View Full Version : Angel's down Help please
Angel's Mom
07-09-2006, 11:40 AM
I'm pretty sure Angel's very pregnant, or something else is making her stomach roll so much that I can see it with my reading glasses at 3 feet, and I'm blind as a bat. She was OK yesterday. I moved her into a much larger aviary. She is installed into a house near the top. But since last night she hasn't moved much and is reluctant to climb down for food or water. I put food (Kale (thanks you for your advice guys!!), roasted pine nuts, roasted walnuts, 1 bing cherry sliced no pit, distilled water) into her house. She sat up to eat a few nuts, the cherry and drank about 2 tablespoons of water. Then she snuggled and slept. Early this morning, 2:15 approx, she was sound asleep and didn't respond so gentle petting. This morning, 9 am, she didn't wake up when I spoke to her, and was startled when I stroked her back. I offered her a roasted walnut, several pinenuts, water. She sat up to eat a piece of walnut, then settled back down again. In my heart I know nature will take its course but what can I do to help her? What do I watch for to know when she is having babies? How do I know everything is going as it should? How do I ensure the babies stay wild? How long do you thing Angel has before the babies are born? Can you tell I'm nervous? Thanks everyone!!
island rehabber
07-09-2006, 11:48 AM
I'm pretty sure Angel's very pregnant, or something else is making her stomach roll so much that I can see it with my reading glasses at 3 feet, and I'm blind as a bat. She was OK yesterday. I moved her into a much larger aviary. She is installed into a house near the top. But since last night she hasn't moved much and is reluctant to climb down for food or water. I put food (Kale (thanks you for your advice guys!!), roasted pine nuts, roasted walnuts, 1 bing cherry sliced no pit, distilled water) into her house. She sat up to eat a few nuts, the cherry and drank about 2 tablespoons of water. Then she snuggled and slept. Early this morning, 2:15 approx, she was sound asleep and didn't respond so gentle petting. This morning, 9 am, she didn't wake up when I spoke to her, and was startled when I stroked her back. I offered her a roasted walnut, several pinenuts, water. She sat up to eat a piece of walnut, then settled back down again. In my heart I know nature will take its course but what can I do to help her? What do I watch for to know when she is having babies? How do I know everything is going as it should? How do I ensure the babies stay wild? How long do you thing Angel has before the babies are born? Can you tell I'm nervous? Thanks everyone!!
Let me say right away that I have no experience with pregnant squirrels but basic common sense advice would be to give her all the peace, calm and quiet that she needs and let nature take its course. Providing water for her is the best thing you can do, as well as keeping disturbances away from her of course. Please keep us posted, OK? How wonderful it will be to have little squirrel babies to enjoy!
Angel's Mom
07-09-2006, 12:02 PM
Thank you Island Rehabber. Yes, I'll be sure to follow your advice.
07-09-2006, 01:45 PM
Hi Angels mom. How long have you had Angel? Do you have the rat and mouse pelleted food? It is very nutritious and hopefully she might eat it. I buy the pelleted food from walmart and it is made by 8 in 1. Also you can try a slice of apple or orange and they usually love avocado,mushroom, and cucumber. It is unusual for babies to be born in captivity so this will be a new experience for most of us. I too feel that a calm,quiet, private place away from people and other animals is key here. Please keep us posted and I wish you and the momma to be lots of luck. Stacey
I'm pretty sure Angel's very pregnant, or something else is making her stomach roll so much that I can see it with my reading glasses at 3 feet, and I'm blind as a bat. She was OK yesterday. I moved her into a much larger aviary. She is installed into a house near the top. But since last night she hasn't moved much and is reluctant to climb down for food or water. I put food (Kale (thanks you for your advice guys!!), roasted pine nuts, roasted walnuts, 1 bing cherry sliced no pit, distilled water) into her house. She sat up to eat a few nuts, the cherry and drank about 2 tablespoons of water. Then she snuggled and slept. Early this morning, 2:15 approx, she was sound asleep and didn't respond so gentle petting. This morning, 9 am, she didn't wake up when I spoke to her, and was startled when I stroked her back. I offered her a roasted walnut, several pinenuts, water. She sat up to eat a piece of walnut, then settled back down again. In my heart I know nature will take its course but what can I do to help her? What do I watch for to know when she is having babies? How do I know everything is going as it should? How do I ensure the babies stay wild? How long do you thing Angel has before the babies are born? Can you tell I'm nervous? Thanks everyone!!
Secret Squirrel
07-09-2006, 02:01 PM
First off was Angel in with male squirrels...I don't remember your squirrel set up? She must have been since you belive her to be with child....duhhh on me!!!
