04-08-2008, 02:04 PM
:dono help please!!
A week ago i came across some orphaned squirrels, one boy and one girl. they are both still pretty small, their eyes are still closed and they have a little bit of hair. They have been doing well up until last night when the boy, Francis, suddenly began looking very bloated.
Since then i've tried everything i can think of- belly massages, warm baths, etc. Nothing is making him go!!
This morning he began exhibiting the signs of pneumonia- rattling sounds, labored breath, a "clicking sound" when he breathes, stuffy nose. I have some baytril- is this an acceptable antibiotic? I hope so because the vet won't give me any other medicines due to the fact that i'm not licensed to care for these animals.
It's so strange that he's suddenly ill, he had been very healthy until now. Great appetite, very strong, much larger than his little sister.... I dont know what happened!
Any suggestions anyone?! I need help!!
A week ago i came across some orphaned squirrels, one boy and one girl. they are both still pretty small, their eyes are still closed and they have a little bit of hair. They have been doing well up until last night when the boy, Francis, suddenly began looking very bloated.
Since then i've tried everything i can think of- belly massages, warm baths, etc. Nothing is making him go!!
This morning he began exhibiting the signs of pneumonia- rattling sounds, labored breath, a "clicking sound" when he breathes, stuffy nose. I have some baytril- is this an acceptable antibiotic? I hope so because the vet won't give me any other medicines due to the fact that i'm not licensed to care for these animals.
It's so strange that he's suddenly ill, he had been very healthy until now. Great appetite, very strong, much larger than his little sister.... I dont know what happened!
Any suggestions anyone?! I need help!!