My little sisters has two 2 week old kittens and one of them, her little boy, I think has some serious problems. I wanted to know if anyone has and experience with anything like it. Like I said he's two weeks old, he is pretty overweight which I am worried about too and his legs look like they are going the wrong way... when you hold him up and look at his belly it almost looks like his feet are going backwards. I've had a LOT of experience with kittens from my family dealing with a lot of feral cats and being a colony caregiver and I have never seen anything like this. We are planning on taking him to the vet, but I wanted to see if anyone on here has had anything like this with another kitten or any other animal. He has one sister, but there were four in the litter, two of the kittens were born dead (one wasn't fully developed and the other one was just gone. My sister had to try to revive the little girl that is here now.) His sister, Sapphire, we are thinking has a dwarfism, so obviously their mom has some issues in the first place. I'm just worried about the little guy, his name is Onyx, so I may let him come live with me when he's old enough if he can't walk or if he still has problems. He is very mobile right now but instead of using his feet like his sister does he pulls himself with his front feet and just kind of kicks his back and when he does try to use his back feet they aren't positioned like they should be. I would greatly appreciate any info at all, no matter how small. Thanks