I've been searching the internet all night for information and found this forum.
I found the baby squirrel on my porch last night from a cat attack. It had a puncture in the back of the neck. I have since brought him inside, given him a warm bath to clean the wound and put him in a box with a white tshirt and put a heating pad under the box to keep him warm. I went out and got some pedialyte and a syringe because the the first site i googled on my phone said thats what you should do.

I've fed him twice now over the course of 5-6 hours and just found another site that says not to use pedialyte but scalded milk.. so I'm going to use that for the next feeding.

I am in Brandon, FL and could use a hand. I own multiple cats and wouldn't want to endanger this little guy by trying to raise him myself.

He hasn't moved much but after feeding he opened his eyes, moved his legs a little bitch and began calling with little squeaks. He has not stood up on his own power at all and doesn't try to run when picked up for feeding.

I'll take a picture here after this post.

Please help.. don't want this little guy to die.