel so you could see how tiny she is. We were so excited about taking pictures we forgot to weigh her:shakehead .
Also, her fur looks a million times better. I don't know if you can see it in the previous pictures but she has bald spots and dry wrinkly looking skin in patches. Now her fur looks like real squirrel fur - see the picture of her before the operation. Only a few little spots here and there. Mainly where the bottom teeth scraped along her face.
04-21-2008, 11:50 PM
Diet I'm sure and she probably couldn't groom either. After her first trimming she just went to town licking and scrubbing. She seems very attentive to her tail. It was always her best feature even when she wasn't doing well outside:)
Jackie in Tampa
04-22-2008, 12:07 AM
:grouphug She looks gorgeous after her dental work:D
Great cage...wish Sarah had one for vet days! It can be stressful:shakehead . Dang Sqs.:poke
She's gonna love you before it's over. :Love_Icon
Did vet say anything long term prognosis:thinking
Good Luck...more pics!:flash3
04-22-2008, 12:20 AM
I wish I had a good video of her to show. I'll have to try and get one.
I think we have decided to give her a couple more trimmings and see how she does. after the first one her jaw didn't line up at all and her tongue hung out. Now her tongue is still in her mouth and it looks more lined up. That could be because this trim was closer but I don't know. Maybe that abcess she had put her jaw out of whack, the teeth grew wrong before she could beat the abcess and the muscles in her face got out of whack too (like my highly technical terms?). Now that there is no abcess I wonder if some chewing practice will get her jaw muscles back in shape and keep her teeth where they should be.
I think we are just giving her some time and hoping for he best. I don't know if she will ever LOVE me but at least she comes and takes food from my fingers. Much better than screaming at me or freezing like a statue:)
Thank you everyone for your support, concern, advice and, yes, even teasing.
I'm going to bed now - hope i can breathe with this bag on my head
04-22-2008, 01:14 AM
Great job and neat cage:thumbsup
SHE is alive because of you:thankyou :bowdown
This is going to be a great story to keep up with:multi Thanks for sharing:D
squirrel princess
04-22-2008, 08:21 AM
How long before her teeth will have to be trimmed gain:poke It is great she is starting to trust you maybe she was just upset that you thought she was a he before:rotfl
04-22-2008, 11:03 AM
My friend said the same thing!!! I know I get pissed when someone mistakes me for a guy (I'm very tall and sometimes have short hair)
I'm not sure how long the new trim will last - the first one wasn't as close and I probably went too long before taking her back. This time the vet cut shorter and I'm going to keep an eye on her teeth.
I don't want them getting so long that they undo any progress she's made.
04-22-2008, 01:40 PM
Glad the vet visit went well, her mouth must feel so much better! Her teeth should never be so long that they show on the outside of her mouth. Good job on getting her taken care of!:thumbsup
04-27-2008, 05:49 PM
Smoke I am just getting caught up with this tooth issue you are doing a great service to this squirrel ....aka you have saved her life.
I have confidence you can learn how to trim the teeth yourself.
We have to trim Peekies teeth every 10-14 days.
If it goes beyond that we have watering eyes, nose and mouth infections.
Its just easier to trim early.
Take your time Smoke I bet you can do it, keep her eyes covered.
After the first couple of times it gets easier.
I seriously doubt this will ever correct itself..what are your long term plans?
Just like Peekie my fear is babies ect...and not being able to get to them or them to us.
04-30-2008, 10:12 AM
I just finished reading all the post . My Stevo is 11 and goes to the vet about once a year to get his teeth trimed , my vet charges about 70$ and trims his nails. I am so thankful i have a great Vet! God Bless the all who take care of Gods creatures !!:peace
04-30-2008, 10:28 AM
I consider myself really lucky that Parker has such a great vet. I just wish it was a once/year trim for her. Her teeth grow so fast I think she may be looking at every 3wks or so. (I believe she isn't even a year old yet so maybe that's why seem to grow extra quick - plus she is such a good girl about eating all her food she probably gets lots of calcium) Someone earlier (sorry - my memory sucks so I have to go back and check) gave ne some great detailed instructions to do it myself. *gulp* I'll probably have to try. It's about $100 at the vet and I want to give her a trim as frequently as possible so there is a chance it will realign. (I doubt it but you never know:) )
05-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Do you think there is a rehabber in your area who has experience clipping squirrel's teeth who might be able to help you or know someone who could? Parker is worth every penny but I'm sure $100 every 3 weeks is going to burn a big hole in your pocket.
