I have been raising a baby red squirrel for a little while, feeding him Esbilac puppy formula, but I have a question. I know squirrels (Adult) can have unsalted peanuts (peanut butter too?), and I love peanut butter, I buy expensive organic types in all different flavors, well, I was wondering if a baby squirrel can have a little peanut butter and if I could mix it with the puppy formula? (Make it more tasty >_>)

And, he only seems to really want to eat one full meal a day (one meal of puppy formula, although I do try, and he does get a few mouth fulls, two or three more times in the day) but he does have seeds in his cage, which I know he eats everyday (not sure how much) (it's seeds sold from PetCo for squirrels) And I think he's only six weeks old (He's wobbly, can hold seeds in his hands and eat them, and can curl tail, but he's tiny), which from what I understand, should be eating three puppy formula meals a day, unless I'm wrong.

And, when I wake him up (or he wakes me) in the morning, when he sees me, he stretches his whole body and reaches his hands out towards me, and makes grunting noises, is he happy or upset that he's been woken up?

Thank you so so so so much!