I give them 2 worms and a small chunk of the dried chicken per day.

Yes, the ideal foods are 2:1 or as close as possible in terms calcium to phosphorus.
Keep in mind that calcium is just one aspect of nutrition. Granted, for rodents it is a critical factor of nutrition. You will be interested to know that this applies to all mammals including us. This is why Cokes cause osteoporosis in humans. You won't see any calcium on the label but phosphoric acid is right there at the top. The body will try to reestablish the 2:1 levels in the body by pulling calcium from the bones. I myself was guilty of this.

Those foods that are Extremely offbalanced are on my do not feed list. Pine nuts would be on that list. Peanuts are too. You learn to substitute more healthy options for less healthy ones. In other words, an almond is a much better choice than a peanut for a treat. As you can see, it would take a lot of calcium to offset a few pine nuts.

Avocado in terms of calcium isn't much better than nuts. Actually it's worse than almonds BUT it does have other nutrients that are good so I do give them some as part of the diet. It's all about balance. You can't make the diet all about calcium but it is very important. Of course, a light dusting of calcium carbonate is helpful. I do that occasionally as a supplement. Don't overdo that because too much calcium isn't helpful either.

Yeah, it's kind of gruesome watching them eat worms. I just give them to the boys and walk away.