I have several squirrels in my yard that I feed that have mange, most of them, new mothers. I have been treating them with Ivermectin. I have 3 yellow labs and one has just been diagnosed with sarcoptic mange. He's just a mess. they gave him a shot of Ivermectin, prednisone and have him on antibiotics and as soon as it arrives in the mail, revolution. They will ALL be treated for the next 3 months, along with my inside squirrel, Chumpy Mumps. Does anyone know if you can give the horse Ivermectin to the dogs??? They are all around 100 lbs, and 2 of them are diabetic. I just feel so horrible that this happened!! The one in the worst shape is my Dad's dog, who is my dog's brother and son. I was "taking care" of him while my Dad was on vacation back in April, which was when this started. I've had him to the vet twice, and then we just went again today. It has cost him about $600.00 so far. Just a heads up for all of you animal lovers, that it can infect other species!!!