05-02-2008, 03:53 PM
OK - big experiment here. I'm trying to put a link to some videos of Parker. One from after her first tooth clip when she really hated me and two from today now that she knows I bring her nuts.
Let me know if it works...sorry the quality isn't great - looked better before the upload.¤t=parkerpostclip003.flv¤t=Parker5208003.flv¤t=Parker5208004.flv
squirrel princess
05-02-2008, 04:28 PM
Those were good quality wasn't bad at all. I love that sound he was making haven't heard that one from Bean or Chipper. what you think it means:poke
05-02-2008, 04:34 PM
Those were good quality wasn't bad at all. I love that sound he was making haven't heard that one from Bean or Chipper. what you think it means:poke
It means "why I'm gonna...let me out of here you, you, oooohhhhh....when I get outta here you're gonna be sooooooo sorry!!!!!!!!!" (and on and one for like half an hour and then every time I went near the cage, another half hour)
Glad they worked - I was hoping they were clear enough to see how she grabs nuts sideways because of her teeth.
05-02-2008, 10:52 PM
Those videos were fabulous:thumbsup I was so happy to see how she (I still think of her as a he:shakehead But Parker fits her more than Parkette:D )
I loved watching her tongue when she was "yelling" at you:)
She seems so content in her cage in your house:flash3 I think on some level she knows her life has been saved and she is thankful:tilt
05-02-2008, 11:40 PM
I still call her Parker (finally getting used to the girl thing) - there is an actress names Parker Posey that I like so it works out. Besides it was Parker because she "parked" on the feeder so it can be a unisex name.
I felt so bad about her tongue - it looked so funny sticking out but it just did that for a while. It seems to be back in her mouth now.
She is definitely accustomed now - not necessarily friendly persay, more like well looks like I'm stuck here so you had better wait on me hand and foot lady!! A month or so ago if I was sitting on the bed and she saw me move she would run to the back of the cage and bark like mad, not only that but if I didn't move, she'd run to the front of the cage and bark like she KNEW I was there and she was trying to make me show myself. Now she lounges around on the shelf in her new cage like a queen and watches me OR runs to the bars and DEMANDS food. Then runs off really fast with it as you can see:D
She really is a very controlling little squirrel:shakehead :D
I still can't get over how tiny she is. Wish we hadn't been so excited about taking pictures that we remembered to weigh her - duh!
05-03-2008, 12:32 AM
FINALLY got to see the videos! Parker is such a sweetie. Love that tail.:Love_Icon Did you say she was a foxer? I'm sorry, short-term memory.:shakehead He is so social, I can't believe it.
05-03-2008, 12:43 AM
She's a tiny little fox squirrel - I'm pretty sure she is a late summer baby. Social:rotfl - she is DEMANDING. :D
Glad you could see the videos. Headed over to the campus camper thread now...I hear there's some squirrel action:D
05-03-2008, 12:46 AM
I hope you enjoy it. I sure did.:thumbsup
I'm beginning to see that all squirrels are demanding. Guess I should rethink what I'm getting myself into.:poke :rotfl
05-03-2008, 12:53 AM
Great pictures and cute squirrels:) They are demanding but it's OK because you fall in love with every single one you meet:D
05-03-2008, 12:57 AM
I agree. I'm already a nutcase over all three of them! I'll bet there's plenty more where that came from though. It's sad, but by the end of this project, I'll probably have more squirrel friends than human friends.:crazy
05-03-2008, 01:04 AM
Huh??? What about all the TSB folks:D
Besides, I don't think you could ever have too many squirrel friends:)
05-14-2008, 05:10 PM
:wave123 Parker...How's your toofies doing? :D
05-16-2008, 10:31 AM
Hi! Wonderful rescue story! I'm curious: what are you feeding Parker besides nuts? I'm still trying to get my wildies to take something other than nuts from me.
Also, did you think of getting almonds in the shell for her? The shells are pretty hard, so it might help with her teeth. You might have to crack them a bit at first to show her what's inside and that it is worth getting to.
Also, I found that when Pookie Pie "scratches" me it is really mostly my fault, because I get nervous and pull my hand away. If you stay real still, no scratchies. Sometimes she wants to put her hand on mine and make sure it stays in place while she gets the treat. It's cute, but if I jerk back, I'm scratched.
05-16-2008, 12:42 PM
Hi! Wonderful rescue story! I'm curious: what are you feeding Parker besides nuts? I'm still trying to get my wildies to take something other than nuts from me.