Anyway, it's so cool if she has kids in capativity because you will be able to teach us so much about the process. Keep us posted on her condition, and God bless you....grand ma-ma!:grouphug
Angel's Mom
07-09-2006, 04:21 PM
Thanks everyone for your concern. Angel and I have been together less I found her outside after she was knocked out by our rat trap. Before that I had seen her around our house for maybe a year or more. When I took her in I didn't see signs that she was already a mom. I didn't notice her change in proportions until a few days ago, and then I thought I was imagining it. I bought some rat food yesterday, but I'll add avocado, mushroom and oranges to my shopping list. IShe likes apples too. Angel hasn't accepted any of the calcium-rich foods yet, no to broccoli, kale. I haven't found antlers for sale. Couldn't find a rat block. Should I try cuttlefish? Unfortunately since I last posted the wood support bar for Angle's house fell and she fell with it. No harm, thankfully. We are working quickly to rebuild her house so she can get some rest. Right now she is resting in a soft but makeshift home on the floor of her cage, which is 2 1/2 feet off the floor. She is warm and comfy for now. I offered her more distilled water and her favorite freshly roasted nuts but she ignored them. She is a trooper!
07-09-2006, 04:29 PM
Try to take it easy in the nuts you feed her as they have very little nutritional value and she will eat them instead of what she needs to stay healthy. Stacey
Thanks everyone for your concern. Angel and I have been together less I found her outside after she was knocked out by our rat trap. Before that I had seen her around our house for maybe a year or more. When I took her in I didn't see signs that she was already a mom. I didn't notice her change in proportions until a few days ago, and then I thought I was imagining it. I bought some rat food yesterday, but I'll add avocado, mushroom and oranges to my shopping list. IShe likes apples too. Angel hasn't accepted any of the calcium-rich foods yet, no to broccoli, kale. I haven't found antlers for sale. Couldn't find a rat block. Should I try cuttlefish? Unfortunately since I last posted the wood support bar for Angle's house fell and she fell with it. No harm, thankfully. We are working quickly to rebuild her house so she can get some rest. Right now she is resting in a soft but makeshift home on the floor of her cage, which is 2 1/2 feet off the floor. She is warm and comfy for now. I offered her more distilled water and her favorite freshly roasted nuts but she ignored them. She is a trooper!
Alaskan Squirrel Cam
07-09-2006, 04:40 PM
es apples too. Angel hasn't accepted any of the calcium-rich foods yet, no to broccoli, kale. I haven't found antlers for sale. . She is a trooper!
I have both moose and caribou antler, but no deer antlers because we don't have any in this part of Alaska. I'm willing to donate if you can't find any. All you will have to do is pay for the mailing. I can send small pieces that I'll cut off instead of the whole antler. Full antlers would be unreasonable to send, and moose antlers whole can weigh far more than one would want to send in the mail.
07-09-2006, 08:58 PM
we recently rehabbed a squirrel who gave birth in our care. we had no idea she was pregnant, the cage she was in was extremely unsuitable (holes for the babies to fall through, no nest box, etc.), and in the end, all of her babies died. keep this in mind though; she had been hit by a car. not only could that have damaged the babies (two of the four were still born, we think) but it made her an unsuitable mother. on top of all of this, we checked on her far too frequently, since we were rather panicked, and that (we think) made her lose interest in her babies near the end.
mothers need certain things when they give birth; probably the most important are nesting material, a secure nesting box (or at least a nest with high walls) and seculsion. it sounds like you have the first two taken care of.
the only warning i really want to give you is to give her space once those babies come out. it's soooooo hard to resist, because there are things that one would like to know when an animal gives birth; how are the babies, how many are there, is mom doing ok, etc.. but the stress of having people around alone could send her off of her babies.
i think you'll be in good shape, since she seems to trust you and she's in good health, but if i were you i'd cover most of her cage with blankets (as long as it's not too hot) to minimize her seeing you. and do NOT pick up her babies unless they need obvious medical attention, but even then you might not want to risk it, because newborns who are obviously sick probably die anyway, and you could jeopardize the other babies' well-being by stressing mom. i'd say avoid touching the babies at all until they start to wander around the enclosure, or until their eyes open.
i'm not an expert on this stuff, but i've been through a few rodent pregnancies in my life, and i'm pretty sure of the basics. otherwise just play it by ear and keep doing what you're doing. :D keep us updated.
here's a pic of the mama squirrel i was talking about....she was frozen in fear at this point, and as you can see didn't bring her baby back to her like she should have. the baby's skin is also drying out at this point.....
07-09-2006, 09:14 PM
I she is pregnant she needs nutritious food.Try to get Rodent blocks.Also she needs space.A nest box will do.And it needs to be quiet for her to be less stressed.There is a member "xoxkayxox" who breeds chipmunks.there are some info on her site about pregnancies.
Perhaps you will be able to find some info there.I dont know of a site that has info on squirrel pregnancies.I hope this will help.
