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Thread: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

  1. #1
    Tammy Guest

    Default Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Hello Everyone My husband and I are going to build a raccoon enclosure for a friend of mine who owns and operates Sandy Pines Wildlife Center in Napanee Ontario. My friend is having problems emailing a photo of an 8x8 raccoon enclosure so my husband has a photo to go by. He is a carpenter and doesn't want to guess on how to build this structure. I know that this is a squirrel site but I'm hoping a rehabber here has this info. Thank you! I love this site So many caring people here

  2. #2
    Buddy'sMom Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Tammy, in case you haven't had any PM response, you should send PMs to Mars and to dmgualtieri -- they both might have some ideas for you. Or perhaps we can assist in getting your friend's picture emailed to you? Does s/he have a digital photo? If it's not digital, is there anyplace she could have it scanned? Just thinking that if s/he has something specific in mind, someone else's solution, however wonderful, might not be "right."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    I have a friend who is a rehabber with a beautiful enclosure for one of her non-releasables. I will ask her to send a picture and will then put it on. I should get it by tomorrow. It even has a waterfalls
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  4. #4
    Tammy Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Thanks Wheezer , the enclosure sounds really nice especially with a waterfalls in it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Here are her cages for rehabbing raccoons Then the large enclosure for her permanent guy "Razzie" The pics of Razzie's cage were taken when not quite finished. His house platform is now up near the top. He sleeps up there. He is on top of the little waterfalls in one picture
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    OOPPS forgot the picture of Razzies cage! The chain link cage is for the rehabbers!
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Another thought. The one who built all the enclosures is my friend's husband who is a carpenter too. So if your husband would like to email him, just pm me and I will give you his email address.
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  8. #8
    Loopy Squirrel Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    That is a beautiful cage. I love how is surrounds the tree.

  9. #9
    TexanSquirrel Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    And beautiful coonies too!

  10. #10
    tatcat Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    omg i thought my iguanas (dont have anymore) was built nicely...the one with the tree is awesome...i gotta post pics of my all the animals i have had...

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Here are some pics of my enclosures, but I don't think they will be much help as far as building ideas go....mine are mostly metal and wire enclosures that I had made by cage companies with the exception of some additions by my dad. But they may give you ideas and if you have any questions feel free!

    The chain link cage is the release cage and one big cage. The main cage is broken down into 3 parts...the smaller wire section on the left, then the indoor section, then the larger wire section on the right. I can separate all sections or open doors to connect them and make it all one big pen depending on what I have in and how & if they have to be separated . Then of course lots of shelves, trees to climb hammocks and den boxes etc for fun! I even have the frame of an old papasan chair hanging from the top of the tall section of the pen.
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

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  13. #13
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Very cool cages. It looks like you took those pictures from inside the cages. Don't the releasable coons get mean and come after you?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Those are all babies still....and all raised on the bottel by I'm the mommy! They loooooooooooove the mommy!

    They are afraid of everyone else....but they just run and hide, they would never go after anyone (unless cornered and forced to defend themselves). Coonies are lovers, not fighters! They would rather avoid confrontation (except with each other during mating season)..disappearing before you know they are even there...unless forced to protect themselves or their kits....or unless sick....
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Ours is just the opposite. He does not like me at all and tolerates my husband, who he does see as "mommy". I'll be glad to give him his freedom.

  16. #16
    Sciurus1 Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    WOW, that is some compound you have built there, looks like a real piece of raccoon paradise! I just love the photos of the raccoons just lov'in it all; the tail hang'in down shot, too cute, as are all the others! Next time we are in Oregon, perhaps we can come and see it.

  17. #17
    Tammy Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    Thanks for the great pictures of all these wonderful enclosures. This gives us a pretty good idea of what to build.

  18. #18
    steven444 Guest

    Default Re: Need photo of Raccoon Enclosure

    nice pictures thanks for sharing

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