Also, did you think of getting almonds in the shell for her? The shells are pretty hard, so it might help with her teeth. You might have to crack them a bit at first to show her what's inside and that it is worth getting to.
Also, I found that when Pookie Pie "scratches" me it is really mostly my fault, because I get nervous and pull my hand away. If you stay real still, no scratchies. Sometimes she wants to put her hand on mine and make sure it stays in place while she gets the treat. It's cute, but if I jerk back, I'm scratched.
Hi JLM and everyone else. Parker eats the same stuff the others do. There are a couple of thing I don't give her like the occasional corn on the cob treat that the others get because I worry about choking. I peel her grapes too. Rodent block has to be chopped up since she has trouble gnawing.
Other Parker news, I'll be moving her into a different cage maybe today. She need more space so I'm going to attach her current cage to another 2x2x3' tall wire cage so I can remove and transport the small cage for tooth trimming. She was hilarious yesterday, she came down the ramp and went squirrelly psycho on a fuzzy yellow hat. Hopping up in the air, landing on it, rolling around with it and biting it. I wish I had a video. THis is the first time I've seen her play.
squirrel princess
05-16-2008, 12:48 PM
maybe she is coming out of her grouchy old shell and will quit sassing you so much:shakehead
05-16-2008, 12:50 PM
maybe she is coming out of her grouchy old shell and will quit sassing you so much:shakehead
She will NEVER quit sassing me - she is one bossy little lady. I like to go touch her nose and make her look all confused.
squirrel princess
05-16-2008, 01:05 PM
She will NEVER quit sassing me - she is one bossy little lady. I like to go touch her nose and make her look all confused.
you're such a pest:wave123
05-16-2008, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the update:thankyou
I was thrilled to see that she played. That is the most important part of living in captivity:D That means she is happy, she doesn't have to be a "cuddle squirrel" to have a contented life with you. Besides, I wouldn't count out the possibility of her being nice to you sometime in the future :)
05-16-2008, 01:54 PM
At first I thought she was stuck and was trying to get loose - then I realized that she was beating up the evil fuzzy hat. I'm definitely going to have to give her a toy.
05-20-2008, 11:15 PM
Here are pics of the Parker signs:D
05-20-2008, 11:18 PM
I have been so bad lately clicking the reply instead of manage attachments:tilt
Here are the pics...
Hi to little Parker, hope she is doing well:Love_Icon :grouphug
05-21-2008, 11:29 AM
Wheezer - Thank You!!! I love those signs:D
Parker is doing well - I have to get her into the vet again for another trim - it is complicated by the fact that I am back at work now with weird hours:shakehead but that also means I'll have a little money (to spend on what you ask - squirrels!!!:D )
Spunky as ever and just as cute too if not cuter since she continues to put on weight and round out. I still have to get her new cage modified so she has more room to attack her yellow fuzzy hat:) I am so excited - I have tons of new wire for cage building so I will be doing the modification to her cage (per your suggestion I believe) with the removable nest box for easy transport to the vet. THere will be pictures of course when it is complete:D
05-21-2008, 11:56 AM
Hi smoknbunny!:wave123
Hope you're having a good day. I was just wondering if it's possible to drop Parker off at the vet's office on your way to work and pick him up on your way home rather than taking him to the vet and staying there until he's taken care of and then bringing him home?
05-21-2008, 12:28 PM
Hi smoknbunny!:wave123
Hope you're having a good day. I was just wondering if it's possible to drop Parker off at the vet's office on your way to work and pick him up on your way home rather than taking him to the vet and staying there until he's taken care of and then bringing him home?
I'm sure I could, or a friend could drop her off. I just like to be there to watch. :)
Here is a picture of her this morning - kind of blurry.