PS : you can get Rodent block and antlers from Chris's Squirrels and More.
07-09-2006, 11:09 PM
Is this the same one that I saw the post on - that got snapped by the rat trap?
If so, how long have you had her? I am asking because if she hasn't been in your care very long as in a matter of days and you are suddenly noticing a big tummy it could be bloat.
Just wondering....
07-09-2006, 11:20 PM
Although this information will be about flying squirrels, a lot of it might be of help to you.
I have had quite a few flyers give birth. I rarely bother the mothers and babies until they are at least 2 weeks old, unless the mothers obviously don't object. As soon as I see that they have given birth, I move nest box and all into a 'maternity cage', (the only cage I have that has a door large enough to put a nest box through with no trouble), and then make sure they have all the food they want. Yogurt is a great food for them - they usually like it, and it has lots of calcium. Always use the live culture yogurt - I usually give Dannon LaCreme, any flavor.
Giving birth is a natural thing, and the mom will know what to do when the time comes. I doubt that there will be anything you could do. Just make sure she has quiet, a good warm nest (use fleece, 100% cotton balls, a box of cheap kleenex or toilet tissue with no dyes or perfumes added, etc., for bedding), plenty of good food, and lots of privacy.
Good luck with her - babies are truly a joy to have.
07-10-2006, 12:03 PM
Hi, Hows Angel doing today?
Im not sure squirrels but my chipmunks have had babies as you probably know from my website someone posted. I do no that chimunks stay active right trough the pregnancy and then stay in bed the day of the birth im not sure if this is the same for squirrels? but id pressume so also another good way to tell if shes definatly pregnant would be if she has teats and if her teats are obvious.
Apple Corps
07-10-2006, 05:36 PM
I would never provide DISTILLED water - it is not natural and does not have any minerals in it. Tap water works fine for all of us.
How is she doing???
Secret Squirrel
07-10-2006, 07:12 PM
I personally use filtered water due to the fact we have well water with a very high alkaline content. Which tastes like salty water to me. It corrodes our pipes and leaves a crust on everything. It's funny because all my glasses that come from the dishwasher look as if they need a Margarita drink in them!! Ha Ha!
Even if I had "city" water I would used spring or distilled water because of all the chemicals (chlorine) used in making the "city" water safe.
If minerals are needed for a long term animal then Prime suppliment can be added .
Good luck and keep us posted on her.
Angel's Mom
07-10-2006, 08:37 PM
Your concern warms my heart. Thank you all of you. Ok. We're on tap water now. I took away all but a couple of pine nuts. I went out and bought stuff. Angel now has a small cat bed, the type that is fabric with a sort of hood on top, and it has a short retaining wall thing in front. About 3 inched tall - think that will hold the babies in for awhile. If Angel doesn't want to use that one until the babies are older I also installed a small ferret cuddle bed. It too has raised sides. Both are attached to the walls of the cage so they aren't going anywhere. When I first put them in, Angel tried with all her might to get them to move off the ledge. Once she was satisfied she settled into the smaller one. I put nesting material in that one which she is now sleeping under. I put kale out where she can get it. What else should I give her to eat? I picked up powdered Puppy's milk just in case. Also have some yogurt treats so I'll offer her those too. She didn't like garlic, onion, red pepper. She tossed the cucumber across her cage, so I guess she really doesn't like cucumber. She said no to sweet potato, peas, green beans, broccoli, asparagus. What she doesn't like she removes from her dishes. She likes cherries so I'll give her one of those too, pit removed :) I'm checking her for bloat next time I can see her. Would her tummy move with bloat?? What else guys?? Thank you for helping me out. Just know that Angel is receiving the benefit of your advice as soon as I can follow it - Good thing Walgreens is open 24-7 nearby!
Angel's Mom
07-10-2006, 08:40 PM
Bob, thank you for your offer of antlers. Yes I would pay whatever cost. I'll send you a money-order or whatever. Please let me know. Thanks a bunch!
Secret Squirrel
07-10-2006, 08:58 PM
Try the broccoli stalks and not so much of the florets, at least mine liked the hard stalks to chew on. Cauliflower florets are good, green tomatoes, carrots, yogurt is good for their gut, not lite or reduced calorie with artificial sweetner... mine liked vanilla the best. I would put a 1/2 tsp in the lid of a jar every other day. Cut out the fresh fruit and try some dried fruit. Also dried veggies you can make by slicing them and placing on the oven rack at 250 degrees until dried. I use a wire cooling rack on a cookie sheet when I dry a lot of stuff. If you have a dehydrator it's a lot better than my drying method. She may turn her nose up at the "good for her food", but she will eat when she gets hungry enough.
