Aww, Kate! My heart goes out to you! Consider yourself hugged by this fellow squirrel-lover. I've released 3 boys this summer, the most recent just 2 weeks ago, and we saw one (Simon, released in early-June) a few times, the other 2 who were the recent releases only stuck around a couple of days before disappearing into the trees. Of course I worry & hope they didn't become hawk lunch or a coyote snack, but there's great tree cover where they are, and chances are good that they're just finding territory of their own & females to flirt with. It was glorious watching them explore the trees for the first time, & to dig in the dirt & feel the grass under their sharp-nailed little feet! I wish I lived where they were released--they went free at my parents' house, which is surrounded by trees & has lots of space for a release cage--but it may be better that I don't, so I don't have the expectation of seeing them every day, or not. Regardless, I feel for you and do understand. Hopefully your baby will come visit & let you know he's OK, sooner rather than later. But just because he doesn't check in doesn't mean that the worst has happened! He's doing what he was designed to do, and he's free, as he should be. I guess "free" includes the freedom to choose to venture elsewhere..... Sigh..... Hang in there!