05-21-2008, 02:47 PM
Aww, she's such a cutie! She looks very content, too, at least until she finds out she has to go to the vet again.:D
05-22-2008, 12:35 AM
Glad you liked the pics. Like I said, they always make me think of your little Parker:)
That will be a nice thing for her to have a bigger cage. Maybe even some trees:) When I first moved into my new house 4 years ago, my dad gave me $400 to buy furniture. The first thing I did was buy a $200 cage for Wheezer:D
I knew where my priorities were:thumbsup The cage is the one on the Samantha thread. It is nice and big plus he spent a lot of time around the house. I think like you said, if you kept a small attachment to a larger cage where she sleeps, you could still get her to the vets in an easy way:flash3
Great to see her cute little face:Love_Icon
aww what a sweet face. Has he been to the vet yet? Good Luck and also good luck with building your cage can't wait to see that. :)
Big Hugs to sweet Parker:grouphug
05-22-2008, 12:54 AM
omg Parker is soooo cute!!! Give her kisses for me!!:Love_Icon
05-22-2008, 12:12 PM
Super cute! Parker is such a sweetie! :Love_Icon
05-22-2008, 12:22 PM
Glad you liked the pics. Like I said, they always make me think of your little Parker:)
That will be a nice thing for her to have a bigger cage. Maybe even some trees:) When I first moved into my new house 4 years ago, my dad gave me $400 to buy furniture. The first thing I did was buy a $200 cage for Wheezer:D
I knew where my priorities were:thumbsup The cage is the one on the Samantha thread. It is nice and big plus he spent a lot of time around the house. I think like you said, if you kept a small attachment to a larger cage where she sleeps, you could still get her to the vets in an easy way:flash3
Great to see her cute little face:Love_Icon
If I have extra money (which is not too often:D ) I generally think of spending it first on squirrels. If I could spend all day designing and building cages (and playing with squirrels of course) I would be one happy human. Not that I want them in cages but if they HAVE to be, I want to build the best cage ever for them.
She was NOT pleased this morning that I was paying attention to Nicky and not attending to her! I had to give her a couple of pecans so her barking wouldn't distract NIcky from eating!! She is such a little stinker!:D
05-22-2008, 12:26 PM
If I have extra money (which is not too often:D ) I generally think of spending it first on squirrels.
Let me guess. I'm going out on a limb and saying 90% on the squirrels, 10% for yourself.:D
05-22-2008, 12:28 PM
Let me guess. I'm going out on a limb and saying 90% on the squirrels, 10% for yourself.:D
10% is generous:D I only need basics like gas money and money for tuna fish sandwiches.:)
05-22-2008, 12:32 PM
Kind of like the way things are here except without the tuna.:D
05-22-2008, 12:33 PM
lol Smoknbunny sounds like me
05-27-2008, 06:41 PM
Parker has had her third tooth trimming today. Still had to knock her out to do it. Compared to Nicky today she has been an angel.
She is in a new cage which is her old cage sitting on top of a 2'x2'x3'high wire cage with a special nestbox attached to the outside for easy removal and transport to the vet. Of course she was not in it at all this morning and I had to take her in the top half of her little cage but it worked out OK. And OF COURSE as soon as she got home and I put the top back and opened it up she ran straight to the new "special nestbox" and has been camping out in there ever since.
I'm really looking forward to finding out if her jaws look any straighter but I'm not holding out any false hope. If she has to stay with me, she has to stay. I'm getting pretty used to her and all her ornery demanding ways:D
No pictures of her yet in her new digs with her new teefs but I'll get some ASAP.
I had a nice time petting her today, I just wish it could have been when she was conscious :tilt She has such a cute little belly and such a sweet face!
Anyway, nothing too exciting today, just wanted to let you all know she will have normal length teeth now, at least for a few days:shakehead
squirrel princess
05-27-2008, 06:48 PM
Hopefully she will come to wuv you:Love_Icon she does have the sweetest little comical face it deserves lots of kisses and get some pics on here and update on Ginger:poke
05-27-2008, 06:49 PM
:rotfl What a day you've had! :osnap At least you still have your sense of humor! :thumbsup Glad to hear you got to pet and love Parker today, even if she was unconscious! :jump
If I didn't have a sense of humor do you think I would do this?:jump :jump :jump :jump :jump :D
05-27-2008, 08:23 PM
:thumbsup sb sounds like ya had a good day!!!:wahoo
05-27-2008, 08:41 PM
:thumbsup sb sounds like ya had a good day!!!:wahoo
Nice trimmed teeth for Parker and good news for naughty Nicky. Sounds like a good day to me too:D (even if Nicky disagrees!)
05-27-2008, 08:47 PM
Hi smoknbunny!:wave123
Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!