07-11-2006, 01:02 PM
when my rat was pregnant, i fed her little pieces of unseasoned chicken covered in yogurt. i'm not sure if that would apply to squirrels though....anyway, she loved it, but after she gave birth she wouldn't eat it anymore. funny little rat.
you'll know she's close to labor when she is constantly nesting. that is, rearranging bedding a lot, patting it down, turning it around, looking rather anxious. don't interefere with that; i tried to help my rat, and she bit me. she NEVER bit me ever again, and she was the sweetest rat ever. rodents need space when they're in the pregnant mode. ;)
07-11-2006, 08:47 PM
How is Angel today.Besides the green stuff, I think its better to give her Rodent Block also.
Secret Squirrel
07-12-2006, 08:37 AM
No, her tummy wouldnt move with bloat. Keeo us updated...I check this site hourly just so I can see how she is doing!!!
Angel's Mom
07-13-2006, 07:56 PM
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Angel. Night before last, Angel was sleeping in a spread eagle position, tummy-side down. Since she looked warm the next morning, I opened the windows all around. Even with the temperature at 64 she still looked warm. Then later that day she cuddled up, so I closed the windows. She didn't move much all that night. This morning she was still quiet. I replaced one of the beds for a different style, which she immediately took to, and went back to sleep. She has eaten 2 peanuts, 1 yogurt treat, 1/2 cherry over the last 2 days, plus a little water. Other than that she is very quiet. I've always had to stimulate her appetite by putting food close to her face. She doesn't seem to recognize it otherwise. But even after doing this, she still has eaten so little of what I offer to her. She barely touched the boiled corn-on-the-cob. Her favorite, too! She hasn't run around at all, choosing to sleep instead of coming out for exercise. I hope her behavior is normal for a pregnant squirrel. I put two different kinds of rodent block on her tray: one looks like an ice-cream cone, the other a large carrot. She is rejecting all the greens, fruits, yogurt, even pine nuts and pecan. She lets me lightly massage her back as usual but her sides are tender, as to be expected. Fortunately her back legs are no longer bothering her ( from her run-in with the rat trap). She let me touch them. She still walks a little funny, though. Sort of like a drunk person. I wish I had first-hand reassurance that Angel is pregnant. As someone here suggested i looked for her teets but didn't find them larger than normal - then again I wish I knew what normal was. They were small red dots. Now they are not so obvious. They are covered in fur today. Angel is fine, in other words. I'm a nervous wreck but isn't that how it is for us squirrel-parents! Thanks again all you loving, caring people!
07-13-2006, 08:11 PM
Hi Angels mom were you able to locate the pelleted rat and mouse food for her? Have you tried a good hamster seed mix? Also try the corn on the cob raw it is more nutritious that way but whatever you can get her to eat the better. We are all watching for your posts and keeping her in our prayers. Please keep us posted. Stacey
07-13-2006, 09:31 PM
Checking on the baby....
I think that with bloat you would have seen vomiting by now.... maybe....Secret Squirrel - do you recall much about bloat???
Anyway, I also think that if it was that - she would have worsened tremendously by now. Keep us informed! Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way!
Secret Squirrel
07-13-2006, 10:08 PM
Angel's mom,
Is Angel pooing and peeing OK?? Just a thought.....not sure if you posted anything about that issue.
Angel's Mom
07-14-2006, 11:01 AM
Ive been watching and her stuff is OK, pee and poop look normal. I've been offering her the pellitized food but she isn't interested in it or much of anything else. I'm going to move her just in the evenings back to our room. It is easy to set up her old cage again. Maybe she is depressed? Before I moved her, each evening she would run around the room looking like she was having a gay 'ole time. I'll let you know how it goes. Big hugs all around to y'all. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Angel's Mom
Mrs. Jack
07-15-2006, 08:18 AM
how's the critter? been keeping up, but little to offer carewise. I do wonder, is your tap water fluoridated? Thats why I offer bottled water instead, I worry about the affects of fluoride on the little critters.
Secret Squirrel
07-16-2006, 09:42 PM
How is Angel doing??? I know I keep pestering ya, but I just can't help it :carzy2 !!!
Keep us posted on her... we really care about her and you too!!! :grouphug
Now two of my squirrels are preggo (Mom and daughter) and I am nervious and don't know what to expect!!!!! Of course they are in the wild and there isnt much I really can do....bummer!!!
island rehabber
07-17-2006, 11:59 AM
Angel's Mom --- any word? We're all on pins & needles here!
07-19-2006, 11:09 AM
2 Days without any news.I think all are worried.Update on Angel is a must.
island rehabber
07-19-2006, 11:47 AM
2 Days without any news.I think all are worried.Update on Angel is a must.
I agree....I hope it's good news. GhosTS, now that you are on the "worrying" side of The Squirrel Board, you understand how we all went crazy waiting for Sparks reports. :Love_Icon :tilt
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