I see you've been busy with Parker today! Does she start to wake up after the teeth trimming while you're still in the vet's office or on your way back home? Do you think she remembers any of it or does she just think, "I know smoknbunny had something to do with this." ;)
05-27-2008, 08:50 PM
Hopefully she will come to wuv you:Love_Icon she does have the sweetest little comical face it deserves lots of kisses and get some pics on here and update on Ginger:poke
Donna, we'll let you do the honors of kissing Parker and Nicky's faces and see if they scratch your eyes out.:poke :D
Come on now Parker give us a big smile mjs Glad all went well:thumbsup
05-28-2008, 01:59 AM
Trim number three:wahoo
You sure have quite the crew with Ginger, Nicky and Parker...such sweethearts:D It is a special person who can give such loving care and not be rewarded with cuddles in return:bowdown But I know you are rewarded in your hear by giving them love and care and that's what counts:thumbsup
05-28-2008, 02:06 AM
Donna, we'll let you do the honors of kissing Parker and Nicky's faces and see if they scratch your eyes out.:poke :D
My husband is convinced that Parker wants to be petted and cuddled from her expression and demeanor. I say let him try it first!!:D
squirrel princess
05-28-2008, 07:05 AM
My husband is convinced that Parker wants to be petted and cuddled from her expression and demeanor. I say let him try it first!!:D
How short are her teeth trimmed:jump
05-28-2008, 01:45 PM
They are pretty short now. The vet trimmed them as close as possible without hitting the live bit. I wish I could do it myself but I'm too chicken.
Golden Eyes - she is awake on the way to the vet and then comes out of her anesthesia before we leave the office usually. I think she just know that I have something to do with the massive inconvenience she has suffered - being hauled around and grabbed by strangers. I wonder if it occurs to her that she doesn't have teeth hanging out of her face any more and it is easier to eat:dono
05-28-2008, 08:16 PM
They are pretty short now. The vet trimmed them as close as possible without hitting the live bit. I wish I could do it myself but I'm too chicken.
Golden Eyes - she is awake on the way to the vet and then comes out of her anesthesia before we leave the office usually. I think she just know that I have something to do with the massive inconvenience she has suffered - being hauled around and grabbed by strangers. I wonder if it occurs to her that she doesn't have teeth hanging out of her face any more and it is easier to eat:dono
Hi smoknbunny.:wave123
When Parker wakes up from the anesthesia, I wonder if she's thinking, "Oh dear! I'm still here! It wasn't a dream! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Get me out of here!"
I guess since it has now become a routine, she probably knows there's a correlation.:D They're really smart cookies. Like, how else would they remember the exact same tree branch route to take, which consists of anywhere from 2 trees to sometimes more than 15 trees, to get to a certain area all the time? If they take the wrong branch in some trees, they would run into a dead end.:) They are very analytical and strong in math and physics and good at looking very cuddly even though some of them won't let you near them like Nicky.:D Actually, they are pretty good at most subjects we learn in school even though they don't go to school.:)
Teeth -> Difficulty Eating -> Vet -> No teeth -> Can Eat Normally.:D
Does she put up a struggle when she is being handled at the vet and is it more or less than she used to when you first took her there?
09-03-2008, 01:07 PM
They are pretty short now. The vet trimmed them as close as possible without hitting the live bit. I wish I could do it myself but I'm too chicken.
Golden Eyes - she is awake on the way to the vet and then comes out of her anesthesia before we leave the office usually. I think she just know that I have something to do with the massive inconvenience she has suffered - being hauled around and grabbed by strangers. I wonder if it occurs to her that she doesn't have teeth hanging out of her face any more and it is easier to eat:dono
Hi Smoknbunny~:wave123
First, let me tell you...some of the things you post, the way you say them...are hysterical!!! :rotfl
I've read through this thread.......and it's driving me crazy.
What happened to Parker? The thread just ends.
Maybe some of the others who have been on here for a while know.......but it's like starting a really good book...and the ending is missing. :dono What happened. Do you still have her?
Please post again~
squirrel princess
09-03-2008, 01:26 PM
Hi Smoknbunny~:wave123
First, let me tell you...some of the things you post, the way you say them...are hysterical!!! :rotfl
I've read through this thread.......and it's driving me crazy.
What happened to Parker? The thread just ends.
Maybe some of the others who have been on here for a while know.......but it's like starting a really good book...and the ending is missing. :dono What happened. Do you still have her?
Please post again~
Well Parker is just Parker and I am sure he is still snaggletoothed and giving her crap as usual:rotfl
09-03-2008, 01:34 PM
I agree with SP's conclusion.
Yes, things are swinging at Smoknbunny's home. She's got yard buddies, and sqs coming in and going out of her home all the time. Add life to this and well you get :bricks So much to do, so little time. I'm sure she'd love to hear that someone is still lovin' her friends.:D
squirrel princess
09-03-2008, 01:39 PM
I agree with SP's conclusion.
Yes, things are swinging at Smoknbunny's home. She's got yard buddies, and sqs coming in and going out of her home all the time. Add life to this and well you get :bricks So much to do, so little time. I'm sure she'd love to hear that someone is still lovin' her friends.:D
I had sent my sister pics of niki with the e-collar and casts on because he was so cute and funny months ago and just a few days ago she sent it back and asked what happened to this one? I sent it back and said AWWWWWWW you care:Love_Icon You know she is the one that thinks Chipper should still be in the trees:rotfl
09-03-2008, 02:22 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Yeah, maybe you should have some trees installed into the new "apartment." That should shut her up..:rotfl :rotfl
09-03-2008, 03:46 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Yeah, maybe you should have some trees installed into the new "apartment." That should shut her up..:rotfl :rotfl
:rotfl Yeah!!! What's the apartment's policy on indoor forests!!!
Hey - Thanks all for covering for me being a bum. Parker is alive and relatively well. I have to get her back into the vet for the rest of the extractions now that her breathing has cleared up. As you may have read, she got her top teeth snagged on the wire in her cage and "tweaked" her teeth and probably her palate. So she had swelling and a bloody nose, another vet visit and several weeks of recovery with antibiotics and impeded breathing. Then she went back for extraction and after the first tooth (they started with the top ones:thinking and the first one caused another bloody nose. SO back home with Metacam and antibiotics but now she is breathing great and I'm planning her next trip.
I was not able to get a very good picture of her tooth that was pulled but the vet said there appeared to be no odontoma and looking at the root, you can see a definite bend that shows why they grow at such an extreme angle. Don't know what caused a permanent bend to form. Nothing seems to show on the x rays.
I PROMISE I will try to get a picture ASAP.
Donna - send the ones of Nicky "playing dead". He runs around, does backflips off the side of his cage and then goes over and flops himself in the corner with his feet in the air. "Fine, since you don't love me, I GIVE UP" Total Sarah Bernhardt. All he needs to do is learn to put a paw across his forehead. Oh, and he's submitting to tummy scratches too.
09-03-2008, 03:48 PM
I agree with SP's conclusion.
Yes, things are swinging at Smoknbunny's home. She's got yard buddies, and sqs coming in and going out of her home all the time. Add life to this and well you get :bricks So much to do, so little time. I'm sure she'd love to hear that someone is still lovin' her friends.:D
TOLD you I didn't mind driving all the way up to Seattle!!! I NEEDED a day off!!!
For TSB we need a new icon like this one... :bricks but change the bricks to squirrels - babies or adult. Not that my situation is anything compared to SOME these days!!!! Sheesh!! I'm a lightweight!!:D
09-04-2008, 12:33 AM
TOLD you I didn't mind driving all the way up to Seattle!!! I NEEDED a day off!!!
For TSB we need a new icon like this one... :bricks but change the bricks to squirrels - babies or adult. Not that my situation is anything compared to SOME these days!!!! Sheesh!! I'm a lightweight!!:D
:rotfl yeah good suggestion, maybe Rachel can find an appropriate clip for that.:rotfl
Don't wanna be a bother, but how are the ratties?:poke :D Sorry, they don't have a thread.:dono
09-04-2008, 01:27 AM
:rotfl yeah good suggestion, maybe Rachel can find an appropriate clip for that.:rotfl
Don't wanna be a bother, but how are the ratties?:poke :D Sorry, they don't have a thread.:dono
They're doing well. You're still welcome to adopt them!:D
09-04-2008, 10:19 AM
They're doing well. You're still welcome to adopt them!:D
I may take you up on that... but then again, it's Fanny's choice.:D
Jackie in Tampa
09-04-2008, 10:31 AM
:D ya'll are so funny!
Parker is going to gum you to death...I think it's groovy that the teeth are going, you'll be able to interact with him safely! He will end up enjoying it, not having teeth but having scratchins. Alot of extra work, all that choppen'...been there, done that, do everyday for Rocky:thumbsup
:wave123 Good Luck Parker:Love_Icon
Feeze with ratties!:D I like your pics of sqs, so I guess ratties will be cute too!:jump :jump
Sqs...the more the merrier...that's what I keep telling myself....and FRED:sanp3
I have a question for wheezer. I know this has been awhile by the dates, but I am curious by what you mean split the teeth into the gums. Do you mean the the tooth or teeth will split the entire length of the tooth into the gums? I have a squirrel with teeth problems and have trimmed them myself twice with just good sharp tool similar to what has been posted here to use. I am scared to death I will cause a problem for my squirrel. So any thoughts you have would help. :thankyou
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